Belly Pillows


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Iseem to remember when #Iwas #PGlast time that someone said about getting a special pillow or somethin so you can continue to lie on your tum. Ireally like lying on my tum at night, and I know I wont be able to for much longer.

Anyone know to what Im refering, or am I going mad??
i've only heard of one that you can put at the side of you :-k hmm
I'm with Vic, never heard of one that allows you to lay on your tum! Sorry! :?
i wish there was one that could help u lay on ur tum as thats tthe way i always fall asleep gggrrrrr i hated not being ale to lay on my tum when i had luyc gggrrrrr ohhh well its worth it in the end bring on those sleepless nites
Honestly i am not being daft, but what a bout using like a blow up ring?
Then you are lifted a bit and your tum can go in the hole :-k
No its okay Ihave foud what it was Iwas thinking of
But its not suitable for stickin in bed, jst to lounge aroud on during the day.
Jo said:
Honestly i am not being daft, but what a bout using like a blow up ring?
Then you are lifted a bit and your tum can go in the hole :-k

:rofl: My belly wouldn't fit in a ring!
Cat said:
No its okay Ihave foud what it was Iwas thinking of
But its not suitable for stickin in bed, jst to lounge aroud on during the day.

That looks cool, although I don't think I would ever get off it :lol:
i would be flayling around like a beached whale me thinks later on lol...(like monica in friends on the beanbag when she was bigger)..does look comfy though...
Tam said:
Cat said:
No its okay Ihave foud what it was Iwas thinking of
But its not suitable for stickin in bed, jst to lounge aroud on during the day.

That looks cool, although I don't think I would ever get off it :lol:

thats looks wicked what about propping ur bump u withpillows at night ?>
i think it quite dangerous to lay on your belly whilst pregnant when you have a bump but i like sleeping on my belly and wont be able to for much longer xx

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