~ BAW Ladies Reunited ~

Reedy - Yup we went to Frankie and Bennies for a meal before we went to the wedding. Had a Strawberry Shortcake cocktail. Burton isn't too far from you is it?
I have no idea my love, I'll have to aa route planner it x
Morning girls x

Ethan has his jabs on thursday :-( not looking forward to that x
I've just started watching The Walking Dead, I'm only 2 episodes in but so far so good x
what's everyone else upto today? x
today's plan is change the bedding and catch up on laundry. a relatively quiet day in a busy week
Where is everyone? I cant be the only one BAW lol x
Hi hun

Sorry, have been a busy bee today, getting fit and shopping while DH looks after Pheebs. Speaking of getting fit sales haven't moved either, great that I haven't gained but not good that I'm not losing. I haven't really been doing 5:2 regularly :(

DH had went in yesterday to have his wisdom tooth out at the hospital under GA so I had to drive him in and pick him up. Was pulling out of my road when DH noticed my tyre was completely flat :dohh: Had to drive his car all day, was quite nervous as he was behaving like a nob telling me not to crash it and remember that a focus isn't as small as a clio. Felt like crashing it just to piss him off :haha: Anyway all went well and now he's feeling hard done by. He's not really getting much sympathy from me. I keep telling him 'try giving birth, then moan you're in pain'.

So all good in da hood here. Pheebs is a little star.... love her soooooo much!

Hope you're all well xxx
Hahaha poor Dan but know what you mean I would have been the same x How's he feeling today?

I've given up on weightloss until after xmas and when I'm less stressed and can focus a bit more (hopefully) so I'm at work drinking tea and eating biscuits lol I swear I have an eating disorder where I just cant stop eating, I'm such a pig x

Ethan has his 5th tooth coming through and he's really struggling bless him, the amount of drool is horrendous so I think I'm going to invest in another teething necklace because I cant remember Finley suffering this much and he had a teething necklace, could just be a coincidence but worth a try x

starting to think about xmas now< know what we are getting Finley but have no idea what to get Ethan x
I'm pinned unDer a nap refusing imp. He's glued to the boobs as a teether :/

I have my Xmas lists all written & budgets set.. just need to actually buy them. Need to juggle money after bad mot bill
Hi Ladies,

Feeling like a saint! Went to the gym and swimming today with my friend :angelnot: Did just over 2 miles on the treadmill in 25 mins (bad bad bad) and some tummy exercises. Had a lovely sauna, steam room and swim. DH joined me with Pheebs.

I've also FINALLY put the second coat of paint on the pine cupboard I was doing up for Pheebs bedroom. Just need to find some new handles for it and I'm thinking of lining it inside with some oil cloth. Will do some pics when I've finished it tomorrow.

AF has shown up! :grr: second one since Pheebs was born. The first one wasn't much to speak about so thinking this one might be punishment?

Just catching up with Hollyoaks now... omfg... its amazing!

Missy - I hope things calmed down for you xxx

Reedy - Were the biccies lovely?? Don't blame you giving up on the weight loss for now. Hope that tooth pops out for Ethan soon.

I have no idea what to buy Pheebs either :( FIL is buying her an electric pink car, SIL is buying her a rocking horse. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful that they're getting her presents but I don't understand why they have to be so big?

What is everyone up to this weekend?
They are probably just excited, have they already bought them? If not could you tell them your concerns?
I'm going to get Ethan the Toot toot cars range I think he loves his cars x

Well done you on the gym, wish I had the motivation & the time, I've got to sort something out for after Xmas x

Ethan was poorly last night, threw up everywhere poor thing, he's feeling a bit delicate today but luckily they are off with daddy x
Morning girlies!

How are we all?

I am soooo naughty ate the whole bloody marvellous creations chocolate bar :( Blaming it on AF.... she's a bitch!

Reedy - Aww poor Ethan, hope he's better today :hugs: Yes perhaps they are excited and they told us what they were getting but FIL had already got it and with SIL I felt a bit railroaded iygwim. But what is done is done and I need to get over it.
Were getting Nathan toot toot garage stuff and Maddox octonauts and farm animals.
I'm pretty sure David's parents are spending. More on the boys than we are. But I think that just how grandparents are.

Boo to poorly Ethan.
And nasty af making you eat chocolate
I'm off to in-laws gain this weekend for a wedding
She won't know who the gifts are from sweetie, she'll be happy she's with her mummy and daddy and being spoilt xxx

Missy-Toys r us have good offers on the toot toot stuff, the big train track and station is only £45 which I didn't think was too bad because its huge x

Taking Finley to the cinema to see The Croods tomorrow morning x nit much else planned really x
Evening ladies,

Had a fairly productive day, managed to get a few loads of washing done but not much of it is dry :dohh: Cleaned the kitchen, hovered and steam mopped it.

Finished the cupboard for Phoebe's room and I must admit I'm really proud of it :)


Took her swimming and she loved it as usual.

Tonight I'm baking carrot cakes for a baby shower I'm going to tomorrow. Fireworks in the evening and visit to the outlaws Sunday.

I think we're going to get Pheebs some animals for chrimbo too. Are we doing cards this year?

Missy - oooh have fun at the wedding x

Reedy - Is Finley taking his new ear defenders?
That cupboards looks fab!!!

I'm up for cards this year :)

Sounds like we all have nice plans for the weekend :)
Missy - Thanks hun xxx I'm dreading how long a wardrobe is going to take me :haha:
Morning Lovelies!

Good weekend?

KIT day for me and my last week of Maternity Leave :cry: So gutted :(
finally........some sane people to talk to whilst i'm stuck at work!

i have missed everyone so much.......for some reason, people at work ony want to talk about work.....:dohh:

my two little girls are growing up too quickly...
Enid will be 4 on Wednesday, and Anna is now 2.....gulp!

spent yesterday sorting through toys etc....i could really do with doing a nearly-new sale, but there are none by me this side of christmas...i really think the loft floor might break under all the stuff!

Reedy....i'm so sorry that things with the in-laws are so stressful.....i really do not get some people (especially in-laws); some don't seem to understand consequences. I hope that things get better and that the legal stuff is all sorted out soon....a.re you still looking to move house?

Kerry......i am envious of you having a night out! I only stopped feeding Anna in July, so we are slowly building up to having a night away without the girls (whoo-whoo...get me!).....

love you all.....
We had a good if slightly stressful weekend. Couple of comments from mil had me foaming. But I stayed calm so as not to ruin the wedding.
M had his settling session at nursery today. He loved it!
I'm shattered. Gonna take some getting used to walking there and back twice a day. 1.2 mile round trip twice over

:hugs: for going back to work Kerry x

I can't believe how fast time is flying by!!
Hi Ladies!

I survived and so did Pheebs!! :yipee: Went to pick her up and she cried :cry: I think it was because her friend stood on her hand :( We popped to the children's centre afterwards for cruisers and crawlers and she's now fast asleep. I really should be doing jobs.... but instead Ive eaten 200gms of bloody chocolate!! I am soooo pissed off with myself :dohh:

Buffy - YAYYY great to see you back!! :yipee: I can't believe how old your girls are! Where has the time gone? Will Anna not take a bottle? I express for Pheebs. So good to have you back hun!! :hugs:

Missy - Glad M enjoyed his session today :thumbup: Well done keeping schtumm with MIL x

Reedy - Hope you're feeling better xxx

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