Autumn and Winter 2011 babies...Come on in!

Hello! I'm 13 weeks today! :happydance:
I've not been around here for a few weeks as I've been so shattered! Luckily, my energy is beginning to return and I can even stay awake after 9pm now! Still quite hormonal though and have cried a few times today for absolutely no reason. Maybe all these late nights are exhausting me!! :haha:

I'm exactly the same! 13 weeks now and I'm feeling a little more energetic but these past couple of weeks I just sob at everything :cry:

This is my 5th (and final) baby. No problems so far and none expected (I seem to be one of the lucky ones). I don't want to find out the gender but I think OH does.
We have 3 older girls and a 1 year old boy - I'd like another boy so they can be really close but a girl would make my day also :thumbup:
Hello ladies!!

My appointment today was mostly good news. The kind of not good news is that I am still not really gaining any weight but at least I didn't lose anymore.

My 3 hour glucose test is negative so no GD worries. :happydance: My ultrasound didn't show anything negative, no placenta previa or worries about separation. The midwife did say that the uterus can be irritated by anything including walking up stairs so it may have just been one of those things, a few times. Hopefully that is all over with. I have never had to worry about high blood pressure and this time it was pretty low. As long as it doesn't keep being long, I am sure it is fine.

She also went over some of the hospital information that I wasn't going to ask about for a few weeks yet. She let me know that the clinic has a doctor at the hospital all the time and that my doctor will be called even if she isn't on call, though she might be able to get there in time. It is nice that there is a chance.

She also warned me that the only thing she doesn't like about the hospital is that they get a little territorial with the babies and try and keep them in the nursery at night. I didn't have any problem last time but it was during a chance over in things. However, I don't have any problem insisting on getting what I want either. :winkwink: She also says that their doctors will do the infant check ups during the morning so I won't have to worry about them trying to do that in the middle of the night again.

The one things she talked about that I had no idea is that third babies do not tend to follow the trend of second babies so I should have more time in labor, etc. None of mine have been long but if we can double the time of the last one, an hour and half should at least get everyone to the hospital. That helped to reassure me a little.

All in good, a pretty good visit. I could go four weeks this time or two weeks and then my appointments are all two weeks. Look for me to be starting a new thread early in the week since we don't seem to have much of an opinion on that but I will still be checking in here.
Hi I am entering the 2nd tri., I am 13w2d. This our first and most likely our last. It took over 2 years to be pregnant and was so hard on us but I will never rule out surprises.
I have had some nausea, which has eased up some but the headaches and migraines have been horrible. Ugh, I am hoping that they ease up the further along I get.
We have our anatomy scan Aug. 3rd and we want to find out what we are having. I have so many people telling me what I am having and why they think that. So we'll see who's right. I find it entertaining.
Welcome Tbyrd!! :hi: Thanks for joining in!

ciarhwyfar, good news all the way around! Woohoo! :happydance: I also won't have a problem expressing my wishes either! :winkwink: My experience with this hospital wasn't a good one last time so I have no problems advocating for me or the baby! I'll try not to step on toes, but as far as seeing my baby is concerned, I WILL be sure they understand my wishes. :thumbup:

Okay, I haven't been in here mainly because the injections have started causing nausea and bad migraines. Oy Vey! I'm feeling better now so thought I'd pop in. NOW, if we're going to keep the thread for all trimesters than what should I rename it to ladies?? Help me out and I'll change it! :winkwink:
Hola, I'm 14 weeks today! Had to check out the lemons in the produce section and was pleased to see they are twice the size of limes :winkwink:

This is our first child and so far the baby has been very easy on me: no spotting or morning sickness. Haven't had much in the way of energy, though. I was looking forward to the second-tri energy burst so I could get back on my bike, but after trying on all my jerseys and looking like a whale in each, I'm not so sure I want to be back out there. :haha:
Hi again, quick update. I had my gender scan today and its a Girl!!. I'm over the moon, never thought this would ever happen and still can't quite believe it.

re the 3rd baby thing, I had never heard during my 3rd pregnancy that the birth can be troublesome, it can be really quick or extremely slow. I only found this out when I had to be induced and the little monkey didn't want to come out. They would only use the gel once a day instead of every 6 hours they do for other births and it was my most difficult birth but it was also down to the way he was laying with his hand up against his head and could not engage properly. Don't want to worry any one but I wish I had known about 3rd births before had I was expecting to be in and out of hospital same day or in 1 day like my others but ended up there for 6 days.
Hi again, quick update. I had my gender scan today and its a Girl!!. I'm over the moon, never thought this would ever happen and still can't quite believe it.
re the 3rd baby thing, I had never heard during my 3rd pregnancy that the birth can be troublesome, it can be really quick or extremely slow. I only found this out when I had to be induced and the little monkey didn't want to come out

Congratulations :thumbup: We had 3 girls and so lucky we then had a boy but like you I would have been happy with another girl as I know my way around them (boys have sticky-out bits lol)

My 3rd labour wasn't too bad although I was expecting it to be quicker than it was. My 2nd was born at home it was so quick and we were all expecting the same again. The MW told me to get on all fours and stick my bum up in the air to slow labour by defying gravity and it worked. The labour was still quick in comparison to others but a few hours longer than I had planned for :haha:
Hi everyone, this is my first post although I have been lurking for a while! I am 13 + 5 and had my NT scan yesterday which was incredible! I had one at 9 weeks due to health reasons and the difference is amazing!
This is our first pregnancy - I am 39 so I guess we were late starters!! I am due on 23rd Dec and can't wait!
So, just wanted to say hi really......! I look forward to getting to know some of you as the weeks progress.
Hi everyone and welcome to the newbies!! :hi:

We had our 20 week scan on Monday and I'm very pleased to report that the little one looks healthy and we're having a girl!! We're so excited and it makes it feel even more real. I've also ordered a couple of little pink things, I couldn't help myself!!

Mommy's Angel - sorry to hear you've been feeling unwell, I hope this calms down for you.

I'm feeling really tired at the moment, I think I need to start going to bed earlier!! In 1st tri I was quite often in bed by 9.30 and now it's more like 11 or 11.30 and I seem to get up about 3-4 times each night to either pee or because I've got bad leg cramps!! I mostly love being pregnant but I'm struggling a bit with not sleeping my usual 8 hours solid!!!
hi folks,
thought I'd introduce myself I am 14 weeks and 4 days roughly.. will be 40 and a half when baby is born but still 39 at present!!
this will be our first, been ttc since summer 2009 3 early miscarriages all at 5 weeks and have autoimmune thyroiditis( with thyroid antibodies).
My levels of thyroid hormone are at the low end of normal on the charts, which means that I do not merit medicating as my levels are not dangerously low- this disease is the likely cause of my miscarriages previously and from lots of research and chat with women on b&b I explored the idea that perhaps this was the cause of the miscarriages.Having been reasured by my gp and 2 fertility experts that there was no can aslo be attributed to infertility.
So anyway I got my bfp in April, and this sustained pregnancy I am putting down to taking a low dose of thyroxine prescribed by my understanding gp, whom I handed a pile of research to way back in January this year and was started on thyroxine that very day!
I have also been taking baby asprin since January( not prescribed) so who knows it may be down to the asprin instead...although I've not been diagnosed with any clotting deficiencies.
I had a bleed at 6 weeks and have until week 12 been followed up by epu where I had weekly scans. I had my 12 week nuchal scan last week and there is a slight enlargenment on the nuchal fold, so I have been booked in for an amniocentesis on the 5th July at 16 weeks., although I've still to decide 100% whether to go through with it...

Thats my story girls and sorry I did get carried away with it...
Cannot wait till december the 19th when I'm told the baby is due, I am however wishing wishing wishing so hard to fast forward the next 6 months and to meet my precious child xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
welcome Mandy! that's quite a journey you've been on already and I'm sorry to hear about your losses. I had 1 early m/c at just less than 6 weeks and this was devastating enough. I can't imagine what it would be like to go through that 3 times over. it will be worth it when your baby comes in December though!!! xx
Welcome Mandy :hi: Sorry for everything you've been through but glad you've finally achieved a pregnancy. Such a gift! :hugs: Looking forward to joining you on your journey!

Congrats on all the girls announcements. I added them to the 1st page under gender confirmations. Anyone whose name is missing, please feel free to share your gender Or :yellow: if you would like to have it added!

:hi: also to anyone else I've missed over the past couple of weeks. Things have been a bit crazy. Still on injections for another 12 wks and so far they're doing their job as is the cerclage stitch. Had a scare over the weekend and found a white stitch in the bathroom. I dove for the sucker but it went down the toilet. (eeew gross!) Come to find out it was a dissolving stitch that none of the medical staff new until they went in and saw I had the white dissolving stitch and then the origional blue fishing line type stitch. Turns out the Dr. that did the surgery starts off with the dissolving stitch and the rest is the full stitch. Nobody communicated this to me so that at 2am when I saw the vanishing stitch in the toilet I FREAKED OUT!!

Went in, found out I have bacterial vaginosis AGAIN. They called yesterday to also tell me my urine sample came back with some odd bacteria and put me on yet ANOTHER antibiotic. So I'm now on flagyl and macrobid. :wacko:

Other than that, Amelia has decided she would like to kick HARDER! So I've been jumping lately because she takes the wind out of me. :haha: She's also been taking jabs at my full bladder and I'm finding small pee spots in my panties so this weekend I'm out to buy panty liners!

All is well thus far. How is everyone! WTG on the lemons this week too! I'm headed for wk 25 on Sunday! :happydance: I cannot BELIEVE I've gotten this far and surpassed that dreaded 22wk and 24wk viability milestone. I'm hoping to go to term now! :happydance:

Few questions....Lets get a new name for this thread so it includes everyone and nobody feels they have to leave because they've changed trimesters. We've become a family of sorts in here so I need to come up with a new thread Title! Any suggestions would be VERY helpful!

Second. Has anyone started their shopping yet? How bout the nursery? Lets get some pics going of the bumps, the babies, the shopping and the nursery! This could get fun!

Love to you all! :hug:
wow - Mommys Angel - you've been through a lot too, haven't you? Sounds like this little bub of yours is happy in there though and a big CONGRATULATIONS for being at 25 weeks today!!

I think call the thread something like "Due in Fall/Autumn or Winter 2011 babies" - that should cover everyone who's here already

It's so hot in London today!!! Lovely in some ways but am feeling a bit unbearably hot!! xx
Autumn and Winter 2011 babies works for me.

Still tired a lot and trying to get enough food in every day. I think my doctor will be quite annoyed if I start losing weight again.
yey - that's a good title for the group! well done! It's soooo hot in London today, my OH and I have just been sitting with our feet in a cold bucket of water to try to cool down!!! Not the most romantic thing ever, but kinda cute at the same time!!!
Yes, it is a good name. Thanks to you both we can now include everyone without sending them away when they change trimesters.

Yes, I've been hearing London has been hot. How hot are you over there?? It gets to be in the high 90's and muggy. The higher temps I can "sort of" deal's the muggy weather that puts me over the edge! I can imagine you with a bucket of ice water soaking your feet. :haha: Do you have a beach you can get to close by? This weather is why I demanded my husband splurge for a high end air conditioner. Since I'm on bed rest upstairs there's no WAY I would deal well with high temps. :wacko: Since I also can't go to the beach because of the cerclage..the closest thing to water is the shower. :rofl: Amelia will be worth it though. :winkwink:
Hello all,

I have a regular appointment on Friday this week. I swear I am making up for all of the tiredness I didn't have during first trimester since I just want to sleep until like noon every day. I may have actually managed to gain a little weight since my last appointment but if I did it is because I am having another meal at like midnight from staying up too late. *sigh*

I am starting to get some new symptoms as well and still have like 12 weeks to go until 40 weeks and like 10 if this one decides to come early. I hope everyone else is doing well and is having an easier time of it.

Mommy's Angel, how goes things with the bed rest and your doctors?
Hi there

Mommys Angel - It was in the high 80s on Sunday and Monday, which isn't so bad but the main thing is that we're so unprepared for hot weather over here. A lot of buildings and public transport don't have air conditioning, and we live on the 2nd floor at the moment and seem to get all of the heat from the floors below!! Fortunately we're planning to move in a few months and will be on the ground floor with a garden! I can't wait!! There's no beaches really near here - the nearest would be about an hour away so it's nice for a day out but not very convenient for going of an evening. So how long have you got to be on bed rest for - is it for the rest of your pregnancy? That must be hard going in some ways but good to know you're doing the best for yourself and Amelia (cute name, by the way) :hugs:

Ciarhwyfar - I'm feeling really tired too and not sleeping too well at night. When I'm not at work I can sleep for longer but I've got to be up at 7am most mornings. Then when I get home from work I want to be able to relax and make the most of the evenings so even though I know I should be going to bed early I'm normally staying up till about 11 or so - and then trying to catch up on my sleep at the weekend. Wow - 12 weeks to go!! Not long at all. I can't remember if this is your first baby or if you've got other children? Are you feeling prepared for the LO coming along?

I've been buying pink things all week, I can't help myself. We're going to go out shopping soon for the pram and a few other bits but we'll get most of our things when we move into the new place as we haven't got that much space to put it at the moment! I'm just over 22 weeks now and am counting the days till V day!!! xxx :hugs:
Hi ladies. Leeze, WOW! I know how hot it can be even in the 80's. Without air I'm just MISERABLE! Any floor higher than the first is just AWFUL to bare heat without air moving through. It's why I told my husband we were splurging for the pricey air conditioner we got in the spring. :rofl: I never even thought about the fact that most buildings are prepared for that in the UK. We have a few lakes around here living in the "fingerlakes" region. I can't get to any of them now though with the stitch in, but with your situation, it sure makes me think we take this for granted here!

Ah, the lovely fun in splurging for baby things. The prams in the UK are AWESOME. So are the cloth nappies. If I could get back there to shop I'd have a free for all! :thumbup:

Can't believe you have only 12 wks left and 14wks on sunday for me. Looking at it this way ...Holy COW! ((FAINT)) I can't BELIEVE I've gotten this far. How AWESOME! :happydance: Your almost there and I'm getting SO excited to see your little one. :hugs:

AFM: doing alright. I've noticed this week I've been having some kind of baby blues. Not sure why...hopefully they'll go away soon! Bed rest is coming along well. I'm at 25wks 4 days now and hopefully headed to full term. :happydance: I've been starting to creep out for more rides lately. Not sure how long I'll be on bed rest, it really depends on how far to the stitch she is and whether my amniotic sac starts bulging Those cases will keep me on bed rest and maybe even put me on a more strict rest. Right now as I move into 26wks when the baby is too big to come out on her own even IF the stitch were to come loose, I'm just taking this slow but going for more rides. Nothing walking too far, just a ride to get out. I think I need it with the baby blues I've been feeling.

have an appointment with the doulas tomorrow and perinatal center just for a check up. Spending the rest of the evening snuggling with my husband and our fur babies.

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