"benefits" of breastfeeding?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2011
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Seeing as my opinion wasn't welcome on the other thread about this, I thought we could start this thread as a bit of an ego boost for myself and anyone else who just needs to hear some positive things about breastfeeding right now. It's hard work ladies! :haha: At LLL we do an opening round sometimes where everyone shares their favourite "benefit" of breastfeeding that you either didn't expect or most people wouldn't expect. I'm not trying to ram this down anyone who had to FF's throats, I just need to feel like there are other people out there who had issues, struggled through them and are enjoying the result. :thumbup:

My benefit as that breast milk poo is water soluble so I didn't have to rinse out any of her poopy nappies before washing them :)
Ready to feed at anytime and anywhere, no need to steralise bottles, warm milk up etc etc. Literally just wack you bap out! lol.
I FF now but what I loved about breastfeeding was how it's tailored to my baby and what they need x

ETA and if you receive WIC (at least here in Florida) and exclusively breastfeed they give you extra food AND when baby is 6 months old they start to give LO baby food and since they dont get formula they get a bunch (enough to where you wouldn't need to buy ANY)
Boobies solve 99% of problems from the perspective of a BF baby once established.
For example:
Bump head = boobie
Tired = Boobie
Thirsty= Boobie
Shy= Boobie
New tooth = Boobie
Poorly = Boobie
Bored = Boobie
Boobies solve 99% of problems from the perspective of a BF baby once established.
For example:
Bump head = boobie
Tired = Boobie
Thirsty= Boobie
Shy= Boobie
New tooth = Boobie
Poorly = Boobie
Bored = Boobie

Love this!
i know it doesn't happen for everyone, but BFing helped me lose the baby weight really quickly. It's also making me keep my alcohol consumption right down which is healthier. I know these are benefits to me not DS, but as DH keeps telling me, a happy baby needs a happy mummy!
Another one who votes for the fact that its free! We're probably saving a good £50-70ish a month by bfing, just hope I can keep it up and reach my target of 12months (one month down, almost!). It made no sense for me to shell out for formula when I can provide LO with everything she needs completely free of charge, not many things in life are free these days.

I have nothing against formula and mums who use it (as long as babies get fed then I couldn't care less) but I really do believe that breast milk is best for my baby and I love the fact that everything she needs food-wise is provided and made by my body. I just think some of the things the human body is capable of is amazing.
Its not that free... i spend loads in snacks as it makes me sooo hungry!! Lol!! But I love that I am allowed to snack guilt free! :)
Another vote for free! Wonderful bonding time.. comforting.. no bottles to clean or warm.. and I can do things with both of my hands while hes eating, like write this post! Love it.
Oh and also the not having to get out of bed in the night or early morning to feed, especially now it's getting colder it means cosy cuddles in a nice warm bed:cloud9:
Free, easy (at least after 3 months!), comforting for my baby, milk made for HER and no one else. And in reference to the other thread, even if the health benefits are "exaggerated", even if they're completely minuscule, they're still there. :thumbup:

Thanks for making this thread! :) It's nice to remember why I spent so many nights crying, in pain, sick with mastitis, completely sleep deprived...and to remember that it was all SO worth it.
So quick! My oh very occassionally gives an expressed bottle and it stresses him out so much having to prepare and heat up the bottle when lo is crying! Also sometimes she is fussy and only has a little bit but at least I don't have to go through the faff of making up a bottle only for it to be thrown away, that would really bug me!
My favourite benefit has already been mentioned but I just love that I can instantly comfort my son.
Whatever the problem I just boob him and he's happy as larry!!!

He honestly is the most contented, happy baby I've ever known :cloud9:
I have so many! Hmmm which one to pick? How about the fact that it gives me little jolts of happiness when I BF LO so all day I'm "energized" by our bonding boobie sessions :)

...and the fact that I don't have to have headache of what to feed LO yet...just pop boob out and you have a happy baby :happydance:
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