Blood Transfusions

I'm really wondering! To me, it seems like you're going around in circles because you don't have an answer to my question.
Ozziehunni, i have no problems answering questions on here but i like to be treated with respect just as i always show to others on this forum

But in short: we have free will. God doesnt control us like robots.

We have invented all sorts of things, some good some bad.

Just because our amazing brains have come up with certain things doesnt mean God intended it for us or they are the best things for us, thats proven by despite all this 'advancement', we cant solve the most basic problems - we cant bring about peace, we are destroying our planet as just a few examples.

The bible says we were never meant to direct our own steps but God has allowed time for us to try out ruling over ourselves without him intervening for a period of time - and with good reason. Its all detailed in his word.

I believe im only here, my dd is only here cause God created us and this universe in the first place, so of course im going to put him first. I wouldnt have anything i loved if it wasnt for him.

Please try and understand rather than just dismiss my beliefs or character as sick, cause im far far from that. Thats heaps upsetting, so no wonder i just wanted to leave rather than answer your question.

Have a good day all.
Okay, so if we have free will, why don't you have free will to choose blood transfusions?

Also, why would he take away what you love? Give you something and then cause you pain?
I do have free will to choose a blood transfusion? We all have free will to do as we please.

Free will means we can think and choose for ourselves, plan, create what we please, just as we can choose to serve him or not. I serve him out of love, Love for my life now, but mostly for the wonderful future he has promised, not cause im forced to, what would be the point?

God doesnt take anyone away, I mentioned thats not a teaching from the bible. Some religions may teach that but the bible doesnt, he doesnt cause someone to die. But he promises he will restore our life. Not in heaven, but for most of us, on this earth. Just not the awful world as we now know it, but Free from all this suffering that quite honestly we have mainly brought on ourselves. He promises he will even remove death - read the beautiful scripture in my sig. We know his is speaking of the earth as its the only place we experience death, sorrow and suffering. He promises to remove it all forever.

Im trying to explain myself as best as i can here as its such a deep subject, it cant really be explained in a few paragraphs
I'm still confused. You have free will to choose, but you wouldn't choose for your children because of an interpretation of scripture?
I think the world is a pretty good place..seems sad to call it awful. I'd find it hard to base such a big decision on something that isn't here and now, or proven. But I have no faith.
I dont and probably never will understand religion,despite being open to ideas,so I wont judge on that,but I dont think the strongest belief in someone or something would be powerfull enough to stop me giving my child a life saving blood transfusion.
If there are other ways around it,thats great,but I dont know about how that works either.

Is that similar to a muslim person being told they must drink alcohol/eat pork/remove their head covering(I dont know the requirements of any other religions so hope nobody minds me using the muslim faith as an example)or their child will die,its against what they believe in but its your child,you would do anything to protect them?Surely god must understand this?
I really dont think ive worded that post very well.Im really not an ignorant idiot lol
I'm still confused. You have free will to choose, but you wouldn't choose for your children because of an interpretation of scripture?

No i wouldnt, as Its not an interpretation.

It clearly says "abstain from blood" - in the new testament. If you are told to abstain from alcohol for example would it be ok to take it intravenously? No. Its not the only time blood is mentioned either.

Anyway if you are truly interested feel free to do some research yourself on bloodless surgery and also on my particular beliefs if you wish. has a wealth of information about my beliefs. Under the news tab there is info about blood as well as in the downloadable publications section.
What if it just meant abstain from drinking blood? Then you'd be screwed..
I don't know if I'd trust scientific information on a Jehova's Witness website, surely it would be biased?..I'll ask my friend who's studying medicine.
My point is not if there are alternatives but if a blood transfusion is necessary and the alternatives could not be used in a specific situation.
Shan, I hope your okay. I would not chose not to give myself or my children blood transfusions but respect that you do. There are plenty of things in this world that other people do or dont do, that I dont understand or wouldnt chose for me but I can respect that their beliefs.

As for if your child died, it made me smile to see what you said about them going to paradise. I have said time and time again on here that I wish I had faith because I honestly believe it would help me with the loss of my daughters. That isnt to say I think someone who has faith has it easier, but I do believe one day I will see them again, as I dont think I would of been 'given' them, to have them taken away, if I was never going to have them in my arms again. But a faith might help me understand in what way I will see them again. Does that make sense?

I want to ask do you believe that the transfusion of blood will prevent someone from going to paradise? And on a more personal note because my girls never did anything 'wrong', never 'sinned' or had blood transfusions etc would it be believed that they were going to paradise?

I know that is way off topic but I am in tears here thinking about it all. If you feel more comfortable answering my questions via PM then that would be fine and I also understand if you dont want to answer them x
I still don't understand. It all sounds contradictory to me.
Just because our amazing brains have come up with certain things doesnt mean God intended it for us or they are the best things for us, thats proven by despite all this 'advancement', we cant solve the most basic problems - we cant bring about peace, we are destroying our planet as just a few examples.

The suggestion that we are unable to bring about peace as though it's due to humans being faulty kind of gets me...

A lot of the world's monstrosities have occurred in the name of God. People have always killed each other over religion and they always will. I don't see why God or whichever deity may or may not be real would allow that to happen?

Sorry, gone a bit off-topic with that it just caught my attention.
I dont do this usually, as it can often go round in circles, but a lot of people feel the way u do staralfur - you're right, it is very hard to understand how and why God would ever allow people to fight in his name.

Throughout history, people have called for God's blessing on their endeavours, to help them to win wars etc, as if they are doing God's will, and so many people have gone to war feeling as if they have God on their side. But how could God possibly bless both sides, showing favour over one group of his people against another? It's not fitting with his love of justice, and impartiality.

Also, while His son Jesus was on earth, he promoted an unselfish, unconditional love. None of his followers or disciples were part of an army, and even when Jesus was about to be killed, he prevented one of his apostles from killing a soldier who had captured him. During his time on earth, He gave the command to “Love one another, just as I have loved you.” He also said: “Happy are the peaceable.” When u look at the original Greek word for “peaceable”, it means more than enjoying a state of tranquillity. It actually involves cultivating peace, actively working to promote goodwill, so it's a constant, ongoing thing.

So where people are killing eachother over religion, wouldnt you think that it seems clear that it's not what God wants? It's actually going completely against what the Bible teaches. In the bible it prophesies a time where war will be no more, and that mankind will live in peace - all living in harmony doing God's will, in a world free from pain and suffering, which God originally intended. That for me proves that God is not happy with the way things are, and defibitely doesnt endorse it.

hope that made a bit of sense, long replies are hard on my phone :)

Wow, this is getting nasty, we can disagree without it getting nasty.

I don't understand it, as someone who follows another "strict" religion I still can't understand it, especially the child side. Our father in heaven wants is to learn and advance, he wants us to live and learn and exiting, I know from a religious stand pony this life is but a second in eternity, but still he wants us to be happy.

I'm not arguing with your religion, I do not understand it, but you are entitled to believe what you like and don't feel like you should hide. It's difficult and emotive for the rest of us to understand letting a child die when they could have lived a long normal life,never with the promise of paradise, it still seems hard.

Tasha, I know for those at least of my religion it does help enormously, we will feel they sing or death and miss them, however we believe it is but for a short time and that families can be together forever, that is an enormous strength for us. I am. Oh saying you should believe, I am just saying for me and those I know who have been through losses of children ma md surprisingly know quite a few, it's an enormous strength. To us children are perfect, we do not believe a child is born with sin, and those who have lost children so young will have the opportunity to raise them in the next life.

Tasks, I am not trying to get all religiously or anything, my point was that we do get comfort, even though it hurts.

As for war, war is faught in the name of anything, greed, money, religion, power, and so forth. Many will say they are fighting for their religion but they are in fact just fighting for something completely different. Religion just devises people which make sit easier to see differences and hate and envy which create problems and eventual wars and such.

I really cannot get my head around Jehovah's Witnesses, ten while thing confuses me, my parents always talked to them and so does my husband and the more I learn the more confused I am, lol, I looked at the we page you listed but it just makes me more confused lol. But, you are free to practice what you like, I really feel for you, it's have when your beliefs are criticised like this, we all have beliefs, believing is no god is a belief, and we follow that belief which govens our lives, some to greater extents then others.
Thank you so much for responding to me Eternal. That is exactly I say I wish I had faith, because I do believe I would gain comfort from it, in regards to my girls (and other things obviously). I have never heard of a religion believing you will have the oppurtunity to raise them in the next life. it is really interesting to me. Perhaps I need to study lots of religions and I will find one that I do believe in. I dont really no much about any tbh.

Sorry for the typos, the adverts are affecting my computer.

Again thank you Eternal
Wow, this is getting nasty, we can disagree without it getting nasty.


As for war, war is faught in the name of anything, greed, money, religion, power, and so forth. Many will say they are fighting for their religion but they are in fact just fighting for something completely different. Religion just devises people which make sit easier to see differences and hate and envy which create problems and eventual wars and such.


hope i didn't come across as nasty, not sure if u meant me or not :haha: i was butting in and trying to answer staralfur's question :blush:

and when i refered to people fighting in God's name, i meant when they pray before they go off to war etc :flower:

this is why i never like to discuss my or anyone elses religion on BnB because it can become such a heated topic, and i don't believe it's the setting where anybody should have to defend their faith or belief if that makes sense?

Tasha all i'll say here is my faith and belief has given me massive amounts of comfort when it comes to death and things I've been thru, and I know it's real. I hope you find something that does the same for u hun :hugs:

Thank you so much for responding to me Eternal. That is exactly I say I wish I had faith, because I do believe I would gain comfort from it, in regards to my girls (and other things obviously). I have never heard of a religion believing you will have the oppurtunity to raise them in the next life. it is really interesting to me.

The bible speaks of the conditions on the earth in the future and also gives detailed sighns of how the world would become and mankinds attitude in general, just before all these things will occur, we believe its what we are seeing on earth today. Itss extremely accurate and for me makes total sense of why things are the way they are, why we are seeing such terrible things happen. Mankind has become alienated from God.

In regards to wars in the name of religion - All those who fight in the name of God, are they doing Gods will? The bible tells us to "love our neighbor as ourselves". Jehovahs Witnesses actually refuse to take up arms and many are actually in prision in many countires right now for refusing to take up arms. We want and love and peace, not war.

We live strictly to Gods standards as directed in the bible. "Be peaceable with all men" says Romans 12:18

These scriptures may give you comfort Tasha, despite what you believe and i hope they do.

“All those in the memorial tombs will…come out.”—John 5:28, 29

"And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” - Revelation 21:4

Wickedness, warfare, crime, and violence will be gone. “The wicked one will be no more…But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth.” (Psalm 37:10, 11) Peace will exist because ‘God will make wars cease to the ends of the earth.’ (Psalm 46:9; Isaiah 2:4) Then “the righteous one will sprout, and the abundance of peace until the moon is no more”—and that means forever!—Psalm 72:7..

Food shortages will not exist. “There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth,” sang the psalmist. “On the top of the mountains there will be an overflow.” (Psalm 72:16) Jehovah God will bless his righteous ones, and “the earth itself will certainly give its produce.”—Psalm 67:6

God will never fail to ‘open his hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.’—Psalm 145:16.

"the righteous themselves will posses the earth and reside forever upon it" - Psalms 37:29

There will be peace between humans and animals. Wild and domestic animals will feed together. Even a little child will have nothing to fear from animals that are now dangerous.—Isaiah 11:6-9; 65:25.

Sickness will vanish. As Ruler of God’s heavenly Kingdom, Jesus will do healing on a far grander scale than when he was on earth. (Matthew 9:35; Mark 1:40-42; John 5:5-9) Then “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’”—Isaiah 33:24; 35:5, 6.

And the most wonderful of all - Dead loved ones will be restored to life with the prospect of never dying. All those sleeping in death who are in God’s memory will be brought back to life. In fact, “there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.”—Acts 24:15; John 5:28, 29.

If you are interested in learning about these truths from the bible there is a very handy study aid that you can actually view online that looks at such topics as

Is This What God Purposed?
What Is the Truth About God?
What Is God’s Purpose for the Earth?
Where Are the Dead?
Real Hope for Your Loved Ones Who Have Died
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
What Is God’s Kingdom?
Are We Living in “the Last Days”?

and many more, you will need a bible as it constantly refers back to the scriptures but just helps to explain the bibles main message in a formatthats easy to understand

heres the link to the first chapter

The bible outlines a wonderful future here on earth under Gods kingdom (a heavenly government)

So this life now is just a glimpse compared to what God originally purposed.

To answer your question
I want to ask do you believe that the transfusion of blood will prevent someone from going to paradise? And on a more personal note because my girls never did anything 'wrong', never 'sinned' or had blood transfusions etc would it be believed that they were going to paradise?

I cant answer that for certain, but i wouldnt want to risk it. Remember the bible says his most outstanding quality is love. So its up to each christian to make that decision for themselves. God knows our hearts and if we truly want to please him

The bible makes it pretty clear that parents are accountable for their children in front of God, which is why its such a serious matter. Its a huge responsibility.

Sorry for the essay but its so nice to share such good news with people in comparison to the the bad news we constantly hear about.

I hope you find the comfort you are searching for x
I still have to question why god would punish a parent for saving their child's life.
Thank you so much for responding to me Eternal. That is exactly I say I wish I had faith, because I do believe I would gain comfort from it, in regards to my girls (and other things obviously). I have never heard of a religion believing you will have the oppurtunity to raise them in the next life. it is really interesting to me. Perhaps I need to study lots of religions and I will find one that I do believe in. I dont really no much about any tbh.

Sorry for the typos, the adverts are affecting my computer.

Again thank you Eternal

Feel free to ask me anything. I believe in a pre existence as well as a after life, and also believe, that one of the purposes of this life is to get a physical body, so you Children's lives, although brief were fulfilled, they had already proved themselves, they are perfect.

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