Be honest--how bad did it hurt?


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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You read all kinds of stories online about how deathly painful it was or how some people had such a high pain tolerance that it wasn't a big deal.

I would love to have a natural birth. Hopefully a water birth. I'm more afraid of having an epidural I think--those have scared me my entire life.

So for us first timers who want a natural birth-can you please tell me how painful it was? Can you describe it?
No pain - not until baby was crowned and then for a very short time it felt like someone had caught hold of my clit with pliers LOL!

No lies it was very very intense but I wouldn't describe my 2nd labour as painful, I managed fine with GnA - I managed without that until I was nearly at transition.

Try to think more positively about labour, if you expect anything to be painful you'll be tense, if you're tense things you will be afraid and that will make things seem painful.

Too many people describe labour as agony because they simply were not expecting such an intense experience as they experience it as 'pain' as they can find no other way to interpret it.
Did it make you feel empowered to have done that? Did you ever think you'd need any medication?
I dident know i was in labour untill i was 9cm and thats only because i was checked as my waters had gone and there was meconium present so no it dident hurt lol
I didn't have anything with my daughter, I was terrified with everyone telling me how bad labor is but it really wasn't. I actually enjoyed labor, there was only one time were I cried for about 15 minutes and thats when her head was coming out. :)
Chuck makes a very good point - I can't think of a word which properly describes how it felt. Pain isn't quite right at all. It was just very intense pressure. What I found most scary wasn't the physical feeling at all but how much I retreated into myself and sort of shut out the world. But again, I wasn't expecting that!
Mine was pretty painful. But I was induced and I've heared that's even worse. And I had no pain meds. But I managed and I'm still here! I thought the contractions hurt a lot worse then the head comming out. When I was pushing I actually felt a lot better.
Nowhere near as bad as I imagined it would hurt. My contractions only got painful for the last 15 minutes, and then I was pushing. I enjoyed labour. I'm proud of myself.
Did it make you feel empowered to have done that? Did you ever think you'd need any medication?

YES it was wonderful. I did it, I coped because I can - as can every woman it is after all what we are designed to do. We just end up scared about it and overly worried about our bodies afterward.

Give it and let it happen.

I had a very medicated first labour and birth ending in EMCS. I hate it even now it was a horrible experience from the minute I was transferred to the hospital from the birth centre.

I had pethadine, morphine, synto drip, epidural AND spinal and let me tell you I felt so rough for days and not just because of the labour or surgery but coming down of that many opiates was awful.

Being groggy, somewhat incoherent and not being able to remember parts of my labour and first morning as a family is horrible.

BUt this time I got my VBAC and as naturally as possible it was amazing, despite what my notes form last time say about my body I now now it can do it, it is very capable of birthing a baby normally and safely onto my tummy and having baby stay there with me all wet and warm and brilliant.
Chuck makes a very good point - I can't think of a word which properly describes how it felt. Pain isn't quite right at all. It was just very intense pressure. What I found most scary wasn't the physical feeling at all but how much I retreated into myself and sort of shut out the world. But again, I wasn't expecting that!

I was the same, once I was in hard labour well after thec MW arrived and I was at 7/8cm all I wanted to do was lay on my side and shut my eyes. I found it very very difficult to move, open my eyes or talk.
I could honestly never ever describe it in term of pain - I was never in any pain. I felt that way during and directly after - it was actualy a real rush (best high without drugs!) I even commented that I could do it all again, straight away.

Like the other ladies have said it is all encompassing, intense really physical - but you don't have to DO anything - your body just DOES it.. and your thoughts go elsewhere.. no need to think about it.

I really enjoyed it. I feel that if you are relaxed and feel safe, every women finds that inner place. It isn't even a question of coping or pain management - it is a real switch off from the world whilst being aware. So, so, hard to describe. But it is wonderful.

So full on labour is a doddle.. but early latent labour is hard work on your mind, as you can be unsure what is going on, and you are very excited - but release the tension, relax your sholders down and go with it.

We live in a strong culture of fear of child birth - but the reality isn't like that. YOu have nothing to fear.. you don't do any other physological function by going into it thinking "jess, this is really going to hurt" - why birth?

You should have a brilliant labour and birth if you just let go of control to your body. Allow yourself to inhabit your body and not inhibit it. GOOD TIMES ARE AHEAD!

Well said BF except I cant say as I enjoyed the pushing much, not once I was put into lithotomy.

I regret accepting it - if I had it in me I would have asked to be helped get onto all fours leaning over the back of the bed as I wouldn't have been working so hard to get baby up and out! LOL

...that is exactly why you NEED to have a birth partner who is your advocate who knows what you want and will ensure you get it when you cant fight for it.

My birth 'partner' hubby is and was blimmin useless when he was in the room and didnt have his head between his legs he would acquiesce to what he?I was told as surely they know best...grrrrr.
I found the pain really, really intense but because there was no fear attached to it like illness / injury pain, I was able to get into control and manage it. I really was very much in control and felt very positive. Pushing was very hard work but not painful, although my contractions had become really short and far apart for some reason.
It was managable. It is not the worst pain I've ever felt. The only time it hurt was in transition which was about 1.5 hours and was at the very end of labor right before pushing. It wasn't painful, in that sense, but it was intense.
I think of it sort of as running a marathon. Your muscles are working very hard to achieve something very great. Their is pressure, intensity, energy, and on occassion, discomfort. Hitting transistion is like hitting the runner's wall, where you think you can't go on, but you do, and in the end, you achieve the goal. The ring of fire is like seeing the finish line, you just have to push through. (It burns, but it was a good burn for me) There is no training for this marathon, however. Your body was made to run it and you have to trust that your body knows what its doing. Its beautiful, rewarding, and satisfactory. HTH :flower:
I didnt get the transition I cant do it thing.

I was sick and shivery, very shivery, I remember asking for a blanket over my feet and legs even though I knew I wasn't cold and shaking - not shaking as much as after the birth. My word I shook like crazy!!
The contractionsa were pretty painful, but not the most pain Ive ever felt in my life.

& I didn't feel any pain in the pushing stage or when he was coming out/crowining but the pressure feeling was horrible, I hated it & reeeeally not looking forward to it again tbh.

I didn't think it was as bad as I had been told, it is just like doing a massive poo :rofl: but I panicked and I think that made it worse for myself.

I could only describe the last part as painful it's majorly intense but I think hypnobirthing in my own way made it fine. Like others have said I just went into myself the last bit is ok as your baby us so close. Stitches and after part is worst.

Linzi I stressed about it second time and even said I was not going to push as this bit hurt last time :haha: but wasnt nearly what I remembered :)
If you look on youtube there is lots of positive natural birthing stories -i think it would benefit you to focus on positives rather than how painful it was - i was induced with my 1st nearly 20yrs ago it is still in my mind as a very negative exp however with my 2nd a year later i had her in hosp without anything at all - we are 27wks now planning a waterbirth at home with an IM i only read positive stories and watch positive videos i am excitied about this birth and cant wait to have a Homebirth

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