Being nosey, are you married? planning to/not get married before TTC?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
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Hey guess i am being nosey really,
Well in my eyes theres nothing more wonderful in the whole wide word than having children and i would love to have a baby. To me a wedding, yes is a lovely day with the attention on the happy couple, but its a lot of money for one day- and i kinda want a baby NOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! A lot of people say oh you should get married before you have children- didnt realise there was a rule!! lol

Guess i wondered which ladies WTC are married? or maybe you plan to have children before you get married? Please share your story...
I'm married, not for that long though - just over 7 months. OH and I are going to start TTC in Jan/Feb next year. While I'm very excited about it all and can't wait to be a mum and for us to be parents, it's not something I've been dreaming about for years and years like it is with some women. I always assumed I'd have kids sooner or later but it wasn't that strong a 'need'. Since the day I met OH though, I knew he'd be 'the one' and since getting married the wanting kids has gotten stronger and stronger... Now I can't wait!!! :happydance:
I am married. I have been for about a year and a half. When I got married, I wasn't thinking about babies at all. I laughed at anyone who asked me when we were expanding our family. Then in about May, I cracked. It was like a switch in my head just turned on and I wanted a baby NOWNOWNOW.

I am still waiting for Husband to make his mind up on it :rofl:
I don't think you need to be married to have a baby. I think some people are just really traditional about it.
H wanted to do in this order - I guess money wise it was a good idea, yes we are married have been for a year and a half
I agree, you dont need to get married to have a baby but as you say, there are more traditional people that would prefer it.
I'm not married and never was to my 16 year old's father.. we split up when she was 2.
My OH is more traditional tho and says that if we ever decide to have a baby then he'd like us to be married first. I want to get married anyway so we'll probably tie the knot in the next few years wether we have a baby or not :)
we knew we wanted to get married but after we had our ep we decided that we wanted it more than we thought we did so we are going it on a budget no more than £1000 and we have just bout done it just the photographer and the food to do and we are rite on budget! we are now able to start ttc so we will as there is only 1 cycle between now and then that we can conceive (i only have one tube) but i also have a son from a prevouse relationship so i dont think it matters what way round you do it as long as you are both happy!! i get married in febuary! so i hope there is no rule or i ahve broken it oops he he :rofl::hug:
hey i'm not married but i agree with the ladies on here, i dont think its a big deal if you're not married some people are just traditional. I believe that if you and your partner plan on staying together and its both what you want and you realize what it entales then go for it! no one has the right to judge you cause of that...anyway good luck girlie
I don't think you need to be married to have a baby. I think some people are just really traditional about it.

Thankyou this is what i thought! i am not totally dead against it, i would love a wedding but at the moment it just seems a lot of money on one day. and if you had children before hand it would be nice and special if they were involved in the wedding too!
we knew we wanted to get married but after we had our ep we decided that we wanted it more than we thought we did so we are going it on a budget no more than £1000 and we have just bout done it just the photographer and the food to do and we are rite on budget! we are now able to start ttc so we will as there is only 1 cycle between now and then that we can conceive (i only have one tube) but i also have a son from a prevouse relationship so i dont think it matters what way round you do it as long as you are both happy!! i get married in febuary! so i hope there is no rule or i ahve broken it oops he he :rofl::hug:

Aww not long till your wedding hun! you will have to post pics when the time comes! x
I don't think you need to be married to have children, but to my OH and I it was important to go down the traditional route of getting married and enjoying being newlyweds and on our own for a couple of years before having a baby.
I'm married :)

I was engaged to my husband when we conceived Anna. We got married when I was 7 months pregnant :cloud9: I liked being married before having children because I enjoyed having one family name, and planning our kids first and middle names around that family sir name, I love being a wife and knowing that this (us, the couple) is forever (and not just us, the family - if that makes sense). It might sound selfish... but the reason I didn't want to move the date for our wedding when I got my :bfp: was I wanted it to be my day - I didn't want to share it with my children or have to think about them on the day... I hope you don't all think I am evil for this! I wanted the honeymoon without worrying about babysitters for the baby or taking the baby with us! ...although we didn't actually have a honeymoon; we had a honeymoon night in the hotel that we met in and spent our first night in, in the same room we stayed in the first night we met there, on the anniversary of that night! :cloud9: (rambling, sorry!)

Anyway, it suited me to get married before having children for a whole bunch of reasons personal to ME and what I always dreamed of / what I wanted....

But I by no means think that people SHOULD get married before having kids. Marriage isn't important to some people at all, for others it is everything - it depends on what it means to the couple - there is no point getting married if you just see it as a piece of paper that costs thousands of pounds to organise! lol (although saying that my wedding only cost us £2000)

If it is important to you to get married before having children then go for it, but if you don't even want to - why bother?

We're getting married in 6 months and decided to leave the ttc-ing til after the big day. Its tough sometimes waiting but for me i'd prefer to do it this way. I think if we have the baby first we'll probably never get around to having the wedding. For me it also gives me a few more months to do all of the things I want to do before baby comes along and live selfishly for a little longer :D I drive a really girl racer modded car at the mo' and I don't think that will be particularly baby friendly!!
I am married and have a house. I'm not traditional but it just sort of happened that way. We didn't really want kids until I accidently got pregnant on bc the first time, and that was after we got married and had bought the house. Everyone who knows us thought that was hilarious, we are so domestic! :rofl: So I guess this answers your question, in a roundabout way :rofl: XD
Im engaged, but a wedding just costs so much! so we are in no rush, if it happens before, we are fine with that. We are not overly traditional or religious tbh :)
I've been married for about a year and a half now (just over). It wasn't important to be or the husband to be married before kids - it just worked out that we got married not too long after I arrived because it was obvious we were compatible living together and my travel visa needed to be switched.

PS. We don't have a lot of money AT ALL and had a really cheap wedding. But we had a blast! I ordered my dress and veil on Ebay (about $100 USD including shipping) and they were really nice quality. We had the ceremony in a park so no fees associated there.

My husband rented his tux and the cost for that wasn't too bad either. We spent a bit on the food and grog, but those were the only bigger expenses. We didn't have professional catering, which saved us HEAPS. Plus, we went to a local cake place for the cake, but we made sure not to mention "wedding" cake. (Mention the word 'wedding' and things automatically go up in price.)

I also made all the wedding invitations, which was fun for me and also a money saver.
My OH and I are not married and have an 8 month old son. We do not plan on getting married before trying for baby #2, but we do plan on getting married. Eventually. :rofl:
I personally want to get married much more than I want to have kids. In 3 years my OH and I are going to get married, and in 5+ years start trying for a baby.
I personally wanted to do everything "traditional". I wanted to have a baby before we got married, but with our living situation before we got married, it wouldn't have worked, and the place we were wouldn't have worked for us. :)
We've been married 8 months (Dec 5) and have been TTC since June of this year.

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