I'm so sorry this happened to your little girl. While I dont have any experience with burns, I think some of what you are feeling is familiar to me. My lo was born with a cystic hygroma, it's a big cystic structure on her shoulder. It was a surprise at birth, and I was in shock. Why did this have to happen to my lo? Maybe I could have avoided it in some way if I had been more careful during the pregnancy. I felt that my body had let her down, and I promised her I would do everything in my power to help. Yet I felt helpless. I was scared for her future, I knew I wouldn't always be there to protect her from bullies. I couldn't take this from her and put it onto me...how I wish I could! I have never prayed so intensely, been so scared, hoped so much. My lo has gone under ga to have sclerotherapy to try to shrink it, she will probably need a few more. I know the uncertainty and not knowing what the future holds is so hard. It's a constant worry that never leaves us, but have faith that everything will work out in the end. Babies heal fantastically well, and medicine is always advancing. I am sure both our daughters will be happy, healthy, and beautiful no matter what. Big hugs.
I'll try to post a picture of Sienna, I'm on my phone so I ddont know if I'll manage.