Baby biting while nursing! Ouch!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
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Okay so how do I get my LO to stop biting my nipple during bf? He just made 12 weeks, isn't it too early for him to be teething already? He's also drooling a lot, biting (gumming lol) at his own hand, fussy and sometimes refuses to eat. He's not running a fever or sick so I'm wondering if he's just teething. Also, I started massaging his gums with my finger and that seems to help when he gets fussy. Anyways, while I was feeding him he decided to keep biting me and finally the last time he clenched his jaw so tight and pulled back so I said "OUCH NO BITE MOMMY, IT HURTS!" In a really stern voice (even though I know he can't understand me, lol) but that's what I read I should do. This little booger looked at me dead in the face, paused then started laughing at me! :haha: oh man... I'm gonna have my hands full with this one lol. Anyways, what should I do to discourage LO not to bite since obviously me giving him my "serious voice" is a big joke :dohh: Thanks ladies!
I think it's possible that your baby is teething. 12 weeks is probably on the young side, but from the symptoms you describe, it sounds like teething. It can take a while from the first teething symptoms to the first tooth.

My lo also started biting when she was teething. I hated that.
I don't think there is an easy way to solve that, aside from going "ouch" and taking baby off the breast. Then you can latch him back on. If he keeps biting, maybe stop nursing for the moment. Gradually, he will learn that biting means no more boob.
You can also keep a close eye on your baby while nursing. My girl usually changed her latch before starting to bite. Or often she would bite after she was done drinking. If you are quick enough, you can avoid a bite. It's not fun, but it beats getting bitten.

I hope for you it gets better soon.
And regarding the baby laughing at your stern voice, my girl is 14.5 months old and she still does that. :haha: Takes them a while to understand that.
Thanks! I'm starting to catch him right before he does it.

He thinks my serious voice is funny. Lol Dh said he's gonna have me wrapped around his little finger.
My wee man laughs at me too when he bites me. He's 23 weeks now (today in fact!) and has been gumming everything in sight. He even tried to gum his Dads face the other day.

He started about a month ago and even though I'm as stern as I can be he just giggles and grins back at me. I've started to have a finger near his mouth when he's feeding so I can jam it in there when he starts to clamp down. He only does it near the end of the his feeding though. I think it's when they're not hungry and want to play a bit or when they're frustrated at slow flow. He's also started to massage my boob with both hands - which is rather cute, but also painful as he's got such sharp little nails.
My LO used to bite a lot, and it usually coincided with teething! I did a lot of reading about it, because on one or two occasions she actually broke the skin (and it really really hurt!)
I found a top tip which is- if your baby starts to bite pull then in close to you, gently obviously, but if their nose gets pushed against the boob they will let go (so they can take a breath) they just let go immediately. After I tried it a couple of times, she just stopped biting :)
My LO started biting at around 8 months at the end of a feed. I release her from the nipple with a finger and put her in her cot briefly before allowing her to feed again. She still bites occasionally but it's once she's bored of feeding and I just keep a close eye on her and remove her before she bites! Not nice though- those naughty babies!
Thanks for this, I'm going through this too! started when her bottom teeth were coming through at 4 months, but had stopped a few weeks ago until she started biting again yesterday. So SO painful with the teeth, it makes me wince whenever she latches and makes me want to stop breastfeeding: (

I'll try some of these tips and see if it helps!
Definitely not too young to be teething. I have an early teether and he had a full set of teeth (including his first year molars) by 13 months old. He ONLY bites me when he has a tooth about to erupt (or if I'm sick and my supply is down).
I have noticed that my daughter has recently started biting again when she has a cold and she is unable to breathe through her nose. I clean her nose and she stops.
It might be something to watch out for as well.
Thank you ladies for all of your wonderful tips! It has stopped for a while (with the occasional bite here and there) but recently he just started doing this again. I'm now wondering if it has anything to do with the "wonder weeks". We are at the beginning of another mental leap and he has all the same signs as he did when I posted this. During that time he would have been going through leap 3... Super fussy, irritable, unable to settle, sleeping less, more clingy (that one I don't mind), Hands constantly in mouth, etc. Oh and CONSTANTLY biting me. Wondering now if this has anything to do with that... Maybe because of him just being really aggitated and unable to settle. Idk. Something to think about :)

Thanks again for the advice. No teeth has appeared yet but I'm sure it'll be really soon. Dreading the bites once they come in.

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