Well, what you need to do is answer these questions and give yourself points for the correct answer that fits you....
1. Are you:
Female = score 2
Male = score 8
A nursing mom = score 12
2. How old are you?
17 - 26 = score 4
27 - 37 = score 3
38 - 47 = score 2
48 - 58 = score 1
Over 58 = score 0
3. What do you weigh?
Enter the first 2 didgits of your weight in pounds. For example, if you weight 175, enter 17. If you weight less than 100 pounds enter the first digit of your weight in pounds, i.e. for 98 enter 9.
4. How tall are you?
Under 5'1" = score 0
5'1 - 5'10" = score 1
Over 5'10 = score 2
5. On most days of the week, how do you spend your day?
Sitting Down (receptionist, bus driver, office work) = score 0
Occcasionally sitting, but mainly standing? (sales person, housewife, cook, teacher) = score 2
Walking most of the time? (waiter, mailman) = score 4
Doing physically hard work most of the time? (nurse, gardener, construction worker) = Score 6
Now add up your score and that will be how many points you can have a day

You will have to recalculate your points as you lose weight.