thats good, im glad i had mine young too, i want my kids to feel like they can tell me anything, like they would to a friend.
im strict on lies, i cant stand them, even little white ones, manners and table manners, i drum these in to them everyday so they are poliet and well mannered if we go out places. Charlie took some body glitter from the chemist once when i wasnt looking, she was only about 5, i marcherd her back the the chemist and made her tell the lady what she had done and give it back, scared the life out of her but she has never done it again lol
im strict on lies, i cant stand them, even little white ones, manners and table manners, i drum these in to them everyday so they are poliet and well mannered if we go out places. Charlie took some body glitter from the chemist once when i wasnt looking, she was only about 5, i marcherd her back the the chemist and made her tell the lady what she had done and give it back, scared the life out of her but she has never done it again lol