Thanks ladies, yes we've actually just seen a cosmetic surgeon related to burns but he said it's as good as it will get plus any work may make it look worse...I was very disheartened tbh. Ill post a picture of how it looks now just so you can see what im talking about but may delete it later for privacy. Yes I do try to make her feel confident about her scar but she's only nearly 2...but I know they understand a lot more than you think! This is her first summer 'exposed' as last year she had to be covered with pressure garments and clothing-our first summer together too. So you can maybe see why I thought 'right baby-lets do this' and haven't once covered her up for the sake of hiding the scars and believe me I was nervous of people's questions as im very protective and obviously wish I could just take it away from her. So when the sun seemed to show up her original burn area which is over half her leg (and I haven't seen this for over a year as thought had disappeared and healed for good) I was really upset and still am for her. Anyway. People have seemed to not mention it, just look, or ask what happened briefly. Twilight im sorry you have felt self-conscious over the years. I actually lived with a girl with similar scars to yours and she never coveted them and her confidence shone through-we never 'saw' them after the initial meet. But every one is different and it's a very personal reaction to how it can make you feel. I do try and tell myself she is still herself - same legs/arms/personality and is a really independent and confident little person and I am so proud of her! She is my world