Bitch Test


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
Reaction score
How much of a bitch are you?!


Bitch in training
You are 52 % bitch

Well, you’re a prickly little missy aren’t you? I think we all need to remember not to get on your bad side and to keep a watch on you at all times. You have your good points though, and you probably wouldn’t kick a poor defenceless puppy dog – unless it looked at you the wrong way.

Princess Perfect

You are 12 % bitch

Awwww, well aren’t you a fluffy-wuffy bunny-wunny? What was that at the back? A pushover? Well, yes, some might well see you as a pushover. You are kind to all your friends, you always treat people as you would like to be treated yourself and you NEVER, EVER tell a lie! How dull are you? Get a back-bone woman! A little light bitching never did anyone any harm!
WOW :shock:

To my suprise, Im only 32% Bitch!

I guess I need to work on that.
Part-time bitch
You are 36 % bitch

I see a little spark of nastiness in you, but on the whole you’re a good egg. You’ve just got to decide which way you want to go. Do you want to live a nice, pleasant life with just the odd giggle at someone else’s expense, or do you want to stride ahead getting what you want in life but remain friendless. You’re on the cusp, my friend, choose wisely.
Part-time bitch
You are 48 % bitch

I see a little spark of nastiness in you, but on the whole you’re a good egg. You’ve just got to decide which way you want to go. Do you want to live a nice, pleasant life with just the odd giggle at someone else’s expense, or do you want to stride ahead getting what you want in life but remain friendless. You’re on the cusp, my friend, choose wisely.
Princess perfect
You are 16 % bitch

Awwww, well aren’t you a fluffy-wuffy bunny-wunny? What was that at the back? A pushover? Well, yes, some might well see you as a pushover. You are kind to all your friends, you always treat people as you would like to be treated yourself and you NEVER, EVER tell a lie! How dull are you? Get a back-bone woman! A little light bitching never did anyone any harm!
Princess perfect
You are 16 % bitch

Awwww, well aren’t you a fluffy-wuffy bunny-wunny? What was that at the back? A pushover? Well, yes, some might well see you as a pushover. You are kind to all your friends, you always treat people as you would like to be treated yourself and you NEVER, EVER tell a lie! How dull are you? Get a back-bone woman! A little light bitching never did anyone any harm
Bitch in training
You are 52 % bitch

Well, you’re a prickly little missy aren’t you? I think we all need to remember not to get on your bad side and to keep a watch on you at all times. You have your good points though, and you probably wouldn’t kick a poor defenceless puppy dog – unless it looked at you the wrong way.

eek :oops:
wooohoo, thanks lexis! lol

was beginging to think i was a horrible person lol

Part-time bitch
You are 40 % bitch

I see a little spark of nastiness in you, but on the whole you’re a good egg. You’ve just got to decide which way you want to go. Do you want to live a nice, pleasant life with just the odd giggle at someone else’s expense, or do you want to stride ahead getting what you want in life but remain friendless. You’re on the cusp, my friend, choose wisely.

Suprised actually 'cos i thought it would be higher!!!
Part-time bitch
You are 44 % bitch

I see a little spark of nastiness in you, but on the whole you’re a good egg. You’ve just got to decide which way you want to go. Do you want to live a nice, pleasant life with just the odd giggle at someone else’s expense, or do you want to stride ahead getting what you want in life but remain friendless. You’re on the cusp, my friend, choose wisely.

------------- Damn i thought i was sweet ----------------
Princess perfect
You are 20 % bitch

Awwww, well aren’t you a fluffy-wuffy bunny-wunny? What was that at the back? A pushover? Well, yes, some might well see you as a pushover. You are kind to all your friends, you always treat people as you would like to be treated yourself and you NEVER, EVER tell a lie! How dull are you? Get a back-bone woman! A little light bitching never did anyone any harm!
Part-time bitch

You are 36 % bitch

I see a little spark of nastiness in you, but on the whole you’re a good egg. You’ve just got to decide which way you want to go. Do you want to live a nice, pleasant life with just the odd giggle at someone else’s expense, or do you want to stride ahead getting what you want in life but remain friendless. You’re on the cusp, my friend, choose wisely.

i thought it would of been more than this LOL
I don't wanna post here now!! lol!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Bitch in training
You are 64 % bitch

Well, you’re a prickly little missy aren’t you? I think we all need to remember not to get on your bad side and to keep a watch on you at all times. You have your good points though, and you probably wouldn’t kick a poor defenceless puppy dog – unless it looked at you the wrong way.

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