Hi girls
well i am joining you all if you dont mind? i am really struggling to deal with the weight and its making me quite depressed, i hate my saggy belly, huge saggy boobs and fat thunder thighs! i bought a wii fit and have een doing that now for 9 days and not lost an inch! i would be grateful for any tips or excersises that actually do work, i am used to being a size 10 and having my daughter in 2007 i put on a huge amount of weight and ballooned to at least an 18 through illness and being bedridden throughout pregnancy, i got down to a 14 before falling pg with my son and he is 5 weeks old now, and i am a size 16 even they are uncomfy round my belly, anyone that could give me tips or recepies or excersises that work or anything i would be sooo grateful, i want to join ww but dont have anyone to babysit as my hubby works all hours and its hard to structure a routine.
my biggest downfall is snacking on kids food when feeding my daughter and just lack of motivation, i really want to be somewhat smaller for the summer and at least feel comfy in tight tops, although i am huge on top, i am a hh and if anyone has tips on losing weight on boobies that would be amazing! my doc said i can go for a breast reduction but i have to get my weight down to 11 stone, i am currently just under 14! and only 5ft 3
thanks in advance girls