My 4 month old has fed from a bottle since 1 week old, and we have never had any problems - regularly drinks 30+ oz a day (and weighs in at a hefty 18lbs!).
However, over the past couple of weeks, feeding has become increasingly difficult, with LO continually squerming whilst feeding, pulling away from the bottle, spitting it out, and sometimes even screaming at it. He can be encouraged to feed sometimes by changing his position (e.g. lying on his back on my knees), but it is getting worse at each feed. this evening before he went down to sleep he cried and tried to get away from the bottle for 15 minutes (despite being hungry) before deciding to take it and then drink 5 oz... This is usually one of his easiest feeds.
We have tried changing the teats on the bottles from 2 to 3, but the 3 is still too fast flowing and we have the same problems. We have also tried winding him more than usual in case this is the problem, but nothing seems to work.
I should point out that he is having almost the same amount of milk as usual so not concerned about this, but just concerned that where LO used to drink a 6/7 oz bottle in 10-15 minutes, it is now taking around 45-60 mins and he is getting distressed at most feed times. Any ideas what this could be?
However, over the past couple of weeks, feeding has become increasingly difficult, with LO continually squerming whilst feeding, pulling away from the bottle, spitting it out, and sometimes even screaming at it. He can be encouraged to feed sometimes by changing his position (e.g. lying on his back on my knees), but it is getting worse at each feed. this evening before he went down to sleep he cried and tried to get away from the bottle for 15 minutes (despite being hungry) before deciding to take it and then drink 5 oz... This is usually one of his easiest feeds.
We have tried changing the teats on the bottles from 2 to 3, but the 3 is still too fast flowing and we have the same problems. We have also tried winding him more than usual in case this is the problem, but nothing seems to work.
I should point out that he is having almost the same amount of milk as usual so not concerned about this, but just concerned that where LO used to drink a 6/7 oz bottle in 10-15 minutes, it is now taking around 45-60 mins and he is getting distressed at most feed times. Any ideas what this could be?