Hello everyone.. I am cautiously expecting right now I have had 5 losses and I am on my 6th pregnancy. I am 3 wks 4 days today found out 2 days ago on an IC I am due July 27 2013. I acutally just orded more IC's today hopefully enough to last me to 6 wks so I can get an ultrasound. We have been officially trying since Feb 2011 however Dec 2010 I became pregnant the first time but it was a blighted ovum. I have called each pregnancy since except the one last yr in Aug it was a triplet/ twins (however I knew I was having more then 1 before any US) but I actually had a good feeling about that one until I mc one at 6wks but had a hb on an emergency US afterwards was still happy I still had one until they said the hb was weak and to com back for another US next week. The baby had passed a few days after the prior US. Had induced mc at 8 wks. I found out I had a partial septate uterus that caused the mc so I had that taken care of that Dec. Since had 1 mc in July but that was due to late implantation.
I would love for you to add a ticker for me I am kinda scared to do it my self.
I have 4 milestones to pass
1. NO AF
2. Heartbeat
3 10 wks
4. headed into 2nd trimester so I can listen to hb on dopplar