by the way, I have a question.......not sure if any of you have ever heard/seen anything like this before.... DSS is almost 3. this morning he did 2 funny little pellets... then this afternoon he did a really big one and it had some stringy gooey stuff in it. we didn't think too much of it, but then we just put him in the bath and he had a big spot of discharge on his nappy - the only thing i can compare it to is CM. (which I obviously know it isn't...hahahah) It was sort of a dark beige/yellowy colour & it had a few little red streaks, like membranes. DH's mum though it sounded like it was constipation, and he had just come good again, and the discharge was just his body's way of getting it normal again.... just though i;d see on the off chance that someone may have seen it before, cos we never have.
i like lemon poppyseed, blueberry, OH likes raspberry, we're pretty easy 'cept I don't do anything with bananas or sultanas! =
and umm no zucchini at the moment
i like lemon poppyseed, blueberry, OH likes raspberry, we're pretty easy 'cept I don't do anything with bananas or sultanas! =
and umm no zucchini at the moment
Yum, I have a few rippas! Will send tomorrowminus zucchini, which I could see you adding to your bacon avocado lol
rosie-there is nobody else hiding, trust me, they looked at all angles!! GL on your scans, i'm sure everything is good, i had those done a few months back, they came back normal! FX!!!
enjoy your ride!!!!
bec- i've been making OH 'weigh' mytoo, i cannot get over how big they are!! They've actually become less big and saggy bc they've filled out sooo much!! OUCH too!!
angel- good luck at DRs, and yay for more house hunting!! And a party is always a good thing to get your mind off everything and just relax and enjoy yourself tonight!!
maddy- glad you got caught up, and birthday sounds fun to me, and added bonus of teenager timeI'm just as scientific with my garden, always needing stuff for the things,
melainey- yay for the possible job!!!
mum2q- i love your openness and your questions!!!good on ya!
We're slightly on edge bc we have to go see our specialist (sooner than planned) bc of the size cyst on my rt ovary and a sub chorionic bleed- know anything my lil nurse friend Rosie?!? I'm not overly concerned with the cyst, they will monitor it, and if it gets bigger surgery is an option in 2nd or 3rd trimester, or they will take care of it after bub is born. The bleed can be a bit of a worry and needs to be monitored as well. So next scan at 11 weeks unless specialist wants one before then, and he might. And will still have to talk to him about getting the ok to travel, so fx! we'll make that appoint on monday, and hope to get in next week!
Good morning ladies
I am very hungover so I will not be commenting on everythingBad idea to drink on antibiotics NEVER again haha....
Kiwi - Wedding sounds amazing can't wait to see photos
2mums - Hoping everything will be ok (i'm sure it will be) x
Rosie - What does it mean that you don't have the syndrome? I have pcos and am not on meds for it but you can still get pregnantDon't think of it as wasted
You will be fine
Hello everybody else... Love to you all x
Didnt take temp this morning as I had my head in a bucketWhy did I do this to myself haha! Didn't make it to autocross am still lying in bed