I am new to any kind of pregnancy forum, and my husband and I have only been TTC for about 3 months. I bought two dollar store tests last night, and I took one in the evening when I got home from work. It took about 9 minutes, but a FAINT line appeared. I was totally expecting a BFN, as I have taken dollar tree tests in past cycles and gotten nothing. The line is faint, but you can definitely see that it is there and it shows up in pictures. I just took the other test this morning and got the same results. Took about 9 minutes and another faint line. I know the tests say to wait only 2 minutes, so I'm not sure what to think. I am expecting AF in 5 days, and I am not sure when I ovulated. Can anyone give me some insight? Has this happened to anyone before? Could I be pregnant? Thank you!