I do Finn's bath in the mornings when he's more alert, usually after his second feeding. Like Dolly, I had to make the water a little warmer so he liked it, and it's better if I wait about 30 mins after he eats. I place a warm washcloth across his belly, and keep rewetting it so it stays warm, and I wash his hair and wipe his face right before I take him out as he doesn't care for that too much. He doesn't fuss much tho.
For our night time routine, I take him to bed for the last feeding, about 8-9pm usually. We do the side laying position, since I'm breastfeeding, so he lies down next to me and I pull him close and snuggly. I have the lights low, and I massage his back, tickle across his tummy and rub his legs while we are eating. I burp him once after about 15 mins, we switch sides and I keep nursing on that side til he falls asleep. If we get him swaddled and into his crib right away he will stay asleep. We also have a fan on for the white noise background in his room.
So far he's been sleeping better at night. I can let him go 4 hours between the 2 night time feedings. During the day when he's more awake he gets hungry about every 2 hours. I also take him outside at least once a day to get some sunlight. I never have him in direct light of course, I usually wait til late afternoon so the roof is shading our porch. I'll set him in his chair out there while I'm watering the plants or something. I think seeing daylight helps with their rhythms.
Here's a pic of him in his bath this morning.
LVN, you MUST be exhausted, poor dear. I had to give up gluten and dairy, and that seems to help with Finn's reflux. I also use gripe water if I pump and daddy gives him a bottle.