BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

What I do with banana is cut the skin back and leave a little bit poking out of the skin. The skin acts like a handle so they can get a good grip. Luke loved the banana when I did it like that, he found it far too slippery without the skin.

And Luke tried some pasta with a tomato sauce tonight, he got annoyed at not being able to grip it properly but had fun smashing it to pieces on his tray! And throwing it all over the floor!
im desperately in need of some other food ideas, we are stuck in a rut!

on a typical day she will have:

banana, grapes, melon, oranges, plum, nectarine, pear
phillie sandwhich, yogurt, tomato, cucumber
potato (in some form, baked, mashed, chips cooked in oven)

But she will eat the following:


she still doesn't have any teeth yet so i am giving her things which she is able to mash with her gums.

can i give her raisins yet without any teeth?

sandwich fillings would be very useful, as she attacks it with avengance!

i just get stuck. Help would be appreciated.
H has no teeth but does suprisingly well with her gums . she tried tuna on a sandwich yesterday and managed that no problem she also manages cheese sticks too. you could maybe try grated cheese ?

this week i have bought for her to try : apricots , avacado , mango , watermelon and sweet potatoes .

tonight we will be having cottage pie which ill give her and will expect a huge mess lol

i am going to make a cauliflower/brocolli cheese too hoping she will love that as brocolli seems to be a fave.
Hey Moo! You're BLWing! Yay!

Sofia barely swallows her milk so Niamh sounds like she's doing well. We did actually eat half a baby sweetcorn today without gagging! Other stuff is making its way in (from the nappies) but she generally chews and exits the way it came in! lol!

Well, kinda. I'm still going to offer yoghurts and the odd puree of 'hard foods'.

I'm just going with very fleshy foods like steamed courgette, potato and parsnip etc for now, it's easier for her to suck, no way am I brave enough for pepper strips etc (unless roasted). She's had 4 toast soldiers too and I found some amazing sized courgette chunks in today's pants!!

How many meals is Fi on now?

I basically just offer her food whenever I'm eating. The more opportunities she gets the better even if its just a rice cake or something when I'm out and about. She's got so much better this week already. We had scrambled egg on toast for breakfast. I just mooshed it into the bread so she sucked on that. The big pieces she was able to eat with her hands, then when they got too small I handed her a pre-loaded fork! I was a bit nervous of her stabbing herself in the eye so was on close guard!!

Can they have strawberries? The seeds are ok etc? Sorry, I am soooo naive....

I wasn't sure but Fi had them on Monday and has been fine. She only managed a little nom though because her hand was clamped around the rest of it.

Thanks girls. I gave her half of one earlier, she pulled a face initially but then just kept shoving it in and sucking. I am actually allergic to strawberries but only in the sense that my hands (bizarrely) go blotchy. Perhaps I should lay off them for a while then.....

She also had a chunk of banana but she gagged quite badly with it, anyone else had similar with banana?

Sofia has this with tomato sauces (bolognese etc) It faded after an hour or so and was only on her arm where she had been leaning on it but not round her mouth or anything which was where the tomato was mostly so not sure... think I'll try it again and see what happens.

h only gagged on banana when she tried to shove a whole banana down her throat lol .

today she tried pasta and tuna,she got peed off at not being able to chew the pasta but played with it anyway !

LOL we have that. Half peeled is good. Also cutting it length ways in quarters seems to be a bit easier to pick up.

im desperately in need of some other food ideas, we are stuck in a rut!

on a typical day she will have:

banana, grapes, melon, oranges, plum, nectarine, pear
phillie sandwhich, yogurt, tomato, cucumber
potato (in some form, baked, mashed, chips cooked in oven)

But she will eat the following:


she still doesn't have any teeth yet so i am giving her things which she is able to mash with her gums.

can i give her raisins yet without any teeth?

sandwich fillings would be very useful, as she attacks it with avengance!

i just get stuck. Help would be appreciated.

I can really recommend the River Cottage Baby and Toddler book if you are in the market for a cookbook. There are some great recipes in there. So far we've only made fritata but I really want to give her some curry! There is a lamb curry recipe in there.

I've not really thought about the teeth thing too much. I just give Sofia chicken/beef etc and she just sort of noms and sucks at it. She's getting the goodness from the juices that way I figure. I think provided its appropriate (ie. little or no salt/sugar) no whole nuts etc that anything is okay!
Maria was able to eat bite off a bit of pork before she got her tooth. But now she has a tooth its so much easier, she ate most of a breadstick today (and it was a very hard one!)
Hi all. Im furious, I am dead set on BLW and my OH (who already has 2 children) has just said he doesnt think its good for their stomachs at such a young age and we should puree our own food. Im LIVID, he wont listen to me at all and I so want to go with this when shes around 6 months ish.

Any advice? :(
Hi all. Im furious, I am dead set on BLW and my OH (who already has 2 children) has just said he doesnt think its good for their stomachs at such a young age and we should puree our own food. Im LIVID, he wont listen to me at all and I so want to go with this when shes around 6 months ish.

Any advice? :(

have you shown him some websites / forums ..get him to read the book ?

my hubby suprisingly was quite up for it on the basis that it was less hassle than pureeing , with ds1 i spent an age in the kitchen making and freezing purees . if it was me id just do it lol make her 1st meal lunch time when hes at work so not to see then after a while go oh look how well she is doing lol ..... my oh didnt want cloth nappies but i bought them anyway and now 6 months later he is starting to like them, they can all be won round eventually
Get him to read the BLW book. It's really good at explaining things. Or you can read it and keep quoting it at him. He'll either agree with what it says or get bored of you keep quoting so might agree :haha:

This is LO eating pancake for breakfast. I use the word eating losely as I don't think any got swallowed...

Thought i would share Holly's 1st attempt with spoon lol
Just gotta say, BLW is awesome and really works! I had members of my family telling me I should spoon feed her some meals to make sure she eats something but I refused to as I knew she'd eat more and more in her own time. She has always been a slow weight gainer (enough to cause concern for the nurse and have her referred to the hospital) and was only 6.3kg at her last two weigh ins but I weighed her on my scales yesterday and she was 7kg! I was amazed! Going to take her to be properly weighed this week so will get a more accurate weight but it won't be much off.
I am just really happy and proud of her for gaining weight so well, she seems to healthy now! :)
Just gotta say, BLW is awesome and really works! I had members of my family telling me I should spoon feed her some meals to make sure she eats something but I refused to as I knew she'd eat more and more in her own time. She has always been a slow weight gainer (enough to cause concern for the nurse and have her referred to the hospital) and was only 6.3kg at her last two weigh ins but I weighed her on my scales yesterday and she was 7kg! I was amazed! Going to take her to be properly weighed this week so will get a more accurate weight but it won't be much off.
I am just really happy and proud of her for gaining weight so well, she seems to healthy now! :)

my lo is a slow gainer too she was also 6.3k when i took her last , i havent weihed her since we have been doing blw though , i also ignore people lol .

on a side note , i gave H a meatball and my dad was here , he was trying to get it out of her mouth despite me saying leave her alone it really pissed me off , he said you will thank me when she doesnt choke , she wasnt evengagging she had just shoved in too much so he couldnt close her mouth ...grr becaue i shouted at my dad it made H cry . i usually get on well with my dad but that mega annoyed me
Some people just don't get it *sigh* Luckily none of my family tried to take anything out of her mouth and eventually they were even offering her food themselves when they saw she doesn't choke.
I'm quite suprised how well my family have taken to me BLW LO. I'm the one getting anxious about her not swallowing yet and it's my dad telling me 'it's fine, she's learning' They are really good actually. I think the only thing I'll have to watch is the treats as they love giving treats and spoiling :haha:

Well done Maria for gaining! I'm not sure how much LO weighs. She is over 8kg though I think hehe!

How much is tooooo much?

Zanes took to BLW a bit too well lol..Hes eating non stop and swallowing great but still drinking 80 oz of milk a day!

For eg

Just for his tea last night he had

8 tubes of pasta with tomato and mascerpone sauce on a slice of garlic bread, a slice of watermelon a mango finger and 3 yoghurts..Thats just what i saw him swallow!

I know in the book it says to trust them they will stop when they are full but please hes like a gannet! lol
mine was like this too at first, she calmed down after she got over the excitement of food :haha:

How much is tooooo much?

Zanes took to BLW a bit too well lol..Hes eating non stop and swallowing great but still drinking 80 oz of milk a day!

For eg

Just for his tea last night he had

8 tubes of pasta with tomato and mascerpone sauce on a slice of garlic bread, a slice of watermelon a mango finger and 3 yoghurts..Thats just what i saw him swallow!

I know in the book it says to trust them they will stop when they are full but please hes like a gannet! lol

80oz of milk!? Blimey when does he have time to fit that in LOL... Sofia barely makes 24!
omygosh thats like 9 bottles of 9oz milk a day :0 he must be one hungry baby lol.
Happy to be joining you all :flower:
Today is day 4 of BLW and he doesn't seem to get it. I've told him he's meant to be playing with food and having fun but tonight he wolfed down, chewed and swallowed, a load of broccoli!!! He's taken to it all rather too well lol! So far we've had sweet potato, potato, broccoli, cucumber and banana. I've had the first stinky poos :( yuk! Loads of bits in them- I was shocked at how much he must have swallowed. Part of me is sad as we've been EBF til now but also we're having great fun at mealtimes. I'm glad we started now, even though we're early he's clearly ready!
Happy to be joining you all :flower:
Today is day 4 of BLW and he doesn't seem to get it. I've told him he's meant to be playing with food and having fun but tonight he wolfed down, chewed and swallowed, a load of broccoli!!! He's taken to it all rather too well lol! So far we've had sweet potato, potato, broccoli, cucumber and banana. I've had the first stinky poos :( yuk! Loads of bits in them- I was shocked at how much he must have swallowed. Part of me is sad as we've been EBF til now but also we're having great fun at mealtimes. I'm glad we started now, even though we're early he's clearly ready!

We are also new to this, we are on day 4 now and LO is LOVING food!! Well fruit and veg anyway. I have been totally gobsmacked by the amount he has actually eaten...the evidence has been in the nappy! So far we have tried melon, pineapple, cucumber, biscotti biscuits (which he loved!). Today will be another day of firsts as we are going out for lunch so I shall let him have a try of anything suitable (or anything he grabs!).
I also feel quite sad as we have been EBF up to now, and it really made me think that he is just growing up to quick! But like you Thumper, meal times have become great fun and I spend all day looking forward to them!

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