Mommy of 1
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How about TTCAL, PAL, LTTTC, and AC? I keep seeing a lot of them and have no idea of what they mean =(
TTCAL Try to conceive after loss?
How about TTCAL, PAL, LTTTC, and AC? I keep seeing a lot of them and have no idea of what they mean =(
What is CC?
Follicle-stimulating hormoneWhat is FSH?
0 - 9
2WW (aka. TWW) - Two Week Wait - Luteal Phase - 14 days after ovulation
AF - Aunt Flo, menstruation, period
AH - Assisted Hatching
AI - Artificial Insemination
AKA - Also Known As
BABY ASPIRIN - aka. children's aspirin which contains only 80mg of aspirin used to quiet immune system
BAW - Board at work
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BD - Baby Dance, Sex
Beta - Blood test for PG
BFN - Big Fat Negative (Pregnancy Tests)
BFP - Big Fat Positive (Pregnancy Test)
BTW - By the way
BC - Birth Control
BCP - Birth Control Pills
BIL - Brother inlaw
BBs - BooBies AKA Breasts, Boobs, funbags etc
BA - Baby Aspirin
BM - Breast Milk
BPM - Beats per minute
BOB - Baby on board
CB - Clear Blue Pregnancy Test
CBFM - Clear Blue Fertility Monitor
CD - Cycle Day
CL - Corpus Luteum
CM- Cervical Mucus, Icky Sticky
CP - Cervical Position
C# - Cycle Number
CP - Cervical Position
DD - Dear Daughter
DH- Dear Husband
DP - Dancing Partner; spouse, or significant other
DPO - Days Past Ovulation
DB - Dear Boyfriend
DS - Dear Son
DTD - Doing The Dance, BD, sex
DPT - Days Post-Transfer
D&C - Dilate and Curetage
EC - Embryo Cyro/Freezing
EDD - Estimated Due Date
EPO - Evening Primrose Oil
EWCM - Egg-White Cervical Mucus
ER - Egg Retrieval
ET - Egg transfer
EPT - Early Pregnancy Test
EPU - Early pregnancy unit
ETA - Edited to add
EVAP - Evapouration
FIL - Father in law
FMU - First morning urine
FOB - Father of baby
FRER - First Response Early Result (Pregnancy Test)
FXed - Fingers crossed
FRER - First response early result
FAO - For attention of
GP - General Practitioner
Gyno - Gynocologist
HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - detected in HPTs
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
HSG - Hysterosalpingogram - x-ray
HB - Heartbeat
ICSI Microfertilization
IUI - Intrauterine Insemination
IVF - In Vitro Fertilization
IC - Internet Cheapie
IYKWIM - If you know what i mean
IRL - In real life
IYO - In your opinion
IMO - In my opinion
IB - Implantation bleeding
KEGELS - The muscle used to stop the flow of urine.
LH - Luteinizing Hormone - detected in OPKs
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
LP - Luteal Phase, days between ov & AF
LMAO - Laughing my ass off
LAP - Laparoscopy
LMP - Last Menstrual Period
LSP - Low Sperm Count
LO - Little One
MC, m/c - Miscarriage
MMC - Missed miscarriage
MF - MaleFactor
MIL - Mother in law
M/S, MS - Morning Sickness
NP - No Problem
NTNP - Not trying, not preventing
O or OV - Ovulation
OH - Other Half
OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit
OB/GYN - Obstetrician/Gynecologist
OMG - Oh My God/Goodness
OP - Original poster
PG - Pregnancy, pregnant
PNV - Prenatal Vitamin
PCO - Polycystic Ovaries
PCOD - Polycystic Ovary Disease
PCOS - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PMA - Positive mental attitude
PMS - Pre-menstrual Syndrome
POAS - Pee on a stick (Home Pregnancy Test)
PND - Post Natal Depression
PGP - see SPD
RE - Reproductive Endocronolgist - doctor who specializes in fertility problems
R-FSH - Recombinant Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone
ROBI - A term used which refers to Robitussin or Guaifenesin Syrup (expectorant) used to thin CM
ROFL - Rolling on the Floor Laughing
SOD - Sex on Demand
SA - Semen Analysis
SAHM - Stay at Home Mom
SAHD - Stay-At-Home Dad
SIL - Sister in law
STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease
SMEP - Sperm meets egg plan
SPD - Symphisis pubis dysfunction - Also know as PGP, Pelvic girdle pain
TCOYF - *Taking Charge of Your Fertility* by Toni Weschler
TR - Tubal Reversal
TTC - Trying To Conceive
TMI - Too Much Information
TR - Tubal Reversal
TIA - Thanks in Advance
TWW - Two week wait
U/S - Ultrasound
UTI - Urinary Tract Infection
WAH - Work at Home
WAHM - Work at Home Mum
WAHD - Work at Home Dad
WAHP - Work at Home Parents
YI Yeast Infection
I'm new here and I feel dumb asking this but what does FF mean?