Baby fussing and gassy during night/early morning


DS-2 & Bean on the way!
Jan 5, 2013
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Throughout the night (sometimes starting as early as 2am), my almost 4 week old wakes up every 30 or so minutes and squirms, grunts and whines a bit as though he is uncomfortable and trying to poop; sometimes toots a bit during this. Usually a few mins at a time and lasts until 6 or 7 and then he settles better, sometimes after a poop. He poops pretty regularly during the day.

He often won't burp during the night (or we both fall asleep mid feed)- could this be the cause? Or any other thoughts? If I do too much to rouse him in the night, he will be wide awake and crying for an hour so that's why I don't try too hard to burp him.
We had a really difficult period from 3-6 weeks where my LO was really bothered by gas, but she was extremely difficult to burp after her feeds. It passes as their system matures and they get used to the feeling of the gas moving through their system.
My 3 week old squirms and grunts whenever she sleeps but I'm unsure if it's related to gas or if she's just w noisy sleeper. She farts a lot and doesn't seem to be bothered by it. She gets very vocal if she has to burp though and will cry.

No advice but I also don't like to burp too much at night because it wakes her right up. But I don't want her to put her to bed unsettled after a feeding. I've been trying to just hold her upright for several minutes before putting her back to bed instead in hopes of preventing spit up in the crib. It's been hit or miss though if that keeps her up or not but it seems less stimulating than changing a lot of positions to burp.
Throughout the night (sometimes starting as early as 2am), my almost 4 week old wakes up every 30 or so minutes and squirms, grunts and whines a bit as though he is uncomfortable and trying to poop; sometimes toots a bit during this. Usually a few mins at a time and lasts until 6 or 7 and then he settles better, sometimes after a poop. He poops pretty regularly during the day.

He often won't burp during the night (or we both fall asleep mid feed)- could this be the cause? Or any other thoughts? If I do too much to rouse him in the night, he will be wide awake and crying for an hour so that's why I don't try too hard to burp him.

My 3 week old squirms and grunts whenever she sleeps but I'm unsure if it's related to gas or if she's just w noisy sleeper. She farts a lot and doesn't seem to be bothered by it. She gets very vocal if she has to burp though and will cry.

No advice but I also don't like to burp too much at night because it wakes her right up. But I don't want her to put her to bed unsettled after a feeding. I've been trying to just hold her upright for several minutes before putting her back to bed instead in hopes of preventing spit up in the crib. It's been hit or miss though if that keeps her up or not but it seems less stimulating than changing a lot of positions to burp.

I think I have said it before but sounds like silent reflux. The grunting is also caused by a bit of milk coming up. The bloating causes pressure resulting in a bit of reflux. A simethicone based solution will help baby pass gas and probiotics will restore gut bacteria so the bloating does not happen in the first place.
My lo improved within 2 weeks.
He has been on reflux meds a bit over a week with no improvement (worse if anything). Simethicone drops haven't helped as yet. :( Last night was awful.
My baby was fussing today after some feedings, I think because of gas. After her tummy made some weird noise, she calmed down. I'm hoping the night time feedings go over better.

Black rain, I hope things improve!
My LO had awful problems with wind for months. I found infacol helped, and gripe water though they are uk products. It's horrible to see them uncomfortable. I also learn to be a bit less delicate getting her wind up, and sitting her upright on my knee, lying her back and basically rocking her between the 2 positions helped
Argh I could have written this post except my babies is older than yours! He is so gassy and in pain in the early hours of the morning after I BF him. Last night he was awake for 4 hours grunting, wriggling, crying etc. I thought they were supposed to improve around 3-4 months but my baby has become worse :cry:
That sucks!! He has gotten a tad better since I cut out dairy from my diet (his waking mood in general is better too) but I hope he doesn't keep this up for several months more!
I've just had my ds2's tongue tie revised so it's on my mind but I was wondering if you have had him checked for tongue tie? From what i understand it can cause baby to be windy which can cause or worsen reflux. Also was wondering if maybe the meds need adjusting? ds1 had reflux and paediatricians kept trying different doses and different meds till we got the right combination. Ranitidine made him vomit more for some reason. Anyway I really hope your little one settles soon I know it's so hard seeing them suffering x
I had him checked for tongue tie by the "tongue tie expert" (according to the hospital nurses haha), and she said he doesn't have one but that's when she suggested the meds for reflux. He never really vomited much or anything before the meds (we were assuming silent reflux) so I would have thought the dose we had would be good. I'll see what his doctor says at his 6 week check up about the medication dose.
Marumi, what did you use with your little one?

Mainly the probiotics and simethicone. I also cut out dairy and am more strict with being gluten free.
Many also swear by NatPhos (the lactose only tablets, no starch or wheat)

He has been on reflux meds a bit over a week with no improvement (worse if anything). Simethicone drops haven't helped as yet. :( Last night was awful.

We never gave reflux meds, but baking soda in water when he felt really bad. Have you tried Probiotics? The main cause of reflux is less than ideal digestion.
Marumi, do you give your baby probiotocs directly or do you take them?
Yea I'm not sure what baby probiotics would be?
I've used a probiotic for Isla called BioGaia. It's a liquid and I put it in a splash of gripe water or expressed breast milk and give it to her with a medicine dropper. They sell it at all pharmacies where I live, no prescription necessary but you have to ask for it at the counter because it is kept in the fridge.
What province are you in? I might have to try this.
I use biogaia religiously with my kids. My 6 week old just started them as well. Once a day, 5 drops. It can only but improve her digestion, does no harm.
Hey ladies! I've got a little something that has worked with my little guy. Exact same symptoms as op! When he seems To strain or grunt or seems like he has an upset tummy I pop him over onto his tummy in the tummy time position And gently rub And pat his back until he settles. Sometimes he settles immediately which I found miraculous! And sometimes after a couple minutes.

I have Heard it's normal for them To grunt And strain after they are belly full And they should stop this after a few months. My paed gave me this advice when I asked about it And it really has worked!

Note though it only works on my lo when he is straining And grunting. I put him on tummy time only after few mins of holding him upright And burping him.

Also try not To wake him by trying To burp him To much, so if he doesn't I lay him down on his sleep therapy wedge in case he brings up- has never happened yet so think it works!

Goodluck x

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