BFP's, Great Mojo, and Dancing Bunnies

Hey ladies! Sorry I kind of bailed on the Halloween testing party. I wasn't in the best of moods and didn't really want to see people get BFP's.

So no AF for me still but I had a drop in my temp and am cramping.

Tankel I keep having friends get unexpectedly pregnant and it's heart wrenching.

I've been temping and using FF. DH is out of bed long before I wake up so he doesn't even think about me temping, though he does know about it. We made a pact to try and basically do SMEP so we'll see how it goes. We close on our house on Thursday so we'll be busy with house projects!

wow that is a whole bunch of good news! Congrats on the house. And if Af does arrive, good luck with the SMEP. We have to get out low sex-drive guys into gear! Hopefully SMEP is the answer for us (even if it just gets them to DTD a few more times around O)!
Hey ladies! Sorry I kind of bailed on the Halloween testing party. I wasn't in the best of moods and didn't really want to see people get BFP's.

So no AF for me still but I had a drop in my temp and am cramping.

Tankel I keep having friends get unexpectedly pregnant and it's heart wrenching.

I've been temping and using FF. DH is out of bed long before I wake up so he doesn't even think about me temping, though he does know about it. We made a pact to try and basically do SMEP so we'll see how it goes. We close on our house on Thursday so we'll be busy with house projects!

wow that is a whole bunch of good news! Congrats on the house. And if Af does arrive, good luck with the SMEP. We have to get out low sex-drive guys into gear! Hopefully SMEP is the answer for us (even if it just gets them to DTD a few more times around O)!

Thanks! I'm hoping most stuff is done sometime around O. I'm not going to mention any of that to him but just tell him "hey we need to start DTD every other day now" and leave it at that. I like temping to see where I'm at, but my OB suggested SMEP as the best route so we'll see! I'm much more hopeful for next cycle.
I just googled SMEP I don't OPK so will just jump DH starting on CD8 and I usually have a good idea when o is so will just be a little horny devil lol :)
Got all of my supplies in the mail..I ready to make a baby. hehehehe Now I have to play the waiting game.... only 14 more days until I start the SMEP!
I wish I could get AF soon so I can start thinking about it. I just hope mother nature doesn't curse me with a long cycle. I'm already at CD 31.
I wish I could get AF soon so I can start thinking about it. I just hope mother nature doesn't curse me with a long cycle. I'm already at CD 31.

The curse of the long cycle...It's a bane for sure. I have a 36 day cycle and it blows. I also get af forever! 7 - 8 days (not counting 2-3 days of spotting beforehand). It's torture.
Eeekk I can't even imagine having that long of a cycle!! So sorry ladies, that is seriously unfair. Mine were like that as a teenager, but the older i get, the shorter they get. Strange! So far, having a shorter cycle hasn't done me any good though!
I got on BCP shortly after AF started for me so I'm not even sure what my normal cycle is. Still nothing over here but I did get a UTI. Just what I wanted....
I got on BCP shortly after AF started for me so I'm not even sure what my normal cycle is. Still nothing over here but I did get a UTI. Just what I wanted....

What is BCP?
oooo bonus UTI just what you always wanted, you tested??
I got on BCP shortly after AF started for me so I'm not even sure what my normal cycle is. Still nothing over here but I did get a UTI. Just what I wanted....

What is BCP?
oooo bonus UTI just what you always wanted, you tested??

Birth control pills. As in HPT? No I haven't done that in a week. I'm going to urgent care tonight to get it treated. I've been getting them forever so I know the drill. It's not as bad they have been in the past.
Yes HPT and thank you sorry to be a div there are so many abbreviations lol
Hopefully you can get something to help x
Oh I know lol. They're hard to get used to. It could be a sign of pregnancy so I'll ask them to test me at the urgent care. I really don't think I am though.
Hi ladies!! I've got my digi opks and my new bbt ready for action! I temped this morning which was strange. Woke the house up with the alarm going off to remind me!! Lol! I'll start using my opks next Tuesday.

Re: long cycles. I used to have 35-40 Day cycles but after my last baby they just started being 27-29 days. Weird!!

On cd3 I took a home menopause test and got a positive. :( It tests for FSH, and I need to test again on Sunday as that'll be one week later. I'm gutted, but from what I can gather I needn't worry yet too much as it could be nothing. Mum went into the menopause early and I've been having some symptoms like hair loss, flushes etc, which is what made me decide to test. I'm seeing my doctor in a couple of weeks anyway so see what she says.
Hi ladies!! I've got my digi opks and my new bbt ready for action! I temped this morning which was strange. Woke the house up with the alarm going off to remind me!! Lol! I'll start using my opks next Tuesday.

Re: long cycles. I used to have 35-40 Day cycles but after my last baby they just started being 27-29 days. Weird!!

On cd3 I took a home menopause test and got a positive. :( It tests for FSH, and I need to test again on Sunday as that'll be one week later. I'm gutted, but from what I can gather I needn't worry yet too much as it could be nothing. Mum went into the menopause early and I've been having some symptoms like hair loss, flushes etc, which is what made me decide to test. I'm seeing my doctor in a couple of weeks anyway so see what she says.

Hmm... I wonder if that's why my cycles became shorter as well. I had an MC at 12 wks when I was 19, and now that I really think about it, that was kind of when they started shortening. Mensus only lasts about 3 days for me now (with about 1 day of spotting before, and one day of spotting after), and I have about 24 days in between AFs. It sucks because I feel like I'm always on my period. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? And what is FSH? I'm scared that I will go through menopause early as I started menstruating really young, and my mom had to have a hysterectomy when she was in her 30's. I guess lucky for her, she had all her babies at a very young age, so having it removed was more of a blessing due to the issues she was having. But it worries me because I'm 27 and haven't had any children yet. TTC is so stressful sometimes when you really start thinking of all the negative outcomes... blah!
If we sat here thinking about the impossibilities of getting pregnant we would be very depressed as that little sperm has to run a marathon to get to our egg so it is amazing it happens to any of us.......
Come on ladies lets have some positive thinking......I am CD5 today and the witch is slowly checking out so I am starting to make a plan.....was suppose to be staying at the MIL on sat night as DH and I are out with friends but as that is CD8 I have said I will drive so we can come home lol :)
Hi ladies!! I've got my digi opks and my new bbt ready for action! I temped this morning which was strange. Woke the house up with the alarm going off to remind me!! Lol! I'll start using my opks next Tuesday.

Re: long cycles. I used to have 35-40 Day cycles but after my last baby they just started being 27-29 days. Weird!!

On cd3 I took a home menopause test and got a positive. :( It tests for FSH, and I need to test again on Sunday as that'll be one week later. I'm gutted, but from what I can gather I needn't worry yet too much as it could be nothing. Mum went into the menopause early and I've been having some symptoms like hair loss, flushes etc, which is what made me decide to test. I'm seeing my doctor in a couple of weeks anyway so see what she says.

Hmm... I wonder if that's why my cycles became shorter as well. I had an MC at 12 wks when I was 19, and now that I really think about it, that was kind of when they started shortening. Mensus only lasts about 3 days for me now (with about 1 day of spotting before, and one day of spotting after), and I have about 24 days in between AFs. It sucks because I feel like I'm always on my period. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? And what is FSH? I'm scared that I will go through menopause early as I started menstruating really young, and my mom had to have a hysterectomy when she was in her 30's. I guess lucky for her, she had all her babies at a very young age, so having it removed was more of a blessing due to the issues she was having. But it worries me because I'm 27 and haven't had any children yet. TTC is so stressful sometimes when you really start thinking of all the negative outcomes... blah!

It could be! But, it also might not be. lol! My periods have changed since having babies too. They're heavier now than they used to be, but also kind of shorter... well, the full on bleeding part is shorter - only two days. However I have lightbleeding/spotting (it's kind of borderline to which it is) for 3 or 4 days after that and a day of spotting before.

Can I ask, are you charting? I can't remember your siggy whether it had a charting link in it or not. The reason I ask is because with shorter cycles there's a risk that your luteal phase (part of your cycle after ovulation) isn't long enough. It needs to be over ten days long really to enable a fertilised egg to implant successfully. Mine is on the short side at 11/12 days, but I have managed to get pregnant four times with it being that short. I know you can take progesterone supplements or take B vitamins to lengthen it out if you need to.

... or maybe you just O super early and have a normal LP?!

I don't mind you asking at all, i'm 34. FSH is follicle stimulating hormone. The test shows when you have elevated levels, which means that your body is having to release more of this hormone because your eggs are running low. Apparently. After doing the test though i've had loads of people say not to trust them. Not because the test is wrong, but more because there are so many other factors to consider. I just worry cause my mum went into the menopause early - in her early 40's. But, i read that smoking ages your ovaries really badly and i used to smoke a lot of cigarettes. I stopped over ten years ago now, but i guess the damage will have already been done.

Don;t worry about what age you started your period, because everything i read says this has no effect on when you will go into menopause. The only thing you should look at to see when it might happen to you is how old your mum was. Did your mum have her ovaries taken out with her uterus, putting her into an early menopause, or did they leave them in?

How long have you been trying for? 27 is still young, but it does get frustrating and worrying when it starts to take time. xx
Hi ladies!! I've got my digi opks and my new bbt ready for action! I temped this morning which was strange. Woke the house up with the alarm going off to remind me!! Lol! I'll start using my opks next Tuesday.

Re: long cycles. I used to have 35-40 Day cycles but after my last baby they just started being 27-29 days. Weird!!

On cd3 I took a home menopause test and got a positive. :( It tests for FSH, and I need to test again on Sunday as that'll be one week later. I'm gutted, but from what I can gather I needn't worry yet too much as it could be nothing. Mum went into the menopause early and I've been having some symptoms like hair loss, flushes etc, which is what made me decide to test. I'm seeing my doctor in a couple of weeks anyway so see what she says.

Hmm... I wonder if that's why my cycles became shorter as well. I had an MC at 12 wks when I was 19, and now that I really think about it, that was kind of when they started shortening. Mensus only lasts about 3 days for me now (with about 1 day of spotting before, and one day of spotting after), and I have about 24 days in between AFs. It sucks because I feel like I'm always on my period. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? And what is FSH? I'm scared that I will go through menopause early as I started menstruating really young, and my mom had to have a hysterectomy when she was in her 30's. I guess lucky for her, she had all her babies at a very young age, so having it removed was more of a blessing due to the issues she was having. But it worries me because I'm 27 and haven't had any children yet. TTC is so stressful sometimes when you really start thinking of all the negative outcomes... blah!

It could be! But, it also might not be. lol! My periods have changed since having babies too. They're heavier now than they used to be, but also kind of shorter... well, the full on bleeding part is shorter - only two days. However I have lightbleeding/spotting (it's kind of borderline to which it is) for 3 or 4 days after that and a day of spotting before.

Can I ask, are you charting? I can't remember your siggy whether it had a charting link in it or not. The reason I ask is because with shorter cycles there's a risk that your luteal phase (part of your cycle after ovulation) isn't long enough. It needs to be over ten days long really to enable a fertilised egg to implant successfully. Mine is on the short side at 11/12 days, but I have managed to get pregnant four times with it being that short. I know you can take progesterone supplements or take B vitamins to lengthen it out if you need to.

... or maybe you just O super early and have a normal LP?!

I don't mind you asking at all, i'm 34. FSH is follicle stimulating hormone. The test shows when you have elevated levels, which means that your body is having to release more of this hormone because your eggs are running low. Apparently. After doing the test though i've had loads of people say not to trust them. Not because the test is wrong, but more because there are so many other factors to consider. I just worry cause my mum went into the menopause early - in her early 40's. But, i read that smoking ages your ovaries really badly and i used to smoke a lot of cigarettes. I stopped over ten years ago now, but i guess the damage will have already been done.

Don;t worry about what age you started your period, because everything i read says this has no effect on when you will go into menopause. The only thing you should look at to see when it might happen to you is how old your mum was. Did your mum have her ovaries taken out with her uterus, putting her into an early menopause, or did they leave them in?

How long have you been trying for? 27 is still young, but it does get frustrating and worrying when it starts to take time. xx

You're so helpful! I just started charting on 11/01, and I can't figure out how to get my chart into my signature. I've asked on a couple different forums and no one will respond to me :( I'm using fertility friend though, so if you have any idea how to do that... PLEASE let me know! :happydance: I honestly don't know if my mom had her ovaries taken out as well... I never asked!

I don't know this for sure, but I think my LP is about 13 days. I don't know if I've mentioned it in this thread or not, but my main concern is that I'm not ovulating every month. When I do ovulate, I can actually feel it, and I end up getting the egg white consistency CM, but I feel like that doesn't happen every month. Maybe 4 or 5 times a year? If this is the case, will it show on my charts, as far as temping goes?

My OH and I have been NTNP for over a year, but these last few months we've been actively trying. I never really knew much about temping or charting CM, so I'm just starting to try all of that. I bought some OPKs, and according to FF, I should start testing on Friday. OH left this morning for a hunting trip, so fingers are crossed that he gets a deer before the weekend! lol

Another thing, when I had my MC 9 years ago, I was 12 wks along. I had a really horrible doctor that I felt treated me poorly because I was so young. He knew that it was an oopsie pregnancy, and I could tell he disapproved. When I actually went through the MC, I was in so much pain I had to be taken to the ER where they put me on a morphine drip. My doctor refused to do a D&C, so I basically had to go through it all as though I was giving birth. Since I didn't get the D&C, I've always wondered if there was a chance that that could effect me conceiving later on in life... and here I am. I know I am still young, but words really can't express how ready I am to be a mommy, and I am definitely not getting any younger! lol
Im sorry to hear about you MC, bnj. It must have been awful to go though.

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