BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

I cant believe how well Nic is doing after such a short time, today he's been biting off bits of broccoli and carrot and chewing them! Not sure how much is being swallowed though his favourite game is throwing food on the floor for the dog and watching her eat!

I've been giving him two "meals" a day I think I might increase it to three as he's doing so well :D

Yay Sun! Your LO looks like he's enjoying that toast, mine loves sucking the butter off ;)
Gosh Dom you sound like you're doing so well! My LO eats pittance in comparison and has 1oz at the very most of I'm lucky :/

grrr I constantly feel like I'm doing something wrong or missing out something really important with his weaning..

Its crazy how much we all worry about our Lo's - Im worrying that shes getting too much, and your worrying that yours isnt getting enough :dohh: I wish we could all just trust them totally but its so hard :wacko:


WELL DONE BUN :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: What a clever boy! You must be immensly proud of him, :cloud9: and hes a little cutey too :hugs:
George dipped his spoon in his yoghurt all by himself :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Thanks everyone for all the helpful comments! :hugs:

Tigerlady - I did try some plain yogurt but he wasn't so keen. I only tried once though - so I will definitely give it another go! I do notice that Bun likes things one day and not the next, so he might be into it soon. Do you flavour the yogurt, or just give it to him plain? I will try the cream cheese too - so far I have only tried avocado on the toast. Are those laughing cow cheeses just as good as cream cheese?? They are pretty bland and similar in texture.

Otter doesn't like plain yogurt. I always buy him the kinds with fruit. Blueberry and peach are his favorites.

I have never given him laughing cow, but I imagine he would like it. His favorite cream cheese is actually the one with veggie flavor, though. He prefers flavor to bland. He also really likes hummus on toast. :thumbup:

Dom, Otter gorges himself all the time. :dohh: I have actually been thinking about cutting back his portion sizes. :shrug: The other day for dinner he ate a piece of steak the size of my palm, an adult serving size of macaroni salad, some corn on the cob, AND an adult serving size of strawberry shortcake for dessert. :shock: That amount is not unusual for him. I'm really starting to think it is too much sometimes. Especially as he is 11 months, 30 lbs, and wears size 2-3 for toddlers. :shrug:
Oh! Just saw the breakthrough pic of Bun -- well done! :happydance:

Also, Dom, Otter drinks LOADS of water. He will drink anywhere from 6-12 oz in a meal, sometimes more. And he demands it throughout the meal. He'll start growling and whining when he is thristy after a few bites and we have to give him a drink. I am trying to teach him to say "drink" but he doesn't seem to think that necessary when a growl gets the same result. :dohh:
Wow I can't get over how well your LO's are doing.

JJ is finally getting the hang of BLW:happydance::happydance: - over the weekend I've given him toast, crumpet with jam (loved licking the jam off lol) strawberries, mango and a sandwich as well as other stuff and he takes a bite or two of most things - except the strawberries he LOVES these and eats almost the whole thing lol

I was getting quite stressy over it especially reading what other LO's eat and also cos of his age he's so much older than most of your LO's who are eating loads. But I've had a word with myself now lol. I know that all babies are different - also I read the Gill Rapley book and saw where I was going wrong! I was giving him food when he was hungry so now I do it when he's happy and not hungry and he's responding so much better.

We're going with the flow now - led entirely by JJ:thumbup:

Just wanted to say well done to all your LO's and thanks for all the advice xxx

After almost 6 weeks of BLW, Bun brought a piece of toast up to his mouth and took a bite!!! He spit it out after, but chewed it a bit and sucked some of the avocado that was spread on it!!! I gave him a toddler cookie after and he chewed that too!!! :happydance::happydance:

This is the first time he has been interested since we started - he didn't actually eat anything, but it's a start! All the LOs I have been reading about seem so into their food and I have tried everything - even pureed food (he has a complete meltdown if anything pureed or mushed is in his mouth - I have to spread the avocado on his toast so thin you can hardly make it out). So this weekend was a good start! Hope he keeps trying!!!! :thumbup:

So excited I had to post a pic! xx

Yay, that's so exciting!! Gorgeous photo too, he's a very handsome little man!
Gosh Dom you sound like you're doing so well! My LO eats pittance in comparison and has 1oz at the very most of I'm lucky :/

grrr I constantly feel like I'm doing something wrong or missing out something really important with his weaning..

Jenny stop stressing! That's an order (LOL)!!! You are doing a great job and I think your LO is doing absolutely fine with food. Often people post when they are excited about how well their babies are eating so it can seem like everyone else's babies are eating loads. Some days Thomas eats so much that I don't know where he puts it but other days he barely eats anything, just sucks at stuff and throws it on the floor or eats the wrong end of the spoon. I know he can eat if he wants to, it is hard not to worry, but I think it's fantastic that our LO's are setting the pace.
George dipped his spoon in his yoghurt all by himself :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Wow well done George! Isn't that fantastic at only 10 and a half months!!!

thanks - I try giving him the spoon to do himself every now and then and he's started to try more recently. It's made it to the bowl before but this is the first time it's gone in the bowl then in his mouth - he did it 6 times :) such a proud mummy

I also gave him a fork and he stabbed some pasta - it we t near his mouth but then he realised it was pasta pulled it off the fork and flung it! He isn't a pasta fan usually but I keep trying it :rofl:
George dipped his spoon in his yoghurt all by himself :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Wow well done George! Isn't that fantastic at only 10 and a half months!!!

thanks - I try giving him the spoon to do himself every now and then and he's started to try more recently. It's made it to the bowl before but this is the first time it's gone in the bowl then in his mouth - he did it 6 times :) such a proud mummy

I also gave him a fork and he stabbed some pasta - it we t near his mouth but then he realised it was pasta pulled it off the fork and flung it! He isn't a pasta fan usually but I keep trying it :rofl:

:rofl: Yes I find that Thomas manages much better with the pre-loaded spoon when he is highly motivated (e.g. yoghurt - barely spills a drop) than when he is not that bothered (e.g. my lovely homemade carrot and coriander soup yesterday - the wrong end of the spoon went into his mouth just as often as the right end I think).
Yay Bun! Well done, I'm sure you're relieved...bouncing off the walls more like! :)

Gosh Dom you sound like you're doing so well! My LO eats pittance in comparison and has 1oz at the very most of I'm lucky :/

grrr I constantly feel like I'm doing something wrong or missing out something really important with his weaning..

Jenny stop stressing! That's an order (LOL)!!! You are doing a great job and I think your LO is doing absolutely fine with food. Often people post when they are excited about how well their babies are eating so it can seem like everyone else's babies are eating loads. Some days Thomas eats so much that I don't know where he puts it but other days he barely eats anything, just sucks at stuff and throws it on the floor or eats the wrong end of the spoon. I know he can eat if he wants to, it is hard not to worry, but I think it's fantastic that our LO's are setting the pace.

Polaris, my mum told me today to stop stressing out or I'll put myself in an early grave :blush: She said that she can see that I mean well, but I'm putting too much effort in instead of relaxing and going with the flow...and then getting wound up when it doesn't go as planned. And this coming from the most uptight lady in the world!

I really need to catch myself on..think its lack of sleep too. BUT everything has been done for the day before LO was even in bed (for a change), so I'm going to have an early night :happydance:
Thanks everyone for all the helpful comments! :hugs:

Tigerlady - I did try some plain yogurt but he wasn't so keen. I only tried once though - so I will definitely give it another go! I do notice that Bun likes things one day and not the next, so he might be into it soon. Do you flavour the yogurt, or just give it to him plain? I will try the cream cheese too - so far I have only tried avocado on the toast. Are those laughing cow cheeses just as good as cream cheese?? They are pretty bland and similar in texture.

Otter doesn't like plain yogurt. I always buy him the kinds with fruit. Blueberry and peach are his favorites.

I have never given him laughing cow, but I imagine he would like it. His favorite cream cheese is actually the one with veggie flavor, though. He prefers flavor to bland. He also really likes hummus on toast. :thumbup:

Dom, Otter gorges himself all the time. :dohh: I have actually been thinking about cutting back his portion sizes. :shrug: The other day for dinner he ate a piece of steak the size of my palm, an adult serving size of macaroni salad, some corn on the cob, AND an adult serving size of strawberry shortcake for dessert. :shock: That amount is not unusual for him. I'm really starting to think it is too much sometimes. Especially as he is 11 months, 30 lbs, and wears size 2-3 for toddlers. :shrug:

TL - Otter is a big boy but he is totally in proportion, I saw the video of him walking and he doesn't look chubby or overweight, he is just bigger all round than the average child of his age. Anyway now that he is so mobile he probably does just need a lot of fuel to keep himself going! (That does sound like a very healthy appetite mind you!)
Well done George you clever little boy!!! I cant believe he managed to do it 6 times!!

And thanks TigerLady, Im glad its not just Gabriella that eats ginormous portions! i think we have yet to have a day when she just picks at things. She didnt want her chicken or potatoes at tea time, but she did eat strawberries, blueberries and some orange. She was shattered as she'd only had 3/4 of an hour nap because of our nursery visit, instead of her normal 2.5 hours!!!!

Gabriella does the growling thing when she wants water too, but I suppose at least i know what she wants! When did Otter start to drink from a cup without the lid on?

And what age did anyones Lo's start to be able to eat small things, like peas and raisins? Use the "pincer grip" I think its called? Just out of curiousity :)
Thanks everyone!!! :hugs:

Just a quick question - what are you offering your LOs water in? Do you give them a bottle or a sippy cup? I have one of those NUK bottle/cup things but Bun doesn't really get it. He's never drank any water ever, just breastmilk - so I am finding it tough to offer water. Any suggestions? xx
Ruby has water in a Doidy cup. It's basically an open cup that's slanted. She won't drink from a spout at all!
Sun - I am using a doidy cup with Thomas for water. It took him a little while to get the hang of it but he can drink quite well out of it now but I still have to hold it for him. He will also drink from any open top glass/cup if we are out and I don't have his cup with me but it has to be quite full so it doesn't need too much tipping. He will also drink water from a bottle (have tried it at night to try to substitute for nightfeed - no joy there but that's another story) but I think it's recommended to get them used to a cup at this age. I haven't tried him with a sippy cup.

Dom - Thomas is able to use a pincer grip to eat small foods for maybe a couple of weeks now, so about seven and a half months. I have a lovely video of him successfully eating blueberries for the first time!
:yipee:DOIDY CUP DOIDY CUP DOIDY CUP!!!! :yipee:

This applies to both Sun and Dom. :D

I can't say enough about them. Love them! Otter was never able to figure a sippy out and we only tried a few times. I wanted him to have only EBM in his bottles, so didn't want water to be in that.

The doidy worked perfectly! He was able to drink from it right off (with help holding it) from about 6 months. He could have done it earlier if I had one before then, I think. He can do it all by himself now. :thumbup:

As for the pincer grasp, I think babies vary widely in that. My friend's little girl has been an expert at it since about 6 months :shock:. Otter, on the other hand, is only now getting decent at it. But my friend's girl has very fine, slender hands and fingers. Otter has giant, square meathooks with super chubby fingers. :haha:
Thanks everyone!!! :hugs:

Just a quick question - what are you offering your LOs water in? Do you give them a bottle or a sippy cup? I have one of those NUK bottle/cup things but Bun doesn't really get it. He's never drank any water ever, just breastmilk - so I am finding it tough to offer water. Any suggestions? xx

I tried Gabriella with quite a few cups, and the best one I have found for her is boots own one. I think they're about £1.50 and we now have 5 of them as she has both water and formula from them.

What is a doidy cup?? :shrug: :blush: Is it just a cup with handles without a lid? Ive never heard of them before.

Gabriella can eat blueberries really well, so I think she's getting there with the pincer grip - she'll be 8 months at the weekend. I may start to offer her peas when we have them, Ive resisted before as I didnt think she'd manage them. I bought some broad beans for us to try too. Ive never bought them before :blush: but since we started BLW our diet is so much more varied. Ive always cooked from fresh but Im a lot more adventurous with the things I buy now. Its having a great effect too - Mackenzie (5) is trying lots of new foods, he ate blueberries yesterday and loved them - after at first immediately saying "I dont like them" I persuaded him to try them and he loved them :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I feel really bad that I didnt BLW with him, :cry: :cry: I really wish Id have known about it then, but I suppose the important thing is Im so much more relaxed about food now, and with him only being 5 it isnt too late for him to pick up on it.

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