Average Costs?

Hi ladies, I am not WTT but I stumbled across this (I am putting together my list of what to buy at the moment) and thought I'd share my list. It isn't complete as I am super forgetful at the moment and can't remember half of the stuff I need to get. But here you go! I haven't put prices as I have been picking up lots of bits and pieces 2nd hand (soooo much cheaper and I feel I'm doing my bit for the environment, hee hee)

Originally Posted by OmiOmen:
Items you need.
*Cot (Ikea ones are cheap and I love mine)
*A changing mat (A changing table is a waste of money)
*Nappies, wipes and nappy bag
*Clothes (To start with a few packs of bodysuits, sleep-suits and something warm really is enough)
*Bedding bale (I got two and it was more than I needed. Also remember the covers, pillow and bumper sets are not recommended for under 1's)
*Towels, and bath/bath support (Depends on which you want but I have a massive baby bath that I love)
*Car seat
*Pram/pushchair/travel system
*Feeding equipment (Depending on if you are BF'ing or FF'ing)

and OmiOmen your lists where great! :D It really is lovely to see everyone's lists, from small lists to large ones, indepth to vague. It's become quite a past time for me recently and (for me anyway) is a great way to control (increase hehe) my broodyness.

I think your right OmiOmen, i love this question, it really does boil down to the personal ideas of what you feel is essential. I think parenting style is also a big factor in this as well, some people may look at my own list and think 'Ohh man I'd never buy those/that'. I find it really intriguing, you can gain a lot of insight from seeing their lists hehe.

I personally love the things I buy for myself from Ikea and Tescos/Asda, so naturally would buy from the same stores for my children I think. Not that I'm judging anybody that splurges on the newborn things, everyone to their own! :thumbup:

The list I have formed is mainly the pure cost if we buy things new (my OH would happily buy EVERYTHING brand new!). I myself am more inclined to go for pre-loved items as much as I could hehe. I've costed in buying things new, but hope that anything I save buy buying pre-loved I can spend on me or something hehe!

I've not added on to my list yet the things like nipple cream, breast pads, nursing bras, baby bath essentials and things, but those will definitely have to be bought! I hope during pregnancy to stock up on varies things week to week so I have a stash by the time I have the bay! hehe.

Everything in our nursery was from Ikea and I think they are all nice items. Plus if like me you have a very tall child a cot-bed will not last long so there is no point spending loads on it. My son is under 9 months and one more growth spurt and he will be about read to come out.

We got one or two things from our weekly shop when we was pregnant too. So the breast pads, maternity pad and baby bath things were spread out and I felt better for getting something each week, almost like it was a productive thing to do. I still have about 2-3 packs of maternity pads so I must have bought too many and a pack of breast pads because once I found out how uncomfortable they are I bought the washable ones from boots.

I bought far too many clothes and we were bought a lot as gifts too. I got way too much bedding which just takes up space and once he hit 3 months I got lots of unneeded things. I think I just thought they needed more than they do.
The thing I would say is get less of everything than you think you will need as you can easily pop out (or get someone else to) if you need more but you don't want to end up with hundreds of one thing you won't need and not much of the thing that becomes priceless!

For example we only bought a couple of packs of each size vest for teeny thinking she would be out of them quickly - we have had to buy umpteen more as at almost 6 months she has just gone into 0-3 month clothes but you know if we had bought 10 packs of tiny baby she would have been 10lbs at birth!

I myself am a planner and had list after list after list (some of which I have in her baby book!) but the one thing babies tell you is you can't really plan for anything :rofl:

You are at such a lovely point, I remember the days spent in here very fondly :cloud9:

I myself am a planner and had list after list after list (some of which I have in her baby book!) but the one thing babies tell you is you can't really plan for anything :rofl:

I can not agree with this more, lol. I remember writing a birth plan in the second trimester and writing about a drug free home-birth, a birthing pool and delayed cord clamping. By the end of the second trimester I was on consultant led care and it was clear I would be on a drip, hooked up to monitors and also need an epidural (to keep BP down). Then it became clear the only option was a planned c-section! You can plan as much as you want with babies but they often have different ideas. :haha:
Mine will be a George and Primark baby teehee x
im doing a bit of a mix. ikea furniture, mothercare bedding, and wherever i can get things the cheapest! ive got a price for most things and it all comes to about £800 all in.
I have the Gulliver cot and changing table (a changing table is rather useless though) and a lot of the Fabler Kamrater textiles which I liked. My nursery was/is basic but I liked it and it is all sturdy stuff. We also asked for Ikea vouchers for Xmas from family which saved us loads! :thumbup:
I have to add that all this talk is making me look through my pregnancy folder on facebook which is making me extra broody again. Lol. :shy:
i know i already have a pushchair but i do like this :blush: click me
I really advise against it. Hauck are a terrible brand, our first was a Hauck Jeep shopper and it was made so badly. Our back axle fell off 3 times and they replaced it but I was really glad to see the back of it. Also when DH called them they were very rude and one woman even laughed when he said the back wheels feel off while crossing the road. The bag space is amazing, but the whole thing is really, REALLY bad.

What one do you have now?
I really advise against it. Hauck are a terrible brand, our first was a Hauck Jeep shopper and it was made so badly. Our back axle fell off 3 times and they replaced it but I was really glad to see the back of it. Also when DH called them they were very rude and one woman even laughed when he said the back wheels feel off while crossing the road. The bag space is amazing, but the whole thing is really, REALLY bad.

What one do you have now?

not at all :haha: wow they sound horrible brand to have
I really advise against it. Hauck are a terrible brand, our first was a Hauck Jeep shopper and it was made so badly. Our back axle fell off 3 times and they replaced it but I was really glad to see the back of it. Also when DH called them they were very rude and one woman even laughed when he said the back wheels feel off while crossing the road. The bag space is amazing, but the whole thing is really, REALLY bad.

What one do you have now?

What brand did you end up with OmiOmen? :flower: There is LITERALLY so many pushchairs and travel systems out there that it can get really quite confusing!

The cot situation is another one that I'm just overwhelmed with. I'd rather like to co-sleep, with the cot to the side of my bed, like a little cabin if you get what I mean. I know it works really well for so many, but it's really confusing finding the right cot! What do you guys think?

This is one of my favorite threads at the moment :D
same here i love it :haha: i wouldnt know what travel system to get (although i dont need a pushchair) the one i have is quite big and isnt a travel system and i do like the idea of them :) i think id have moses basket for the first few weeks/months so the LO is near me (isnt enough room for a cot next to my bed :haha:)
same here i love it :haha: i wouldnt know what travel system to get (although i dont need a pushchair) the one i have is quite big and isnt a travel system and i do like the idea of them :) i think id have moses basket for the first few weeks/months so the LO is near me (isnt enough room for a cot next to my bed :haha:)

I'd not thought of it that way, having the baby in a moses basket on a stand next to the bed for the first few months then transferring to a cot. Ahh lots to think about! I'd actually hoped to use my sling more than anything, and hadn't really thought about any kind of pushchair or pram! I new I'd need to buy a car seat but just hadn't thought about the pram! The one time my OH actually really spoke to me about the different things we'd need (was in the car on the way home from work and he instigated 'the' chat), he was adamant we'd need a good branded pushchair, to help with my fatigue and ease of getting the LO around. Ah!

I've looked at varies pushchairs but it's really confusing! I'd kind of decided I liked the Maxi-Cosi car seat, but then when OH suggested a travel system where it's all included it's confusing as I don't no much about the other makes of car seat!

TBH the travel system i like is really expensive i dont think my OH would let me spend that much even if he did like the idea of us having a LO :haha: There is lots to think about yeah, and its really nice to think about instead of just thinking "broody broody broody"
i havent read through everyones replies so hope i dont repeat someone else but has anyone got/want/heard of anyone with one of the silver cross old fashioned prams? i'd absolutely love one but dont know how practical they are??
I had to do some co-sleeping for a bit as my son is VERY clingy so it was the only way to get any sleep. He goes in his cot now even though he would love to still be in the bed because he is active but not fully walking so it just would not be safe now.

We was thinking of a Quinny but we got a luna mix and I just love it and as silly as it sounds I love the fact you can change the way it looks. Ours is like this but with a plain yellow hood... https://www.mamasandpapas.com/product-luna-mix-blackdamask/216425306/type-i/

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