Bedtime: 8 months so where do we go?


Mommy of a gorgeous boy!
Nov 20, 2007
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Well my little man is now 8 months old and still sleeping with me.
I know that I will have to get him out my bed. I have posted threads before about CIO which I tried at 6 months but he was not receptive at all so I stopped.

His crib is still in my room, still unused :dohh:, I think it may be time to move him over to the crib. He is starting to get very tired at 8 o'clock at night and I don't want to go to bed at 8 pm. I also think after 8 months some time with my DH at night would be nice. LO is also a big baby who takes up most of my bed and I wonder if we would now both get more restful sleep if we were on our own?

I don't really know how to go about it though. Should I move the crib to his own room like DH says I should. I just don't feel comfortable with that yet, I would rather move him at a year old. So then will I not succeed if he is in my room?

How do I get him to be comfy in his crib? He is used to cuddling me and being so close to me.. he is also used to my pillow which I can't really put in his crib until he is a year old, though I do have a small airplane pillow which is flat and maybe I can use that?

Any tips would be great, sorry I know I have asked this a million times. :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh:
I'm considering getting Caitlyn out of my bed soon. Not sure how to go about it either! She screams if I even get out of bed to get a drink.. :dohh: Abit scared to do it!
I'm considering getting Caitlyn out of my bed soon. Not sure how to go about it either! She screams if I even get out of bed to get a drink.. :dohh: Abit scared to do it!

he cries if i get out of bed to go to the loo, i have to hand him over to DH but even then he sometimes cries...

come on help me and Toria
sorry to say this but i think at 8 months they should be in there own bed, even if they still are in your room but in there own crib, i think if hes getting tired at 8 then get him ready for bed and then put him in his crib and rub his belly or put his mobile on, if he wont go down, i would just leave him to cry for 5mins and he will probly fall asleep, i think both u and baby will get a better sleep from it, i know its hard but u will be glad u did it. i used to co-sleep with jack and it got to the point where my body hurt cause i was sleeping so funny in bed, i started getting a very bad back and bad legs its much better now hes in his own cot and own room, if your not ready for him going in his own room just put him in his crib next to your bed.
sorry to say this but i think at 8 months they should be in there own bed, even if they still are in your room but in there own crib, i think if hes getting tired at 8 then get him ready for bed and then put him in his crib and rub his belly or put his mobile on, if he wont go down, i would just leave him to cry for 5mins and he will probly fall asleep, i think both u and baby will get a better sleep from it, i know its hard but u will be glad u did it. i used to co-sleep with jack and it got to the point where my body hurt cause i was sleeping so funny in bed, i started getting a very bad back and bad legs its much better now hes in his own cot and own room, if your not ready for him going in his own room just put him in his crib next to your bed.

can you describe exactly how you did it? how old was he?
did you just decide on a time and put him in?
did he wake up during the night? what did you do?
sorry to say this but i think at 8 months they should be in there own bed, even if they still are in your room but in there own crib, i think if hes getting tired at 8 then get him ready for bed and then put him in his crib and rub his belly or put his mobile on, if he wont go down, i would just leave him to cry for 5mins and he will probly fall asleep, i think both u and baby will get a better sleep from it, i know its hard but u will be glad u did it. i used to co-sleep with jack and it got to the point where my body hurt cause i was sleeping so funny in bed, i started getting a very bad back and bad legs its much better now hes in his own cot and own room, if your not ready for him going in his own room just put him in his crib next to your bed.

can you describe exactly how you did it? how old was he?
did you just decide on a time and put him in?
did he wake up during the night? what did you do?

yeah sure he was about 4 months when he went into his own room but b4 that he was in his crib next to me what i would do is give him his bath at a certain time after a bath give him a feed and then up to bed i would put him in his crib and put his moblie on and then go down staires if he cryed i would leave him for a bit if it went on for more than 10mins then i would go back up and pat his some more, jack doesnt have a dummy but if your baby does use that,

yeah i decided on a time and now every night he goes down at that time, it can be hard to start but once he has learnt that bed time is that time he should be ok,

yeah he did wake up in the night and i would put him in bed with me so he could have a feed and then once he was asleep again he would go back into his crib,
just keep trying, it will be hard but keep going u will feel much better for it, pick a time that u know he is sleepy and an hour b4 that give him a bath and a feed and then he will be ready for bed, after a bath they are very relexed so it will help
lol im in the same situation as you both, she sleeps on me till I go to bed, then next to me in the bed...and I cant get up or she screams, and I mean really I run to the toilet/get a drink as fast as possible then run back! I dont have any advice, but hope you get some that works cause ill be trying it too!
lol im in the same situation as you both, she sleeps on me till I go to bed, then next to me in the bed...and I cant get up or she screams, and I mean really I run to the toilet/get a drink as fast as possible then run back! I dont have any advice, but hope you get some that works cause ill be trying it too!

omg i totally know the run to the toilet and get a drink while he screams the housedown at 2 am routine... i will think of you tonight... lol
I just recently moved Colton over. I have a thread about it actually.
I would say its def time to move him, and if I were you, I would probably put him in his own room. Thats the only way we got Colton to sleep because if he saw anyone he would instant start screaming. So now we go in there, lay him down (he has a pillow; has had one since around 10 months and he loves laying on it but doesn't always stay on it. Although as soon as we put him in there he crawls up to it and just lays his head right on it :cloud9:), cover him up, turn the monitor on, say goodnight, and close the door all except for a crack. He usually screams out once or twice and is then out like a light.
We do make sure he has a good bed time routine though. Starting about an hour before bed he gets a bath, which we let him sit and play for around 20min); then a bottle and if he isn't really tired, we will cuddle/play for just a second. But if he isn't in bed by 10pm I go lay him down and he will go off within 15minutes.

When I first started putting him in there, we let him CIO. I never let him cry for more than 30 minutes though as it was hard for me. (everyone says I "spoil" him because I wont let him cry even during the day) The first and second day he cried and I went and got him, the third day he fell asleep after 30 minutes, the fourth it went down to 15min, and from then on it's never been more than 5min.

Good luck, what ever you decide to do! Colton was never as bad as screaming when I got up, so I cannot imagine how hard that must be!
I just recently moved Colton over. I have a thread about it actually.
I would say its def time to move him, and if I were you, I would probably put him in his own room. Thats the only way we got Colton to sleep because if he saw anyone he would instant start screaming. So now we go in there, lay him down (he has a pillow; has had one since around 10 months and he loves laying on it but doesn't always stay on it. Although as soon as we put him in there he crawls up to it and just lays his head right on it :cloud9:), cover him up, turn the monitor on, say goodnight, and close the door all except for a crack. He usually screams out once or twice and is then out like a light.
We do make sure he has a good bed time routine though. Starting about an hour before bed he gets a bath, which we let him sit and play for around 20min); then a bottle and if he isn't really tired, we will cuddle/play for just a second. But if he isn't in bed by 10pm I go lay him down and he will go off within 15minutes.

When I first started putting him in there, we let him CIO. I never let him cry for more than 30 minutes though as it was hard for me. (everyone says I "spoil" him because I wont let him cry even during the day) The first and second day he cried and I went and got him, the third day he fell asleep after 30 minutes, the fourth it went down to 15min, and from then on it's never been more than 5min.

Good luck, what ever you decide to do! Colton was never as bad as screaming when I got up, so I cannot imagine how hard that must be!

did he wake during the night?
i am not sure when to move him because right now he has a bad cough with the whooping cough still not actually totally gone, and he is really not sleeping well at night, he is very restless resulting in both of us being very tired every day. i think i should move him over when he is sleeping well, and i know nothing is bothering him. or maybe i am making excuses?
I just recently moved Colton over. I have a thread about it actually.
I would say its def time to move him, and if I were you, I would probably put him in his own room. Thats the only way we got Colton to sleep because if he saw anyone he would instant start screaming. So now we go in there, lay him down (he has a pillow; has had one since around 10 months and he loves laying on it but doesn't always stay on it. Although as soon as we put him in there he crawls up to it and just lays his head right on it :cloud9:), cover him up, turn the monitor on, say goodnight, and close the door all except for a crack. He usually screams out once or twice and is then out like a light.
We do make sure he has a good bed time routine though. Starting about an hour before bed he gets a bath, which we let him sit and play for around 20min); then a bottle and if he isn't really tired, we will cuddle/play for just a second. But if he isn't in bed by 10pm I go lay him down and he will go off within 15minutes.

When I first started putting him in there, we let him CIO. I never let him cry for more than 30 minutes though as it was hard for me. (everyone says I "spoil" him because I wont let him cry even during the day) The first and second day he cried and I went and got him, the third day he fell asleep after 30 minutes, the fourth it went down to 15min, and from then on it's never been more than 5min.

Good luck, what ever you decide to do! Colton was never as bad as screaming when I got up, so I cannot imagine how hard that must be!

did he wake during the night?

Yes, he used to wake twice. Once around 12am just to come into our bed, so during that time I let him CIO aswell, took him less than 5min and he was back asleep. The second night he didn't wake at all during this time, although he did wake last night around 11:30pm I restrained from going in when he was whinning and it didn't even last 2min. :)
He also woke once for a bottle, wouldn't go to sleep without it and I think really wanted it for comfort because even with water he wouldn't quit waking; then after 2-3 months he started to refuse the water. The first night after I got him to go to sleep in his crib, I was persistant with water. I got him out and just kept trying with the water. The second night I was so tired I just made 6-7oz of water and put only one scoop of formula in it, propped it up, ad he fell asleep on his own after finishing it. Since that night he hasn't woken for a bottle anymore.

And about your post above: I probably wouldn't start with him being sick. It might make his cough and throat feel worse if he is crying. :hugs: Hope he feels better soon though!
I was in exactly the same situation (and I think I'd posted about it a million times too). I was sleeping with Erin on me in the bed all night and my back was getting worse and worse from sleeping in such weird positions with her all night. I was sick of having to go to bed when she did and having no time with hubby of an evening. She'd wake up if I had to put her down when I had to pee, or get a drink or do anything. I think she actually started to get uncomfortable too which spurred me on to make the move and get her out of my bed. I thought it would take forever because she actually slept in my arms all night - I had visions of it taking months to correct!!! However I had her sleeping on her own in her cot all night and it only took about 5-6 days. She now only wakes once to feed at 4am. She now goes to bed on her own at 7.30 or so and I have my evenings to myself and my back - oh my god it feels so good to lie down properly at night!!!

I didn't use CIO - I used the PUPDCD (pick up put down cry down) so she didn't get too worked up. Don't get me wrong there were tears, but not too many that I couldn't cope! It is possible to get them to sleep on their own don't worry.
We moved Connor into his own room when he was 8 months because he was getting up in the middle of the night to play and if he saw us he would cry (he was in his crib in our room). I think I will move the next baby sooner because he slept so much sounder in his own room. He went from sleeping something like 9pm to 5am to sleeping 7:30pm - 7:30 am. Talk about total relief for us. I honestly think it was harder on my husband and I. The first three nights we had to do the CIO thing, the first night he cried 30 minutes before he went to bed, we would go give him his pacifier back after 5 minutes if he spit it out. He woke up once the night I believe and cried for probably 10 minutes and went back to bed. The second night he went to bed in about 15 minutes and didn't wake during the night and from there it only got better. He does have a teddy in his crib that he loves to cuddle with and it gives him comfort. We try to do the same thing every night so he knows he is going to bed now, bottle, snuggle and then we rock and read him Goodnight Moon.

I think you should wait until your LO is feeling better from being sick. If they are not feeling well there is a bigger chance they are going to wake in the night because they are feeling ill and they will want comfort. We had to wait awhile because Connor was teething and I knew it would be a mess. As for moving him over until he is sleeping well, he might start sleeping better once he is in his own room with no distractions. That was the case for us at least but of course every baby is different. Sorry for the essay I just remembered being like you and being so sleep deprived at that point and it was horrid. I hope whatever you try works out for you and your LO.

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