Hi ladies Scarlett is here!!! She arrived yesterday at. 7.36 pm after the fastest labour ever!!!!
My labour was weird I asked my community midwife yesterday morning about my contractions disappearing and she came out to do a home visit she said I was. 6cm dilated and. 90 percent effaced ..... My contractions came back then about 12noon..... Again not that strong from What I rem with Ava but dh and I went to hospital anyway after lunch at 1.30ish.... I was. 8cm and again not really having regular pains...... Of course at 5.30 pm all contractions had stopped and I was still 8 and pain not they bad so the midwife broke my waters at. 5.30 pm and I got into the pool and by 6 pm I needed gas and air for the first time...., to be honest when my waters were broken the pain was horrendous but controllable.... I had a natural birth in water at. 7.36 pm and I'm so pleased as Ava's birth was horrendous in comparison she was epidural forceps the works!!!!
Anyway little Scarlett was. 9 lbs4oz so big like her sister she us. 55 long and we are home today breast feeding..., which is new and scary to both if us!!!!
I think I got through the pain by telling myself I wanted this pain for a long time as she's my wee rainbow!!!!!