boiling point ex's 18yrold daughter called bub a brat !!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2009
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grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooo angry ex's 18 yr old daughter called bub a brat back in july when she found out i was expecting ... i wouldn't mind but she had stayed at my house i had cooked for her and helped her with her boyfriend breakups...
she said she didn't need another sibbling and her dads girlfriend was bloody pregnant .... blar blar blar .. all this was announced on face book ... followed by comments from his ex .... calling me a wako .:wacko:... followed by posts such as maybe he'll make her have an abortion .... (at this point i hadn't even told my own family because we wanted to wait till the nuchal scan results)
well he didn't and we decided to keep bub it was never in question .. ok

NOW things haven't worked out between us .. lots to do with his ex ... and whinning mother .. :witch:
But the other day .. he popped whooooooo £40.00 . whit woo !!!!!!
towards the cost of the bedroom furniture ... prick !!!
and said chelsea(his daughter) really wants to be part of the babies life and asks all the time how i am etc......
well 1. she is asking the wrong person cause he never rings to find out himself!!
2.cock off .... no way not until i recieve an apology... she's a bloody idiot anyway gets drunk all the time :drunk::twisted:,so she will she the baby if i am there or not at all !!!

Yes. A hurt teenager said something she didn't mean back in July, and is trying to make amends by saying she wants to be involved.

You are the adult in this situation, and personally I wouldn't take one word as a make or break decision on whether or not your child is going to be allowed to know their half sister.

Your baby has a right to know their family, whether or not you want to know them yourself.
MMMMnmmmmm ok Fair point but it will be a little difficult letting her into my house .. given all that has been said .. and i will be breast feeding (fingers crossed ) so the baby leaving me for the first 6-8 wks not possible as bub will be fed on demand .. !!!!
just not sure how i am going to deal with this one ...
Agree with RAF on this one, your baby should know its family whether or not you want to know them. Blood is thicker than water. Let them prove you wrong, or right.
She was hitting out. All she would have know his her dad and her mum. They broke up and you came on the scene. Then a baby is in the way. Maybe she felt like you had already stolen her dad and now he was beong taken away by the new baby aswell??

You have to be the adult in this and not get at her by saying seh cant see the baby unless you get an aploligy that makes you just as bad as her.

Let her come and see the baby and see what happens after all isnt her saying she wants to see the baby maybe a round about way or saying sorry??
I dont think it makes a diff if your brestfeeding or not, i mean she can visit and be in the babies life without you having to leave her alone with the baby? If you dont wanna meet her in your house you could do something like the two of you and baby go out for dinner 1 night a week or something? then she can see baby and you and as baby gets older see how things go, in summertime she can join you at the park now and again.
I dont think it makes a diff if your brestfeeding or not, i mean she can visit and be in the babies life without you having to leave her alone with the baby? If you dont wanna meet her in your house you could do something like the two of you and baby go out for dinner 1 night a week or something? then she can see baby and you and as baby gets older see how things go, in summertime she can join you at the park now and again.

Thanks and congrats on ava she is a darling ...
I know i find i hard tho cause her dad is an arse and hasn't been in touch for weeks .. i'm just getting worried that as soon as bub is here he will try and control the situation along with his family .. and it has been me on my own doing everything .. with not one of them ringing to see if i have been ok .. or helping purchase anything ... grrrrrrr
well 4 weeks and i will soon find out ...
although his daughter has made many arrangements in the past and never stuck to them ... so maybe like her dad it's all lip service time will tell ..xx
Well give her the beneift of the doubt this time but if she does keep making plans and letting you down once the baby is here then obv have a word with her, but if shes showing interest then i guess its a good thing that SOMEONE int he extended family is interested? i wouldnt take what a teenager says as gold tho, theyre pretty hormonal! esp girls! She might end up only meeting you once a month or so anyways then ur worrying for nothing, just make the rules, your the mother!
Im 19.
I Hit out. NEVER would i say somethng so creul about my sibling, (i dont do the ''half'' thing i think its rude tbf)
but even still i dont think your over reacting when my current oh's sister said something rude about me (suposely i was ''throwing baby on oh just so i could go out partying'') i told him she would not be seeing my child till i was over it. a month down the line i got over it and she was allowed to see babes again, i never told her why she was on ''time out'' from my daughts but hey thats me.

the end of the day she has the babys hole life (god blessed) to ''get to no'' her sibling. that bloods thicker then water thing is bullcrap, well not scientifically but you know because blood can still stab you in the back, like she did to her ''half'' sibling.

she had a time to lash out so if u want time to lash out by not letting her see baby then so be it. shes babys sister NOT father tbf that much involvement is not really needed at such a young stage.

so what if ur acting immature to some, you arent to me, and if she wants to act like a child when shes legally an adult then why the fuck cant u

but hey thats just my opinion.
Im 19.
I Hit out. NEVER would i say somethng so creul about my sibling, (i dont do the ''half'' thing i think its rude tbf)
but even still i dont think your over reacting when my current oh's sister said something rude about me (suposely i was ''throwing baby on oh just so i could go out partying'') i told him she would not be seeing my child till i was over it. a month down the line i got over it and she was allowed to see babes again, i never told her why she was on ''time out'' from my daughts but hey thats me.

the end of the day she has the babys hole life (god blessed) to ''get to no'' her sibling. that bloods thicker then water thing is bullcrap, well not scientifically but you know because blood can still stab you in the back, like she did to her ''half'' sibling.

she had a time to lash out so if u want time to lash out by not letting her see baby then so be it. shes babys sister NOT father tbf that much involvement is not really needed at such a young stage.

so what if ur acting immature to some, you arent to me, and if she wants to act like a child when shes legally an adult then why the fuck cant u

but hey thats just my opinion.

I think the difference here is that you are 19, and whilst Rewizz (im guessing, is older than that) What choice you have made is something you would/could expect from a 15-20ish year old.

But moving on from that stage in your life that kind of beaviour no-longer becomes exceptable especially in retaliation to someone who is 18.

Rewizz, Im sorry she said that to you! and your FOB like most of ours is being a complete pr*ck. But I do think you are over-reacting, And that it is due to the hormones.

Brat = Willful Child, Dont take it as a negative my Daughter is a right little brat at times because she is so clever and independant, my ex (not FOB) called her a brat on a few occassions, but i took it for what it was, a comment not meant/understood in frustration.

The fact is ive raised my little girl to be clever and independant and to express herself, If other people cant deal with that then tough because no doubt the bossy little so & so will be running the country by the times she is 25!!
I have to agree with most of the ladies on here. She was lashing out, as you said she said it when you told her you were expecting. I think it may have hit home that her mum and dad were really over, lets face it most kids harbour a wish for split parents to reunite.
I can understand how upset you are, what with hormones and the need to defend your baby, but things are said in the heat of the moment, and teenage girls are awful for saying stuff that they dont mean but is said for the shock impact.
Be the bigger person . Is she close to her dad?
Just asking as she could feel threatened that bubs will take his attention once born.
Hope it goes ok hun xx
well thanks girli's i have taken all ur advice on board and to be fair to his daughter.. she has conntacted my 12yr old on face book asking how we all are which to be honest is more than her dad has done !!!!
she has sent a friend request on fb for myself .. which i have declined as this is where it all started .. However i have sent her a personal message with my email and mobile no ... This way she can contact me direct...
Now i will wait and see the outcome ...
I was lashing out i guess and as her dad is the real one that is pissing me off!!!!
I still feel chelsea needs to accept that what her and her mom did was extremley hurtful and apologise at some point ...
thanks again ... all

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