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Babies Due Dec 5- 15 ish??

Congrats on #2!

May I ask what happened with the first pregnancy?

The twinges down low are normal - I'm having them as well. Apparently it's the uterus stretching and enlarging :)

My DD was born with C-ACC. Complete Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum. Basically, my DD is missing the middle part of her brain that connects both hemispheres. Its kind of like a highway for the neurons to go back and forth and since she doesn't have that, they need to make their own paths. She is 6 now and is learning to sit up and stand with help. She was also born deaf but got the cochlear implant a year ago. Still not talking but I know she is listening and that means a lot to me. I found out something was wrong when I was about 5 months along. I found out it was a girl and then they rushed me to see a Maternal Fetal Specialist who then told me to abort right away and that the 'fetus' would never make it. Everyone has their own opinion but I couldn't at that time, end her life. I felt that if I wasn't supposed to have her, that God would take her away. She was kicking so much so I knew she was a fighter. It's a decision that I am happy we made because she is always so happy and smiling! She really is a blessing and she does so much when she is around other kids so I'm very happy to (hopefully) give her a sibling.
still getting cramps on and off which is giving me waves of nausea!

Heres one for you ladies - anyone else get absolouteley freezing at times?? Last night I was in bed and the heating was on, I had a jumper on and a duck feather duvet over me whilst hubby sat there fanning himself and sweating! I read somewhere that its another symptom but it was so weird!

I fell asleep and woke about an hour later dripping with sweat!! Oh the extremes!!!

I do too! Either I'm burning up or I'm freezing and putting the heat on in the house. And of course then I forget to turn the air back on and go out for the day and my house is 85 degrees with animals in the house. Lets just say DF and his sinuses are NOT happy campers. I kept thinking something was wrong with me lol. I kept thinking "aren't our temps supposed to be up all the time and we're hot??" :happydance: I'm starting to feel 'normal' now that I know everyone else is having these symptoms too. Well...as normal as can be right now!
I've now read that lots of women have our issues with being cold then hot... At least we are normal!!! :)
Anybody else wake up in the morning and try to sleep in but you can't because you HAVE to eat something?? Ugh...that is me, lol! I was into working out everyday, and dieting before my BFP so this whole hungry all the time is weird. My DD woke up screaming at 2am the other night and so I stayed up with her until she calmed down and fell asleep and of course then I am fully awake. Once I finally go lay down I toss and turn for a few minutes and suddenly my stomach starts growling for food. DF asked why I was so tired the next day and I told DF about it and he just starts laughing that I was eating cereal at 3am. Anytime he works late now and has to pick up Subway or Arby's he always brings something home for me in case I get hungry in the middle of the night lol!
Omg I'm never cold it seems, and I sweat in my sleep now like a fat man!!!! And yes I wake up FAMISHED every morning!

Mousey - I work in pediatric cardiology (im a physician assistant) and we had a patient a while back with agenisis of the corpus callosum (he had a serious heart defect as well). I know it must be a struggle but love for a child can overcome many things! Im glad to hear your DD is making strides!

Nausea has really kicked in the past few days. Not ideal as I'm in Europe on vacation but better here than at work, honestly. Will have to tell employer soon...what about you guys??
Well that's good to hear you know about it because everyone I talk to looks at me like I am crazy lol. She had a heart defect as well. VSD but it closed with medication before her 1st birthday thankfully. She's our miracle! So funny story today. DF and I had decided not to tell any family about this pregnancy because of complications with DD and in case something goes wrong. We were gonna wait until Father's Day to tell everyone. Well...THE CAT IS OUTTA THE BAG! We had DF's father, mother, sister, brother in law, their two kids here for the weekend to see Monster Trucks at the local Sports Park and we told his dad since he can keep a secret. Then I wanted to tell his sister because her and I are pretty close and she has gone through complications as well so I know I can trust her and have someone to talk to. We of course told husband too. We were ABSOLUTELY not going to tell his mother because she is very emotional. At the end of the night tonight...my FIL comes to me and says "You should really tell her...because if you wait...she is gonna be really PISSED." So I talk it over with DF and we have a group vote (LMAO) We decided what the heck and so as I was saying goodbye I grabbed her hand and put it on my stomach and smiled. She just looked at me for a few long seconds and grabbed me like a friggin' rag doll and bawled into my shoulder! Poor woman couldn't even breathe! "I'm so happy! I'm so scared!....WHY'D YOU TELL ME??? NOW I HAVE TO WORRY FOR....WHEN IS THE BABY DUE???" Followed by more bawling! 10 minutes pass and she finally calms down and starts asking me how I am going to care for my daughter when I'm pregnant. (Um...like anybody else who has had more than one child??) I thought the woman was going to have a heart attack! So yes, now immediate family knows :) Well...his anyway.:shrug:
I'll join you ladies! I'm due around Dec.12th, I'm so excited to be on this journey again!
It's my 31st birthday today so I thought I would treat myself...late afternoon and been drinking water all day and yet...the darkest line yet which literally came up in seconds!!!

Im glad its still going strong!!!! Its the best present I could wish for :blush: xx


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Welcome mrslebrew! I know we're all happy to have you here!

@Kelly-Love the dark lines! I don't have any sticks to pee on lol. I'll go with my symptoms for now I guess because it seems every day I am feeling more and more crappy!

So what is everyone's view on going to a funeral while pregnant? Just found out that one of my highschool teachers passed away this weekend from a heart attack. He was my biology/science teacher for two years and he was amazing. He never judged us for how we dressed or anything. He was like a father to many of us. I'm only concerned about the stress and that I am going to be that much more emotional. I actually ran into him when I was newly pregnant with DD and it's so weird that now that I am finally pregnant again, he has passed :-(
hmm not sure on that one mouseymom! how do you feel about it, do you think you will be super emotional? its a hard one to call only you can answer that xx
Eh...I don't THINK I will be super emotional but I wouldn't put it past me to start crying. I'll have friends there so it will help. I just feel like I should pay my respects. I guess I will talk to DF and get his opinion too. I have been having major back pain and feeling miserable so we'll see. I think MS is kicking in soon, and I thought that maybe I'd be one of the lucky ones and not get it! :dohh: It started yesterday (for the whole day) and again today. Not throwing up but just an uneasiness...this pregnancy is kicking the crap outta me and I'm only gonna be 6 weeks tomorrow! What did I get myself into???:haha:
Mousey I'm the same!!! nausea has been awful the past few days....and the fatigue! Last night I fell asleep at 7pm, woke at 1am and stayed up until 3am, then slept again until 10am!!!

Soooo bloated too!

I don't think the funeral will be too bad, and if you need a cry, just do it!!!

Welcome ingrates on the new bfp and happy birthday Kelly!!!
Yes, Happy Birthday Kelly! (Pregnancy brain already???)

Hmm..waking up at 1am? That keeps happening to me! It sucks! MIL has been calling DF all day asking ??? and annoying him about me heehee.

You know she can't clean litter boxes...I hope you're doing it! (Yes, mom)
She shouldn't be mowing the lawn anymore! (She's not, Mom)
If she was pregnant, why did you guys go mudding and drinking two weeks ago??
(First off, it was several weeks ago and we didn't know she was pregnant)

I am starting to think that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to tell her??? DF is going crazy right about now, lol.

Yes, I went out mudding and had beer before my BFP but after 15 months of trying I honestly didn't think I would be pregnant THIS month. Plus it was so early (around 3 weeks) that having a few beers that it's not going to kill my baby. Obviously, I am not going to drink or go mudding now that I have my BFP...I just wish MIL would take it easy a bit. We're going to the mudding place for Memorial Day Weekend (It's called Redneck Yacht Club down here in SW Florida) but I won't be going on trails and no drinking but I know she'll be freaking out. I gotta have some time to unwind and what better way to do it with a bunch of friends and family and watching all of them be stupid and drunk???
hey ladies- @kelly Happy Birthday what a great gift, a new little peanut! Also, about the funeral Mickymom I went to one on Saturday for my husbands aunt and it was fine. I cried a bit and it was sweltering in the church but all in all i got through it. Ok, so like I said I don't know how far along I am but I am so SICK. My first prenatal visit it April 30 then we will know for sure. I can't throw up I have a fear of vomiting and haven't done it since I am 8 years old or so. But the nausea I am experiencing it is just wrong. My husband and I haven't told any friends only immediate family, on my side that's a lot of people seeing as I have 10 siblings, he is an only child. After we lost the first one we decided we are going to wait the usual 3 months to let others in on our little secret but its getting difficult as I feel like I'm gonna hurl every three seconds. I know my friends are wondering why I'm not meeting up with them for our weekly drinks but I keep blaming it on moving (which I am in two weeks)bleh. I didn't feel this sick during the last pregnancy and I don't know how I can alleviate it. Gingerale seems to be my only friend. This is all not even mentioning that I am so constipated I know this may be TMI but is anyone else experiencing this horrid issue?? Any tips or tricks you guys may have for morning sickness? I'm dying slowly. J/K but thats how it feels. Anything to keep my new little chick pea baby.

Be well ladies, and welcome new comers!
Gingerale is my thing right now too. I am exactly six weeks today! I know at Babies-r-us they have these things call Peggie Pops in little candies and lollipops and they are sour. I used to work there and pregnant women swore by them. I think they might carry them at Wal-Mart or Target now too but I haven't looked. My nausea is kicking my butt :-( I am so miserable. And yes with the constipation I swear I am eating rocks or something! Not sure what to do about it because its better from one day to the next. Problem is when I need to go its like I have cramps again and it just feels awful. So weird! My 6 week update online said 'if you are like 85% of women, you will start having nausea...' all I can say is thanks for the update a-hole! LMAO! I am not even sure if I am going to the funeral because nothing has been posted in the news yet and I don't know if its going to be private or not. I would think with him being such a prominent figure in our high school along with home schooling and the community it would be public but ya never know. Well, we were going to surprise DF grandparents and aunts and uncles for Fathers Day with the news but DF grandfather who is 86 isn't doing too well. His prostate is enlarged and has been bleeding so MIL insisted on us making our announcement on Mothers Day. I will only be nearing 10 weeks so I pray everything will go okay through this pregnancy.
When this baby comes out, I'm going to puke on it, I swear, as payback.
I'm nauseous 22/24 hours a day, and while on the vacation of a lifetime (in Sorrento now!). I am kicking myself for not wtt one more month but I know I'm just in the middle of the firestorm and not thinking correctly.

I haven't vomited (rarely do anyway) but wish I could so hubby would believe how sick I feel (he is such a blockhead...tried to tell me he was nauseous too from the travel...as if it could compare....)

And since eating helps the nausea, I'm now thoroughly chubby. Thank god no scales on vacation!!!

When does this end? I can't manage six weeks!
Ps those preggie pop candies work great! I have a supply stashed in my car...at home. :dohh:
Lol loved your posts! Definitely needed that! Yeah I met up with DF today to help him with work (he delivers bread) and he was NOT sympathetic at all! He kept making fun of my MS, cramps, and back pain. I told him I was tired and he tells me he's tired too. Yeah well you aren't having something growing in your BODY! Yeah I stocked up my purse with cans of ginger ale today lol. I just want to go home and lay on my memory foam mattress (awesome for pregnancy) I am thinking of getting an electric heating blanket or a hot water bottle for my back but I don't wanna overheat the baby? Wack I worry so much this time around!
I worry about using my heating pad as well...must research that one

DHs who are making fun of or minimizing symptoms are playing with FIRE! Perhaps I'll puke in him instead of the baby :haha:

I'm feeling better now with a full belly after a huge antipasto, delicious pasta and calamari! So far I've not left any room for gelato--must eat that first tomorrow!

I must take more care to use the ginger tea bags I brought - I had forgotten then until you all were talking about ginger ale!

Oh, at the ristorante the owners son was so friendly, and as he was leaving he introduced us to his wife and 2.5 month old baby boy...you should have seen DH and I swoon! :cloud9:
Awwwww! I read that heating pads are deemed safe but I am still iffy. I am going out for soup, salad, pasta and bread with friends tonight. I have been a bread eater since last week. Not regular bread though...home made. YUM! I can't even stand sweet things right now. Which is a good thing because that is all I craved with DD and I gained 35lb and she was only 4lb 11oz. Needless to say I never got all the weight off...oops. I am watching myself this time around and since I was slightly overweight when I get my BFP (26 BMI) they said I should only gain around 15-25. We'll see what the doctor says. All I know is I am not gonna wait till 5 years after this one is born to get my figure back!

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