Yes A deffo when you think you're doing well. My mum says for every bad day there are two good days. I hope it was more than that, but ah well!
Martha doesn't 't sleep that much in the day. Sometimes she'll skip a nap and get over tired. At night she is really good though. We feed her at 7 then put her down and she sleeps until 12ish, but I dream feed her at 11 and she sleeps until 3. From about 4.50 she wakes us up by being so noisy in her sleep. Crying, grunting, chatting, but still asleep. So we try to soothe her and calm her until 7am. Last night she didn't start grunting until 5.45 - bliss!
I used to think she was waking too, but no - just noisy!
I give infacol to her before her feed, but if I forget I give it midway.