Bfp with #5 and already dreading the comments!


Oct 31, 2015
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I know I shouldn't care, but omg, I'm already feeling like I'm going to want to punch anyone in the face when I get the comments "oh your mad" "have you heard of birth control" "haven't you got enough" etc etc etc.

I have a 6 year old boy, 4 year old boy, 2 year old girl and a one year old girl. Baby number four was an oops, so was this one! Although, I'm very happy to be expecting number 5, I don't think I'll ever 'be done'.

I'm absolutely dreading telling people though. And I know it should be a case of sod what people think but I can't help worrying about it already! I've literally come back off maternity every time to return to work to tell them I'm pregnant again. Think my boss is going to be seriously p****d off with me too. I'm definitely not telling them for a few months!!

And to make things even harder, my baby number 4 was born with a genetic condition and has special needs. It wasn't inherited and genetics told us it'd be very unlikely to happen again. We have no help from anyone, everything we do for our kids we do ourselves but I think this is going to be another major factor in people's comments.

All of that aside, I'm extremely happy to be expecting this baby and can't wait to do it all over again!!
I was dreading this too with my last baby. As it happens- I neednt have worried- the reaction was great! Parents In the playground stopped to tell me how they were jealous and had always wished for a big family themselves. I made it clear to family that we were happy and that there was no room for negative comments. Congratulations!
I know I shouldn't care, but omg, I'm already feeling like I'm going to want to punch anyone in the face when I get the comments "oh your mad" "have you heard of birth control" "haven't you got enough" etc etc etc.

I have a 6 year old boy, 4 year old boy, 2 year old girl and a one year old girl. Baby number four was an oops, so was this one! Although, I'm very happy to be expecting number 5, I don't think I'll ever 'be done'.

I'm absolutely dreading telling people though. And I know it should be a case of sod what people think but I can't help worrying about it already! I've literally come back off maternity every time to return to work to tell them I'm pregnant again. Think my boss is going to be seriously p****d off with me too. I'm definitely not telling them for a few months!!

And to make things even harder, my baby number 4 was born with a genetic condition and has special needs. It wasn't inherited and genetics told us it'd be very unlikely to happen again. We have no help from anyone, everything we do for our kids we do ourselves but I think this is going to be another major factor in people's comments.

All of that aside, I'm extremely happy to be expecting this baby and can't wait to do it all over again!!

First off, CONGRATS!!! Babies are such a blessing...each and every one of them!! I'm kinda in the same boat as you...except I'm on baby #4.
Haven't told many people yet, especially not my family. They can be so judgemental. When people comment, like 'wow you have your hands full' I say ... But my heart is SO full.
Hang in there. It's truthfully not anyone's business, with how many children you have...some people just don't get it...and that's ok. They don't need to. Your life and family are so full of amazing memories and moments with the joy of your children. Hang in there mama...
Congrats sweet mama! I can relate. My fiance and I are expecting our first, but my 4th and his 4th, so baby number 7 total. I'm 5.5 weeks and the baby was completely planned. It happened our first cycle trying. We have only been together for a few months, but have been friends for much longer and even went to high school together. We are both 30, now and just KNOW we want a baby and we want to spend our lives together. I'm braced for the "OH you know what causes that" and "Oh! an 'oops' baby, huh?" comments, not to mention everyone will have an opinion on our rushed marriage (planned before pregnancy). Makes me want to rip someone's scalp off. LOL! Ah hormones. We are waiting until after my scan at 8-9 weeks before telling most people, but the few I have told so far have been less than excited and it broke my heart. I have been divorced for 6 years now, and separated for 2 before that. Still, I worry that people will think I am trying to replace my ex husband or something.

Wish I had advice, but all I can offer is strength in numbers and some company for the misery lol.
Enjoy your family and pregnancy, ignore the rude and bitter people out there, you have to be a very sad person to make nasty comments about a pregnancy :hugs: what matters is that you're happy, I'm sure lots of people will be happy for you.
Hugs!! I get that with one child bizarrely! Just ignore people's comments, they have no idea how you think, feel or live! You are pregnant.. and that's super amazing! You must be a fantastic mum to manage 4 kids already :) :) Super congrats!!! xx
I'm only on three (and my last) and I'm dreading announcing it! We are both late twenties and feel like we're already judged for being young with two children.
I wouldn't worry, I haven't told too many people yet because I just get the same, and we're on number three.
The whole 'you have one of each already!' thing really annoys me though. If you only had one people would be constantly asking when you would have another! Can't win x
I know I shouldn't care, but omg, I'm already feeling like I'm going to want to punch anyone in the face when I get the comments "oh your mad" "have you heard of birth control" "haven't you got enough" etc etc etc.

I have a 6 year old boy, 4 year old boy, 2 year old girl and a one year old girl. Baby number four was an oops, so was this one! Although, I'm very happy to be expecting number 5, I don't think I'll ever 'be done'.

I'm absolutely dreading telling people though. And I know it should be a case of sod what people think but I can't help worrying about it already! I've literally come back off maternity every time to return to work to tell them I'm pregnant again. Think my boss is going to be seriously p****d off with me too. I'm definitely not telling them for a few months!!
And to make things even harder, my baby number 4 was born with a genetic condition and has special needs. It wasn't inherited and genetics told us it'd be very unlikely to happen again. We have no help from anyone, everything we do for our kids we do ourselves but I think this is going to be another major factor in people's comments.

All of that aside, I'm extremely happy to be expecting this baby and can't wait to do it all over again!!

Hey congrats on #5 we are surprisingly expecting #7 in June and I know exactly how u feel when we had #5 we had ppl say u got no Tv, what do u want another baby , or you don't need more children my mum even complained its one more xmas gift to buy ( even though I told her to not buy any) I was super peeved all 9 months so when I hd # 6 I told very little ppl , this time around I am telling even less as we just know the Parents are gonna be loopy about it , my ️Oh said screw what everyone else says he works 6 days a week ( I use to till recently ) our children don't go with out ️️although aren't spoilt they hVe holidays and days out and more importantly are loved every bit so maybe he's right who cares what everyone thinks
But I do know exactly how you feel .
P.s when are you due
I feel for you! Although I am only expecting number 2 I will get the same comments. In my family having a kid or even two is not a good thing unless you got a great career. They see it as "children hold you back in life."
My life has had ups and downs. I had a great career once and earned lots but after a divorce was financially ruined by my American husband (he kicked me out when I wanted to separate, put debt on all my cards, took my savings and canceled all medical insurance knowing I had chronic illnesses...all to pressure me to stay). I had no power as an immigrant and no money for a lawyer.
I am doing much better now financially but we are still a low income family. Large apartment though and we live in a nice area, have enough money for a bit extra luxury but that is it.
My family thinks because of that I should be happy with just having one child which is not what I want. I am almost 15 weeks now, have a big bump and have not told them yet. But when I do I won't look guilty, won't explain myself. This baby was planned but if it was an accident I would not even say that.
Really I think if you share it is best to not make it a bit think and stay cool, so people don't feel they are in the position to critisize. Should they make comments I would laugh and brush them off as if they are silly. It really throws people off if you act as if they are the silly ones. No need to defend yourself or get into lengthy discussions about it. ;)
Hi everyone,

Thank you for all the positive comments! It's so nice to read that I'm not the only one sick of the judgement from people.

I've decided, when we do announce, I'm going to say baby was very much planned. I know that'll at least avoid the 'accident again?' comments!!

Manic mum, my edd is around 9th July :)
I usually tell them were planning another 5 or 6. Shuts them up 😉
I'm expecting #4 and was afraid of comments (not because of how many, since 4 kids is pretty average here in Utah, and I know several families with 8-10 kids!) but because of how young all our kids are. I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of negative comments, though I did get a few, "Are you sure you'll be able to handle it?" comments from family. I guess at this point they've realized that spacing our children out isn't our goal, and there's nothing they can say to change our minds, so why bother. :haha:
I too am dreading announcing were expecting #4. I want to announce at Christmas as I thin people will be less judgemental and also if there is a scan picture. This wee one was very much an accident (although we weren't using contraception, lol). However He/she will and is extremely loved. We are staring to get excited, I'm dreading the pressure of, hopefully you will get your girl this time.
Same here expecting #4 but with my boyfriend's son this will be 5 children... I'm sure people will have lots to say and I'm dreading it.
I'm 23 weeks along with my fourth right now, and it wouldn't be so bad except.... My oldest is only 3. I get soooooo many comments, all the time. I have since my second was born, since all my kids have been so close in age. I feel the same as you, though. I don't think I'll ever be done. My partner agreed on 5, but my second and third babies were surprises (condoms failed, birth control pill failed, meant to be and very happy with my family!). But I always, always, ALWAYS rely to every comment with, "I've always wanted a big family! It is wonderful!" And a huge grin. It always ends the conversation, although they do think I'm crazy. Lol

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