Jem, is it that Demi is crying so hard she holds her breath, or does she just do it randomly? Harry has a tendency to hold his breath (involuntarily) when he cries really hard. I read somewhere it's called Breath Holding Spells (BHS - that made me laugh), and I remember doing it as a kid. I never passed out, and he never has either, but kids can pass out from it.
My hair is also falling out! When I'm in the shower, I have to stick all the loose bits to the wall and end up with a massive hair ball by the time I'm finished!
Tnt, does Whitt flail his arms around when he's trying to get to sleep? Harry does this while he's just getting off to sleep and it disturbs him. Tonight, I've tucked his arms into his (thin) blanket, and so far so good - he's been down half an hour and hasn't fussed once.
Not breastfeeding, I'm usually a 34C (unmeasured by anyone but me!).
In taking Demi to the docs on Friday as he said he wanted to see her again if it happens. I know it's common ish? But I'm more worried about her falling down, amazingly she didn't hurt her face! Has your niece been taken to the doctors? My doctor said he will refer her... Just wandered what the next move is, it anything?
Hugs TNT... I have no idea what to suggest?
Do you rock him to sleep every time?
I just lay Ruby down to sleep, give her a snuggly (muslin) put her music thing on and walk out. Sometimes she chats to herself, other times she moans and no and again she yells.... I just keep an eye out and if I feel she needs a cuddle I will go back in and settle her.
But this never happens during the night.
Does he have a comforter? I think Ruby knows she is safe when she has her snuggly.
Are you weaning yet? If he is hungry, I guess once his weaned he will sleep for longer?
I know it's hard to let him cry but I think it's ok to let him cry (self soothe) himself to sleep... Maybe try it at 8pm instead of rocking??
Sorry not much help xxx
Hugs to you nix, my two year old has been naughty but is settling down now, thank god, Pheobe is a month younger than Demi so hopefully you will be coming out the other side soon x
Hugs all. I tend to not feed jade in night if its been less than three hours xx
no she just grabs anything she can when we hold her it wont be long before she is pulling herself tho she needs to slow down shes only 21 weeksWow is Lena pulling herself up all by herself?
Ruby was 13lb ten days ago... I've had to write down how much she drinks and we go back this Friday to see if she has gained? MF are hey concerned that she is smaller than the "average'
I think it was me who said about there hair... I'm going to have none left at the rate!
So today, Demi cried because her friend said no to her and it really upset Demi. She started crying quite hard and instead of taking a breath in she went bright blue- she was trying to run towards me for a cuddle I guess- I saw what was about to happen a d before I got to her she just went sideways before I could catch her
It's defiantly uncontrollable. It just horrid! I will have to inform her preschool but I don't know what there protocol is if a child passes out? Will they even take her in?