Blood Transfusions

Wow, this is getting nasty, we can disagree without it getting nasty.


As for war, war is faught in the name of anything, greed, money, religion, power, and so forth. Many will say they are fighting for their religion but they are in fact just fighting for something completely different. Religion just devises people which make sit easier to see differences and hate and envy which create problems and eventual wars and such.


hope i didn't come across as nasty, not sure if u meant me or not :haha: i was butting in and trying to answer staralfur's question :blush:

and when i refered to people fighting in God's name, i meant when they pray before they go off to war etc :flower:

this is why i never like to discuss my or anyone elses religion on BnB because it can become such a heated topic, and i don't believe it's the setting where anybody should have to defend their faith or belief if that makes sense?

Tasha all i'll say here is my faith and belief has given me massive amounts of comfort when it comes to death and things I've been thru, and I know it's real. I hope you find something that does the same for u hun :hugs:


No I wasn't :hugs: I think the reason people pray is to give them strength and courage.
I still have to question why god would punish a parent for saving their child's life.

He wouldnt necessarily do so, but its about showing absolute faith in and obedience to God.

I cant answer for how God would judge each individual hun.
Wow, this is getting nasty, we can disagree without it getting nasty.


I hope you werent referring to me either, ive tried my absolute best to keep this respectful, its very important to me to do so :)
Thank you so much for responding to me Eternal. That is exactly I say I wish I had faith, because I do believe I would gain comfort from it, in regards to my girls (and other things obviously). I have never heard of a religion believing you will have the oppurtunity to raise them in the next life. it is really interesting to me.

The bible speaks of the conditions on the earth in the future and also gives detailed sighns of how the world would become and mankinds attitude in general, just before all these things will occur, we believe its what we are seeing on earth today. Itss extremely accurate and for me makes total sense of why things are the way they are, why we are seeing such terrible things happen. Mankind has become alienated from God.

In regards to wars in the name of religion - All those who fight in the name of God, are they doing Gods will? The bible tells us to "love our neighbor as ourselves". Jehovahs Witnesses actually refuse to take up arms and many are actually in prision in many countires right now for refusing to take up arms. We want and love and peace, not war.

We live strictly to Gods standards as directed in the bible. "Be peaceable with all men" says Romans 12:18

These scriptures may give you comfort Tasha, despite what you believe and i hope they do.

“All those in the memorial tombs will…come out.”—John 5:28, 29

"And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” - Revelation 21:4

Wickedness, warfare, crime, and violence will be gone. “The wicked one will be no more…But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth.” (Psalm 37:10, 11) Peace will exist because ‘God will make wars cease to the ends of the earth.’ (Psalm 46:9; Isaiah 2:4) Then “the righteous one will sprout, and the abundance of peace until the moon is no more”—and that means forever!—Psalm 72:7..

Food shortages will not exist. “There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth,” sang the psalmist. “On the top of the mountains there will be an overflow.” (Psalm 72:16) Jehovah God will bless his righteous ones, and “the earth itself will certainly give its produce.”—Psalm 67:6

God will never fail to ‘open his hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.’—Psalm 145:16.

"the righteous themselves will posses the earth and reside forever upon it" - Psalms 37:29

There will be peace between humans and animals. Wild and domestic animals will feed together. Even a little child will have nothing to fear from animals that are now dangerous.—Isaiah 11:6-9; 65:25.

Sickness will vanish. As Ruler of God’s heavenly Kingdom, Jesus will do healing on a far grander scale than when he was on earth. (Matthew 9:35; Mark 1:40-42; John 5:5-9) Then “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’”—Isaiah 33:24; 35:5, 6.

And the most wonderful of all - Dead loved ones will be restored to life with the prospect of never dying. All those sleeping in death who are in God’s memory will be brought back to life. In fact, “there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.”—Acts 24:15; John 5:28, 29.

If you are interested in learning about these truths from the bible there is a very handy study aid that you can actually view online that looks at such topics as

Is This What God Purposed?
What Is the Truth About God?
What Is God’s Purpose for the Earth?
Where Are the Dead?
Real Hope for Your Loved Ones Who Have Died
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
What Is God’s Kingdom?
Are We Living in “the Last Days”?

and many more, you will need a bible as it constantly refers back to the scriptures but just helps to explain the bibles main message in a formatthats easy to understand

heres the link to the first chapter

The bible outlines a wonderful future here on earth under Gods kingdom (a heavenly government)

So this life now is just a glimpse compared to what God originally purposed.

To answer your question
I want to ask do you believe that the transfusion of blood will prevent someone from going to paradise? And on a more personal note because my girls never did anything 'wrong', never 'sinned' or had blood transfusions etc would it be believed that they were going to paradise?

I cant answer that for certain, but i wouldnt want to risk it. Remember the bible says his most outstanding quality is love. So its up to each christian to make that decision for themselves. God knows our hearts and if we truly want to please him

The bible makes it pretty clear that parents are accountable for their children in front of God, which is why its such a serious matter. Its a huge responsibility.

Sorry for the essay but its so nice to share such good news with people in comparison to the the bad news we constantly hear about.

I hope you find the comfort you are searching for x
Thanks for that, made things a bit easier to understand, can I ask though, I have had friends who have been Jws, they talks about being shunned if they disobey. Now we excommunicate and other such things, tend to be for bigger things like adultery, but no one is ever shunned, that doesn't seem right. They talk of whole families turning their backs on a member who refuses to obey or conform? Is this bitterness or truth?
Thank you Kai.

And Shan, thank you so much for taking your time to write that to me. It does make sense to me about how the bible talks of how the earth is now. The passages do bring comfort. I am going to spend the next few days looking for study aids, and gradually study as many religions as possible. Obviously it would take me years to study each one in depth but I am pretty sure that I could get a sense of if a religion's core beliefs make sense to me, and are something I do/can believe in, in a fairly short period of time. And if they are then study it more in depth.
Thank you Kai.

And Shan, thank you so much for taking your time to write that to me. It does make sense to me about how the bible talks of how the earth is now. The passages do bring comfort. I am going to spend the next few days looking for study aids, and gradually study as many religions as possible. Obviously it would take me years to study each one in depth but I am pretty sure that I could get a sense of if a religion's core beliefs make sense to me, and are something I do/can believe in, in a fairly short period of time. And if they are then study it more in depth.

Are you atheist or agnostic?
Feel free to ask me anything. I believe in a pre existence as well as a after life, and also believe, that one of the purposes of this life is to get a physical body, so you Children's lives, although brief were fulfilled, they had already proved themselves, they are perfect.

Oh wow, this is also a new idea to me when it comes to religion and pre-existance. I know I sound completely ignorant here, sorry :flower:

The last line made me cry, thank you for those comforting words. I always wonder if their lives were fufilled. I tell myself they were because they only ever knew my complete and pure love, and they only gave love too. That comforts me.

Would you mind if I send you a pm tomorrow?
Thanks for that, made things a bit easier to understand, can I ask though, I have had friends who have been Jws, they talks about being shunned if they disobey. Now we excommunicate and other such things, tend to be for bigger things like adultery, but no one is ever shunned, that doesn't seem right. They talk of whole families turning their backs on a member who refuses to obey or conform? Is this bitterness or truth?

In some cases there is bitterness and untruths no doubt.

Those who become inactive in the congregation, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned. In fact, special effort is made to reach out to them and rekindle their spiritual interest.

If, however, a baptised witness unrepentantly practices serious sins, such as drunkeness, stealing or adultery etc, he or she will be disfellowshipped and such an individual is avoided by former fellow-worshipers. Every effort is made to help wrongdoers. But if they are unrepentant, the congregation needs to be protected from their influence. The Bible clearly states: 'Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.' (1 Corinthians 5:13)

Its out of love to encourage them to do the right thing and so we make it clear the behavior is not condoned.

I guess you could compare it to someone your child or you were friends with, if they were a bad influenece and did bad things you wouldnt want your child to hang around them anymore and would just hope that one day they would change

Hope that makes sense?
Feel free to ask me anything. I believe in a pre existence as well as a after life, and also believe, that one of the purposes of this life is to get a physical body, so you Children's lives, although brief were fulfilled, they had already proved themselves, they are perfect.

Oh wow, this is also a new idea to me when it comes to religion and pre-existance. I know I sound completely ignorant here, sorry :flower:

The last line made me cry, thank you for those comforting words. I always wonder if their lives were fufilled. I tell myself they were because they only ever knew my complete and pure love, and they only gave love too. That comforts me.

Would you mind if I send you a pm tomorrow?

Please do!

I'm glad you found some comfort, Heavenly Father is our father and he loves us, all of us. Your children must have been amazing to not need to be tested in this life and you must be to be honoured with being their mum.
Are you atheist or agnostic?

Agnostic. I just dont know either way I guess. My want is there to believe though.

I know I sound crazy, because if you want to believe than you can but :shrug:
Are you atheist or agnostic?

Agnostic. I just dont know either way I guess. My want is there to believe though.

I know I sound crazy, because if you want to believe than you can but :shrug:

Thats why you need to search, knowledge is what will help you come to a conclusion. Im glad both Eternal and i have been able to bring you some measure of comfort.

I hope you find what you are looking for. And im truly sorry for your loss :flower:
And on a more personal note because my girls never did anything 'wrong', never 'sinned' or had blood transfusions etc would it be believed that they were going to paradise?

Sorry Tasha i didnt answer this question in my reply, my apologies.

Remember the scripture i quoted “there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.”—Acts 24:15; John 5:28, 29? So, If even ones who have done bad things will be given a chance to come to an accurate knowledge of God and his purposes and have the prospect of living forever then im sure the same would be held out to your girls :hugs:
Thank you Shan, I will search. And again thank you for taking your time to reply to my questions.

I am sorry to everyone that I took this thread way off topic. I have no one in my real life to ask these things to.
I'm going to be completely blunt here. It's not an attack on Shan at all, but I think that the particular belief system you follow is a bit extreme. I could never see choosing God or god over my children. It feels to me a bit like blind faith, but I'm going to leave it at that because I will never agree with those practices or understand them. I'm not ignorant or uneducated. It is because I'm educated that I question that belief system.
This is one of the strangest threads I have ever read. I feel so glad for the way I am and thankful of medical science to with all due respect to you all in here.
I'm sorry shanandboc if you felt ganged up on, but I was genuinely shocked as I'd never heard someone voice those opinions before. I just couldn't understand!

It does seem like an extreme form of religion. I have always questioned religion and don't understand why there are so many religions out there and how people just pick one, if there are so many how can that specific one be true? I couldn't base such important decisions (such as my childs life) on something like that and not question it at all, especially when I believe science and religion do not go hand in hand.
I'm sorry shanandboc if you felt ganged up on, but I was genuinely shocked as I'd never heard someone voice those opinions before. I just couldn't understand!

It does seem like an extreme form of religion. I have always questioned religion and don't understand why there are so many religions out there and how people just pick one, if there are so many how can that specific one be true? I couldn't base such important decisions (such as my childs life) on something like that and not question it at all, especially when I believe science and religion do not go hand in hand.

Its ok, no harm done :flower: We are all entitled to our opinions, its been a good opportunity to get a better understanding of others beliefs tho i think :)

Many factors have contributed to the development of so many religious groups. Some say that the various religions all represent different ways of presenting religious truth.

The bible highlights what would set apart the true religion from the false and spoke of only one true faith or one truth, but that there would be many false religions. It says that the devil is also behind this confusion to steer people away from the truth from the bible and Gods purpose for us.

But a comparison of their teachings and practices with the Bible indicates, rather, that the diversity of religions is because people have become followers of men and favor tradition, instead of listening to God and truly following the bible. So im a witness Because i believe they are the only ones that truly base all of their beliefs, their standards for conduct, and organizational procedures on the Bible and practice what they preach.

Even our preaching work (door to door) is a command from Jesus and exactly what he and the first century christians did. Preached from house to house about Gods kingdom as as our only hope.

Our global preaching work is even one of the signs Jesus spoke of to identify the last days of this system in Matthew chapter 24.

I dont know why anyone would think im uneducated or havent questioned things, its because i have done so that im so firm in my faith.

Its the only thing that makes any sense to me.
For me yes I would do anything for my child even if it was not in my religion, but that is me. I appreciate you and your beliefs and I respect them, I am not one to judge. I just wanted to say thank you for being patient in this thread and explaining your views on this.. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I've always found it weird how people interpret the bible and there are so many strands of Christianity.
Even though I don't believe, it makes so much more sense to me to follow it literally if you are going to follow it at all! x

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