Babies Due Dec 5- 15 ish??


RIP baby Appleseed 2-6-12
Jan 9, 2012
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Hi Ladies, starting this forum for any women out there who don't exactly know their due date but just got a BFP! Lost my first baby two months ago and just found out 4/5 that I am pregnant again. Because I lost the baby and bled for so long I had no idea when I would be ovulating, but here I am with a sweet little miracle again! Who's with me on this new and exciting journey??:happydance:
Hi Hun,

Congrats on your bfp and Im sorry for your first loss.

Im due on the 5th Dec but waiting to get a more precise date after my first scan.
Hi Carzelle and Nicki!
I believe I'm due on December 11 (calculated from LMP) but will know positively once I get my first scan too. Sorry for your loss Carzelle. I haven't had a MC but helped my SIL through her MC.
I'm so sorry for your loss *hugs*

According to my lmp I should be due around December 6th but I am waiting for a dating scan to be a little more precise.
hi everyone!
I found out 4 days ago but only really started believing it today when I saw the word 'pregnant' pop up on the digi...that word made me really realise it was true!!

I think, judging by LMP I'll be due around 15/16th december all going well. the best of love and luck to all you ladies, its nice there is a group of women all around the same time :)
Hello all! I'm due with #1 on Dec 10th!!! First scan isn't until the 27th- cant wait!

Anyone having symptoms yet? Im EXHAUSTED, mild nausea at times and huuuuge boobs :haha:
Hello all! I'm due with #1 on Dec 10th!!! First scan isn't until the 27th- cant wait!

Anyone having symptoms yet? Im EXHAUSTED, mild nausea at times and huuuuge boobs :haha:

yep!! had to take my bra off when I got in from shopping today, my boobs (and mainly my nips!!) were killing me!
nausea on and off, slept most of the afternoon yesterday but so HUNGRY!!! its ridiculous, I was on a diet of some sorts before this to get myself fit so Im used to not eating and eating but finding myself grazing most of the day! :dohh:
Lol, yes the nips! Mine aren't sore but WOW it's like porn star nipples the way they are sticking out all the time!! Embarrassing at work!!!
My boobs are huge and today is the first day Ive been able to wear a bra in 5 days. Apart from that i havent been too bad- the odd spot of cramping and nausea but quickly passes.

Hoping to book my first MW appointment tomorrow. Then ill have something to count down to...... as if christmas isnt enough of a count down :haha:
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one with the porn star nipple thing going on. I just bought these really cute bras about 2 months ago and I can't even fit in them anymore! My DF says I look like I got a boob job, lol. I have heard that you show faster after having one, but I didn't really take it too seriously! No nausea whatsoever for me, just mostly twinges of pain in what feels like the center of my uterus. Before I knew I was pregnant (Friday) I kept having AF cramps really bad so I really did not think I was pregnant. They're slowly going away but if I am on my feet too long they return. Don't know if it's normal or just doin too much. It's been 6 years since my first and that pregnancy didn't go normally so I am going crazy looking up what's "normal", lol. Congrats to all!
Congrats on #2!

May I ask what happened with the first pregnancy?

The twinges down low are normal - I'm having them as well. Apparently it's the uterus stretching and enlarging :)
I'm having those cramps too I think its normal so dont worry!

I had my first docs appointment this morning and really didnt know what to expect. Pretty much an in and out jobby isnt it! He took my blood pressure and said id be hearing from the midwife between 8-10 weeks.

I dont know about anyone else, but Im so scared! Every morning I wake up and want to test to check its real and it hasnt gone away, and this wait til the midwife appointment and then the scan at 13 weeks terrifies me! I know we are supposed to relax and go with it....its hard when you are worried that something might go wrong isnt it! xx
Kelly its so scary. 3 girls due around the same time as me on the boards have had m/c already! I just try to focus on how positive my symptoms are and willing myself to have a healthy pregnancy!!!
Oh my, that's awful for them, and awful for you too to think about! Terrified it will be me but I think we just need to relax, look after ourselves and what will be will be... Easier said then done though isn't it!! What are your symptoms like at the moment? I'm a bit behind you but my nausea has passed today but I'm peeing like a racehorse and have those cramps that aren't painful but more of an annoying dull ache that you notice now and then. Feel a tiny bit of lower back ache today which I didn't expect so soon! :)
Hey ladies- I am really glad to hear that other people are having cramps down there because yesterday I experienced a few and I was having flashbacks to February. I have to go and take a pee test and make my first prenatal visit. I am trying to relax and take things slow which is the complete opposite of last time when I was oooober excited and let everyone know it. Part of me would rather not know exactly how far along I am because I would rather be further into the pregnancy to pass "that week" from last time. An m/c is horrible I wish it on no one but know this, that this early in the pregnancy there is nothing you can or can't do to control it,just think positive for me I pray over my baby every day. Also, the morning sickness is horrible, I don't throw up I just simply cant but I feel nausueas most of the day and my nipples are very sensitive. Wishing everyone a healthy and happy day. And thank you all for the warm wishes about baby Appleseed, I will see him or her in heaven. :angelnot:
Hi everyone. Is the cramping normal even at baby 3? I would have thought my uterus was pretty stretched by now.
Blessed - can still be baby digging in and growing into you blood vessels! No worries :)
still getting cramps on and off which is giving me waves of nausea!

Heres one for you ladies - anyone else get absolouteley freezing at times?? Last night I was in bed and the heating was on, I had a jumper on and a duck feather duvet over me whilst hubby sat there fanning himself and sweating! I read somewhere that its another symptom but it was so weird!

I fell asleep and woke about an hour later dripping with sweat!! Oh the extremes!!!
still getting cramps on and off which is giving me waves of nausea!

Heres one for you ladies - anyone else get absolouteley freezing at times?? Last night I was in bed and the heating was on, I had a jumper on and a duck feather duvet over me whilst hubby sat there fanning himself and sweating! I read somewhere that its another symptom but it was so weird!

I fell asleep and woke about an hour later dripping with sweat!! Oh the extremes!!!

I am with you on this one kelly! I get freezing all the time and normally I am so hot that I need the window open all year long. But once I get preggo I am frozen solid at different times of the day. I am wearing layers at all time now! Be well everyone!

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