Wow. Who'd have thought it'd be such a ruddy fight
Having read your full description in the first post, it does sound like you have real real cause to suspect autism, and some of it as triggered my memory for things Lauren does - the shutting herself in rooms to be alone, she doesn't like a lot of fuss and noise, plays like she's in a bubble ignoring everything else.
But she's a good eater, in that she instinctively opens her mouth like a baby bird when food is offered - always pulls a face like I'm feeding her cowdung, but always accepts it, lol! She's a strong girl, a very strong girl!, (part of the wider problem) yet her sister is a lot faster on her feet...
AND, if in the right frame of mind, one on one, she will giggle when I tickle her or make a certain noise she finds amusing - does that negate an autistic diagnosis if she can do that? It's got to be when she's in the mood though, mostly if I try to hug or tickle her, she pushes me off.
That's the thing, there
are flashes of warmth and social awareness, but rarely, and only with me. I think that's why I have shrugged it off a bit til now. I wish there was more realistic advice on the net about it, so many questions, so
many different answers, I only want one!
Well hunny, looks like you and me might be sailing in a similar boat, here's hoping you get to where you need to get for little Abi. Will keeplooking in on you, and will keep you posted on anything that happens this end too