baby wont sleep

Yeah she was quite happy for most of it, last couple of hours she was crying a lot..I tried everything though, went for a walk in her pram and she stayed awake, gave her a bath, fed her numerous times, sang, the works, but she wouldnt sleep. I can only get her to sleep at night in bed with me for some reason...I even went to bed an hour early thinking she might drop off early, but no, she went to sleep at her usual time, about 11:30pm. I think she just likes being awake in the evening :)

Gosh i hate those times when they are crying and you feel like uve fed them 1000 times, it can literally drive you insane, my little monster also only sleeps in bed with me at night.
Yeah cupcake, my LO will fight sleep for hours, and she has done this since about a week can see by looking at her that she is totally exhausted, but she just wont sleep! Eventually she drops off though, but it can easily be 4 hours she is awake...yesterday she was awake for 7 hours in one period.

i dont know why they fight sleep and then they get so miserable and i get so miserable..
I totally understand..mine is the exact same way right now. I can't even get a chance to eat/cook/use the bathroom/shower/or sleep! I haven't slept in days and I forget to eat until I get shaky...the only reason I'm on the computer now is 'cause she is up with someone else. Which doesn't happen very often...being a single parent is really hard right now....

When do they sleep on their own? Hopefully soon...I need sleep too!
well, we had exactly the same problem with LO, she only slept on the breast, in our arms or inside the sling!

and I tried getting her used to the cot and so on...

apparently, we tried everything!

to let her cry-it-out, I can't! I can't see my little angel crying in order to get her to sleep!

well, we try cranial ostheopathy, let's see if it helps.

but, since 8 months she only felt asleep in her cot on two occassions!
well, we had exactly the same problem with LO, she only slept on the breast, in our arms or inside the sling!

and I tried getting her used to the cot and so on...

apparently, we tried everything!

to let her cry-it-out, I can't! I can't see my little angel crying in order to get her to sleep!

well, we try cranial ostheopathy, let's see if it helps.

but, since 8 months she only felt asleep in her cot on two occassions!

mickey when you put her down once shes asleep will she stay asleep?
no, she doesn't stay asleep.
we tried to put her in her cot last time, when she was sound asleep.
she slept very soundly and after an hour she woke up again.

when I ly down together with her, nurse her to sleep and try to leave the bed once she is asleep, she wakes up!

apparently we need to be around her the entire time whilst she sleeps. this is the problem, we have!

I can't stay in bed with her from 7pm in the evening until 6am in the morning!
no, she doesn't stay asleep.
we tried to put her in her cot last time, when she was sound asleep.
she slept very soundly and after an hour she woke up again.

when I ly down together with her, nurse her to sleep and try to leave the bed once she is asleep, she wakes up!

apparently we need to be around her the entire time whilst she sleeps. this is the problem, we have!

I can't stay in bed with her from 7pm in the evening until 6am in the morning!

how are u living with this? its only been 3 weeks for me? i just wanna say you are amazing for being able to deal with it.
thx, cupcake :hi:

to be honest, I do not know, how I managed to cope so far, but I feel really very exhausted.
I think my love to her keeps me going. I just love her more than everything else in the world!
and OH is at home atm, which is great help. dunno know, how I would make the day without him.
I dread already when he is back at work!

but what really makes me sad and crying atm is, that a very close friend of mine, with whom I was friend for about 16 years, just reacted with no understanding and meant, it is normal that babies don't sleep, athough she doesn't have kids by her own yet :hissy: :hissy: :hissy:
Hey cupcake,
Could your baby be uncomfortable in her bed for any reason? My baby wouldnt sleep in his cot only on mine or DHs chest. Turned out he had really bad wind and was uncomfortable, so we inclined the cot and dealt with the wind issue first.

Newborns are meant to sleep all the time, however they aren't born with the skills to fall asleep, they need to be taught. Sucking helps them to fall asleep.

I taught my baby by first stopping any stimulating activities 20 minutes before bed/nap time - these should be minimal anyway as newborns don't have the enrgy to deal with them. Then, I would spend time with him sat on my knee, and I would shush and pat his back (centre) gently so that he would be calm. Give him a dummy so he could pacify himself.
Then lay him down in cot (inclined) on his side and continue the shush pat (I dont swaddle because of sids and he would keep getting out of it). Eventually he would fall asleep. This gradually started taking from 1 hour to 45 mins and as of about 16 weeks, I can put him down with dummy and he drifts off in a short while.

He only gets the dummy to sleep - sucking is very soothing for all babies hence they go for their thumb or breast in the absence of a dummy.

Hope that might help some. Let us know how you get on.

I have troubles with my LO at night time. I am breast feeding every 2-3 hours. His pediatrician said he could go 5 hours, the most, at night time without eating, but he doesn't do this. Take last night for instance, I got to bed late cause he wants to eat either by 11:00 or midnight. Then he woke up at 3:30 and I got him to finally go to sleep around 4:30. Then he woke up a little after 5:00 and I didn't get him back down until 6:30 or a little after. I am just pooped. It seems like no sooner than I get him to sleep after eating, he is wide awake again wanting the boob. He sleeps great on my chest (I think he likes hearing my heart beat). During the day he sleeps fine, it's just night time that I wish he would sleep more. I wonder if he is confused on night and day?? Good luck with your LO, I'm kind of in the same boat with you.
I have troubles with my LO at night time. I am breast feeding every 2-3 hours. His pediatrician said he could go 5 hours, the most, at night time without eating, but he doesn't do this. Take last night for instance, I got to bed late cause he wants to eat either by 11:00 or midnight. Then he woke up at 3:30 and I got him to finally go to sleep around 4:30. Then he woke up a little after 5:00 and I didn't get him back down until 6:30 or a little after. I am just pooped. It seems like no sooner than I get him to sleep after eating, he is wide awake again wanting the boob. He sleeps great on my chest (I think he likes hearing my heart beat). During the day he sleeps fine, it's just night time that I wish he would sleep more. I wonder if he is confused on night and day?? Good luck with your LO, I'm kind of in the same boat with you.

Sounds a bit like my little madam. She usually wakes up around every 2 1/2 hours and cried until I fed her but when I put her down when she falls asleep she either wakes up or doesn't sleep for very long. If I lie her so her head is on my chest she will sleep for hours and sometimes won't even wake up herself and I have to wake her.
Hey cupcake,
... Give him a dummy so he could pacify himself.
Then lay him down in cot (inclined) on his side and continue the shush pat (I dont swaddle because of sids ...


I would like to see your source for this statement.
We were advised not to swaddle in the hospital where I had my baby in NI by the midwives and doctors. It has been the advice for the last couple of years (at least 3 years, going by all the babies I know of born over there).
my hospital told me not to swaddle too.... pfft! i think their crazy!
Me too. I've not run across any medical research saying not toi swaddle...
I know... they keep changing the advice.....oh well... I just go with the flow!
well ive been to the docs and there is nothing medically stopping my little man from sleeping so at i know hes ok. they told me to get a babysitter to help out and pump out some milk, oooooof!
Great news cupcake! Can I suggest a copy of the Secrets of the Baby Whisperer if you get a chance. Margerle and I might disagree on this again O:) Best of luck with the pumping!

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