BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

We can only get them online at Amazon here. :( And they are expensive because they are imports. :hissy: Last time I bought a few they were $10 each!

Aha! That's why none of the stores around here have heard of it! Amazon, here I come! :thumbup:
Polaris ~~ Gabriella was born the day before Thomas - at exactly 11.56am too - spooky!! and she already has 6 teeth!! 4 at the top and her 2 middle ones :)

Isn't is funny how they are all so different? I didn't realize Gabriella and Thomas were so close in age - funny about the time of day too!

TigerLady - you are right, I should definitely look on the bright side! That is what I keep telling myself when I am wishing for teeth, that at least the little gummy mouth is much softer on the boobs!
Did anyone else have problems with their LO crying/meltdown while getting used to BLW??
Bun will grab a spoon, but start crying and drop it - or take a piece of toast, but then act uninterested and cry. If I put it back in his hand, he will put it to his mouth, but then lose interest and start crying. It is as if he is a mix of unhappy and frustrated! He won't pick something up directly from the tray - I put the spoon/toast in his hand. I do try and make it fun, but he really gets worked up around food! It is basically the only time he really cries hard ever - it is so sad! :(


Edit: We did have a good experience yesterday with yogurt though! I got some hilarious pics!
Is anyone else dying for their LO to get a couple of teeth so they are able to properly manage a wider range of foods?

Thomas has reached the stage now where he would be pretty pissed off if he wasn't able to actually eat much of his dinner, so it does require a bit of extra thought to make sure that it is reasonably accessible for him. Mind you I am always amazed at how well he manages most foods with no teeth. But there are still some things that he just can't chew properly with just gums and he does find it frustrating at times!

NO signs of teeth here at all, his gums look totally normal, he's not drooling much, no red cheeks, chewing on stuff but no more so than normal. I still check every morning just in case though, LOL!

Well after posting this yesterday, today we have a tooth!!!! :shock:
Well nearly - I can feel the edge of it has come through but not much to see yet. It's so sharp!
Yup, they are wicked sharp!! Which is what makes a bf'ing chomp hurt like the dickens. Esp once they have tops AND bottoms that match up.

Sun, I've not had that sort of problem. :( Have you tried lots of different times of day with Bun? I would aim for testing different times and moods and see if you hit on a combination that seems to make him more interested.
Sun, Rebaby had this problem if I remember rightly? Maybe glance back to earlier posts in this thread?
Did anyone else have problems with their LO crying/meltdown while getting used to BLW??
Bun will grab a spoon, but start crying and drop it - or take a piece of toast, but then act uninterested and cry. If I put it back in his hand, he will put it to his mouth, but then lose interest and start crying. It is as if he is a mix of unhappy and frustrated! He won't pick something up directly from the tray - I put the spoon/toast in his hand. I do try and make it fun, but he really gets worked up around food! It is basically the only time he really cries hard ever - it is so sad! :(


Edit: We did have a good experience yesterday with yogurt though! I got some hilarious pics!

Poor Bun. We haven't had anything like that, it sounds quite upsetting to watch. I would say just take it very slowly with him. Maybe try sitting him on your lap instead of in his highchair for the moment? Or you could maybe try a picnic lunch?

I have a friend in real life who is doing BLW, her baby is seven and a half months and has so far refused to have anything to do with food. She did initially try spoon-feeding but he clamped his mouth shut and refused to eat so she read up on BLW and decided to switch. We had a picnic in the park last week and he had an Organix rice cake and actually sucked on it and tasted it a bit, his mum was so excited because that is the first time he has actually put food in his mouth without spitting it out immediately. She thought that the change in setting might have helped because maybe everyone was more relaxed.

And yay about the yoghurt - I saw the photos on the other thread! :happydance:
Polaris, Harry hasn't got any teeth yet either- some foods really frustrate him (celery & some beef steak was one, for example) as he's chomping down & yanking it away, longing for it to break so he can actually eat it & it just doesn't happen!!! Then he gets annoyed & throws it on the floor. The best one was some red cabbage. He ended up with cabbage rage!!!! I will be pleased when he gets some teeth so he can have those harder types of foods without hurling them at me!!! :dohh:

Sun, congrats on the banana yogurt breakthough :) Love the photos!
Hi ladies, I'm going to be doing this with Edward and was wondering whether anyone had a copy of the BLW book I could borrow if I paid postage? :flower:

Also, does anyone know if goats and sheeps milk have lactose in or is lactose found solely in cows milk? xx
All milk has lactose in some form. Goat's milk is more easily digested and has less lactose, which is why some lactose intolerant people can handle goat's milk, but not cow's milk.
Thanks ladies!! What would I do without this thread!!! :hugs:

We had (mostly) a really good experience today! :happydance: I even took some more pics for the BLW pic thread! Bun went to town on a piece of toast with cream cheese. He just kept working at it - and definitely downed more than a few bites! :happydance: It was a soggy mess after about 10min, but he was pretty happy - only a little fuss now and then! But he was going at it like he wanted to eat! He gagged a few times, but kept working the food around and swallowing!!

The only thing is that he choked a bit on some soggy cracker! Warning - keep your fingers out of their mouth unless absolutely necessary! Bun had lots of food stuck to the roof of his mouth, so OH went to scrape some out but must have accidentally pushed some further in. :shock: Bun is totally fine though! It just took a few seconds and a pat on the back and he was ok again. That said, I'm still shaking! So we have a rule - no fishing! :wacko:

Do your LOs get big clumps of food stuck to the roof of their mouths?? How do you get it out?

Otter used to have that problem when he first started eating bread. We used his doidy cup to give him a drink and it would often "wash" food out of his mouth. But mostly, I just let him figure it out. It won't take long for Bun to figure out how to use his tongue to fix it for himself. :D
Otter used to have that problem when he first started eating bread. We used his doidy cup to give him a drink and it would often "wash" food out of his mouth. But mostly, I just let him figure it out. It won't take long for Bun to figure out how to use his tongue to fix it for himself. :D

I am learning that given a chance, he will figure it out! I am a very slow learner though :haha:
And we have a doidy cup on the way!!! :thumbup:

Otter used to have that problem when he first started eating bread. We used his doidy cup to give him a drink and it would often "wash" food out of his mouth. But mostly, I just let him figure it out. It won't take long for Bun to figure out how to use his tongue to fix it for himself. :D

Same here. Normally Thomas will take a mouthful of water and then spit it straight back out along with whatever food was stuck to the roof of his mouth. Then he will want a proper drink of water.
It's been a while since I posted in here. Alice is generally doing really well and seems to enjoy any chance to eat, but I was wondering if anyone else is finding that their little ones eat less when it's hot. Generally I don't notice how much food is going in, but in the past 3 days or so she has barely eaten anything solid. Milk feeds have gone up, so I'm not really concerned. i just wondered if it was heat related or if she's just going through a funny phase.
Ruby has eaten a bit less, and has refused a few foods she normally eats enthusiastically. She seems to be prioritising carbs above all.
Jacob's eating a lot less at the minute too, although he has 4 teeth at the top all coming at once, so I'm guessing that's why, as he gets very frustrated at meal times sometimes and just squeezes the food up and throws - NO - slams it down on the tray.
Not sure what to do about spoons....

LO has always been good with preloaded spoons either grabbed from our hands or put on his tray although I have limited them as much as poss - i.e. once every few days coz he got lazy with other foods.

Recently he has been trying to load the spoon himself sometimes - dips it in yogurt and picks up beans/rice with his hands & puts it on the spoon... so I've been offering a spoon more.

Sometimes though he waves it at me and shouts which is what hes always done when he wants another PL'd spoon; so I take it to PL but before I manage to pass it/put it down he's dived right forward mouth open onto the spoon. I tried to keep it further from him & he almost climbed onto the table trying to launch onto the spoon :dohh::dohh:

I know they are meant to go thru' a phase of wanting fed but this is a joke, do I jyst ignore it & carry on as I am or should I try going cold turkey completely on PL spoons?
Oops! Ruby went through a phase of that (thanks, I'm sure, to my mum spoonfeeding her yoghurts) That was the point that I stopped bothering with PL spoons and just gave her the spoon and held out the pot. Sometimes I help her load it by angling the pot onto the spoon, so she gets more at a time. She never did like PL spoons anyway tbh
Otter does the same. I have just started giving the spoon to him and hopes he works it out. Usually he resorts to his hands. You should have seen the yogurt mess I had this morning as I just gave him a suctioned bowl full and a spoon. He had yogurt EVERYwhere -- even in his armpits!!!!! :haha:

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