Baby Shower, am i just stupid???


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2011
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Can somebody tell me what you actually do at a baby shower?

Am i meant to plan it myself and invite people??
What do you actually do?

I just see it as an ann summers party, but baby stuff instead of sex toys lol

help please :)
Hiya, i have only been to one baby shower when my friend had left work, so approx 6 weeks before she gave birth, it was arranged by her sister and best friend. We had a buffet played some games, some hilarious some traditional. We played baby bingo, everyone was given a bingo card with different baby related words on and the bingo caller just pulled the words out of a hat. We had guess the celebrity from baby pictures, pass the parcel. It was really good to all get together before the baby was born. We also gave gifts at the shower and not when the baby was born.
i would really love to have one, but i dont want to arrange it because its sort of like asking people to give me gifts, and thats not why i want one lol.

Also i dont want to ask my best friend to organise it for me cus its a bit cheeky :S

I wish somebody would just offer :)
Usually it is a friend or family member who plans and puts it on for you, all you have to do is show up. You play baby and new mommy games and everyone brings gifts, and there is usually some sort of food. Typically it is just a girl's thing but beginning to see more guys show up now. It is just a fun time to have and celebrate the upcoming new addition.
how can i hint to them that id love one but obviously dont want to look like a loner by organising it myself? lol
Here, in the US pretty much all pregnant Moms with their 1st have a baby shower. Usually its a friend, sister, mom who throws it for them, but no shame at all in throwing it yourself!! Also, no shame in asking someone to help you at least. Some people have games(google baby shower games)- I didnt, I just had food and it was fun to have friends there and just talk to everyone, and yes receive gifts. I dont think people would be put off at giving a gift, I love to buy baby gifts for others, its fun! Easy finger foods are best for baby showers, it doesnt have to be anything heavy, just refreshements or a light lunch. You dont have to give out favors(most people I know haven't, it gets expensive!).
My sisters actually forced me into having a shower for my 2nd baby as well. I really didnt want one, but I finally gave in, but only let them invite my super close friends and family. For my 1st baby's shower my Mom literally invited half the world, I didnt even know some of the people, yet they showed up with gifts!! LOL

Oh and if its not going to be some formal baby shower, then just call it an open-house baby shower- thats where they just show up during the hours you set, like say from 1-4pm and stay as long or short as they want, maybe grab a bite then leave you with a gift- I think its less stressful that way
Just ask your friend hun... it's not a bad thing to mention :) My best friend is planning mine with the help of my mom and other close friend. Its very common here in the states though... so that wasn't even a question! lol.

I want a less "traditional" shower myself... nothing too fluffy or silly- lol. Just a bunch of my close female friends and family and good food and some gifts too- hehe! Hello! That is part of the reason you have them ;) lol. I've been to SO many baby showers and bought SO many presents for everyone else... it's my turn! tehehe. I don't really care what they buy though- just having them there is the more important part for me. But the gifts are certainly nice as new babies cost MONEY!!!

Maybe tell your friend you'd love to have a "baby celebration" and get together friends and family and you can register and put that on the invites if people want to buy you something.

Go for it!!!!
I think a friend/family member usually throws one for you, but if you really want one, make sure you let someone know or throw it yourself. Nobody threw me a bridal shower, bachelorette party, or anything for my wedding, and I was sad I missed out. :cry: If you want one, you could ask someone to help you throw one, so you aren't putting it all on one person, and still make sure they throw one for you.
In the UK baby showers are less common but they do seem to be getting more popular. I'm invited to a baby shower this weekend, and one of my best friends and lots of my colleagues have already been talking about planning my one.

Lozzy, you should speak to your close relatives and/or friends and suggest that it will be nice to have a girly get together before the baby is born so that you can catch up with everyone before baby gets here and you get too busy. Hopefully they will take the hint and turn it into a baby shower.

I can't wait till my best friends and sister gets pregnant so I can throw them a shower. I think its soooo fun and personally I LOVE buying baby clothes and stuff whether its for my own or for others.
I'm from North America where they're pretty common. Here is generally how it runs:

A close friend or family member of the mommy-to-be plans and hosts it. I hosted one for my best friend in April when I went home. Usually the host works with the guest of honor to get the guest list and a general idea of what is needed for baby. Everyone comes over - usually guests offer to bring food as well, and the host makes a selection of desserts and nibbles - cheese and crackers, veggies and dip, that sort of thing. Sometimes there are games, sometimes not (usually up to the host or mommy-to-be. I personally hate them). Chatting and discussing, then gift opening and passing around.

It's becoming more common to throw the shower after baby is born. Good way for everyone to get a glimpse of baby all at once and gives the mom a bit of respite from tons of people dropping by after baby is born.
hmmm thanks ladies, ill have a little word with my friends and try and drop some hints :)
I'd drop some hints, its quite possible theyve thought about it but were not sure if you wanted to bother with them not being that popular here :)

My brother girlfriend is organising mine, I wasnt sure about have a celebration before baby comes so ive said to set the date for a few weeks before im due, itll probably be end of august xx
ive told all the ladies that i really really want one but dont want to do it all myself because its cheeky, so they have an i dea

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