Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

Hello marvellous Mummies!

Well hubby has gone out tonight as his brother goes home on Monday, back to Dublin, so I'm just having a bath & then going to watch Strictly & X Factor, I'm also praying that Roo doesn't stir so I don't have to get out mid hair wash or something haha!

We've had a lovely day today as my two friends who I met through getting married in Vegas came to visit, Vickys little boy Noah is SO cute and o my 2 weeks younger than Roo. Its amazing the difference though as she loves standing now, can pretty much do it with me only holding he hands & her head support is brilliant & Noah refuses to stand & can't hold his head for long at all. It's amazing what just 2 weeks difference can make.

Jody & I went on a long dog walk this morning with Roo too of course, and then planted lots of bulbs in the garden & did a huge tidy so a lazy Sunday is in order for tomorrow.

Liz- I hope Dylan has re adjusted to UK time now! Re Xmas we are getting Roo a jumperoo as I know she will love it with how much she likes to stand already. Otherwise, other than some nice books I would like we aren't going to get anything. It's expensive enough with 2 sisters, 2 nephews & my parents, and then Jodys family as well. I have put on her Xmas list 3-6 month baby grows with feet as that's what she sleeps in & she hasn't got any in the next size & also some Annabel Karmel books so I can start to wean her next year.

She really isn't into toys yet & she has 2 playmats & a bouncy chair so there isn't really anything else she needs for now! I'm sure next year will be a whole other story!

Donna- my goodness I don't envy you with all those presents to buy!!! I thought my family was big! Have you got any 'believers?' my nephew Jack is 4 so totally gets Father Xmas now & Jodys nephew is 5, almost 6, and when his Mum asked aha he was going to write to Father Xmas for he said 'just an iPod & an iPad!!!' so I'm not sure how she is going to get around that as she said it was quite expensive for Father Cmas to get this presents & his reply was 'it's ok mum, he just makes them, it doesn't cost him anything!!'

Ooh Liz I meant to say I am stuck on when is a good time to try...originally I thought July next year so we could have a April/May baby but then my sister is having a huge party for her 30th in the November & I know it sounds nuts but I don't want to be 5 months pregnant at it as that's when I was SO sick last time. If I could guarantee no sickness I wouldn't mind at all! So I think it's gona be the following january, 2012 that is not 2011! So we'd potentially have a Sep 2012 baby! Then I would be on mat leave for another year for Ruby to then start school the following Sep (madness I know!) so it makes me feel better that she wouldn't be in child care for too long.

I still have a stone of baby weight to lose before I can think about piling it all back on again!

Well have a fab rest of the weekend my lovelies xxxx
Well officially BFN lol -thank goodness in one sense,as my poor pelvis couldn't cope lol but mmmmm had it happened then we'd have coped and I'd have gotten my sibling for Deej after all lol. Not that I'll be planning number 5 but if it had happened !!!

If I was planning number 5 I'd be in wtt already Liz lol

Got my coil back in today, so they had to do the old POAS routine first haha. I was SO dreading it, it was so sore the last time, but the doctor(gynaecologist) was fab, gave me some anaesthetic gel first and would have given me an anaesthetic injection too , had I needed it, but it was okay. I was actually shaking on the table. She says she would never have attempted the coil that the other doctor (regular GP) had inserted as I my uterus is so small and the other coil is large in comparison, so she thinks that this is why it was expelld as it was irritating my cervix too much and alo why it was SO sore last time too.

We went to visit a new baby yday adnd she was so tiny and so light and so cute, she was just over 2weeks and weighing just under what Deej was at birth -can hardly remember him being that size at all!

Nat- as for Xmas shopping, most of my nieces and nephews prefer money these days as they are pre teen or teenagers or they are a distance away but it is still all money money money

Anyways tata for now Deej wanting me lol xxxxxx
glad the dr was fab Donna about your coil, shame the other one was... uneducated? or rushed? to not realize your cervix and coil were not well matched!! shame you had to go through that!! at least you had a nice experience second time around, as much as getting a coil fitted is a nice experience!! I can't believe we've poas already Donna! and both BFN yay!, but secretly wouldn't mind if was preggo again, just think work wouldn't like it but O WELL!!

Nat, we'll see if you stick to your plan on wtt!, I dont know what to do!!! It would be nice to have another one close in age to Dylan, but think might try to have 1 year back at work before off on maternity, so will perhaps wtt July 2011 as then Dylan will be almost two and he can stay at home another year or 9 months with me before he turns 3 and gets some free child care! It would also be nice to get paid for a little bit before having another one, but the next one should be cheaper anyways as I've now got all the kit!!

Guilty confession.... I've only JUST packed away ALL my maternity clothes... I weigh a lot more now than when I started and had to buy a couple new tops/jeans in america to fit... got to do something to start losing this weight!!

I'm looking forward to my first night out on Friday!! but unlucky me, I am getting a mole on my head removed (near my ear) on friday afternoon and I'm just hoping that a)it doesn't hurt b) that I dont have to get a stitch or wear a plaster & c) that it doesn't hurt!! I'm such a big baby!! I wonder if they burn it off or what they do, but anyways it grew during pregnancy and they wanted to remove it once Dylan was born...

O and dh said today that I get to pick the name of lo#2, yay!!

well just got a couple books from the library so going to go read and have a bath!! I'm hoping dylan is down now for the count now! How do you keep your babies up when they just want to sleep between 5pm-7/8pm??

Liz, congrats on your 4 month breastfeeding milestone! Well done x x x x
Thanks Neen!! and Nat, I meant to also say whenever I see your siggy, I want to go write something in glitter too!!!
Thanks Neen!! and Nat, I meant to also say whenever I see your siggy, I want to go write something in glitter too!!!

I know!! How happy is sparkly writing?! I wish my whole post could sparkle!!

Donna I'm glad they're sorting you out you poor thing!! My friends hubby just had a vasectomy & I told Jodes - purely for info - and the look of horror on his face made me laugh out loud!!

So I'm back on the pill until my plan for number 2 comes into action, and you're prob right Liz, I'm sure I won't hold out either haha!

My nephews are 22 months apart & it's just starting to be ok now that they are 4&2 but it's been trying at times! And I'm just an auntie!

Liz - roo's routine is up at 7 everyday & I feed her at 7. 10, 1, 4 and then 6-7pm. She takes 3 or 4 Oz at each feed apart from the 6-7 feed which she takes 6, then dream feed at 10/10.30 of 3 or 4 Oz. She can stay awake 1 hr 15 now and then she naps for an hour, sometimes she does 2. Basically I let her do whatever she wants & just follow those rough times for feeds. If shes looking hungry before i give it to her & if she sleeps through a feed she has it when she wakes.

The only things I stick to are up at 7am every day, bath at 6pm every day and bed no later than 7. I actually find that if she naps from say 4.30-5.30 she sleeps SO much better through the evening.

So today her day has been up at 7, took 4oz and asleep at 8-9.15 fed at 10 and asleep 10.30, slept til 11.30, awake til 12.30 the. Slept to 1.45 so had her feed then of 4oz.

Then she was up til 2.30, slept til 3.30, awake til 4.45, slept til 5.30 and then bath at 6, bed at 6.45.

I find that by wakin her at 7 I get enough feeds in her in the day that now her dream feed at 10 gets her through the night, it's fab!

Sorry, I waffled a lot there...I think my point was that I am sure that nap actually might help him sleep better later on! Xxx
Morning ladies

I am starting to really freak about going back to work already.Its only about 10 weeks til Xmas and then another 14 after that and then I am back. I so wish I hadn't moved jobs just before conceiving Dawson - I started my new job July(and hated it!!) ,preggers Nov and off sick from Feb onwards, and the thought of returning to it actually makes me feel physically sick .We self roster and therefore my shiftwork and childcare shouldn't be too problematic and the work is less physically demanding then where I worked previously but I hate it. Maybe I was spoiled because I loved my other work so much, maybe its more 'normal' to dislike your work - afterall it's only work, and a means to a wage only. I really SHOULD have got a new job first and then ttc but the thought of waiting another 6months or so (takes ages for NHS jobs to be finalised with disclosures, medicals etc) and then it could have taken me longer to conceive too or I might have not gotten another job quickly either and I was worried about me getting older too. Boohoo :(:( it's all making me so sad. I found I am so jealous of SAHMs - two of my sis's stay at home fulltime with their kids and it's not fair that I need to work!!! I earn more than my DH and we've a mortgage etc so its not an option for us unfortunately. DH doesn't undrstand and is quite annoyed at me mentioning it over n over as he thinks 'well he has to work so why shouldn't I'. He says a week in and I'll be back into it and I'll be fine but I am seriously doubting it. AND still ages to go really until I am due back so I know I should just enjoy the time I have left but I feel so down and just want to cry.

Sorry for the self indulgent whinge - I should be thankful that I get so long off really, with my DD I got 18wks total maternity, and stopped working at 34 weeks preggers as the work was too heavy and I was back at work when she was Dawson's age. Omg cannot imagine going back to work already!

Hope everyone else is having a good day, I am getting all the older kids stuff ready for back to school tomorrow after the October hols, At least its dry to try and get some washing dried on the line.

ttfn love n hugs to all xx
Sorry Donna!! I know I am planning on taking a little bit longer off but I seem to think I know what your saying... I don't want to go back at all!! I'm lucky dh agreed on the year with the 3 months unpaid as well as I earn more than dh too... and I think me talking about lo2 so soon is probably freaking him out! he thinks I should work if he works as well, and i'm 100% positive he'd want to stay at home with dylan if he had the chance!!

well just got dylan weighed, 19 weeks and weighs 18lb 14oz.... almost 19lbs at 19 weeks!! I think he's slowed down a little bit though as its been 3 and a bit weeks and he's only put on 1lb 8oz and some weeks he was putting on a whole pound! he's such a monkey! and a booby monster!!

well i might go think about uploading our pictures now, hopefully we got some good ones! but dylans asleep on my shoulder so might not move for a while. xxx
Evening all,

How are we today?

Well Donna I totally understand, and me 3 for earning more than DH so having to go back to work. Also, it's a family business & I know my Dad wants to retire one day so I need to get re-involved!

Hubby is desperate to get involved & be at home with Roo and if I ever say anything about being tired he says 'well feel free to go to work & I'll have Rubes!' which really annoys me cos it's not like I'm blaming her for being tired!!

I enjoy my job-ish, it's easier cos I have the fact that my Dad built the company from nothing over 25 years ago, and now he and I can move it forward together etc, but still, I'd love to be able to be a SAHM, my sister is too & it reams my heart to think about leaving R with someone.

Potentially it will only be one day a week as Jody & I plan to work 3 days each but it's definitely upsetting & definitely plays on my mind so don't feel guilty at all, or feel you're being self indulgent!! Rant away, it's what we are here for ;)

Liz I will go and have a nose at your pics! I had Roo weighed at 12+5 and she was 12lb 5oz so I will see what she is next week when she's 15 weeks! Well done you on 4 months of b'feeding, thats fab!! And clearly suits Dyl to a T. My sisters boys were big munchers too, but they are both much taller than all the ladies, which will only be a bonus later in life for him ;)

We went to a NCT coffee morning today which is held fortnightly & was really nice! It was run by 2 ladies who both said they receive a lot of negative feedback about the lady who ran my class, and that none of her groups seem to join in on anything. I met some nice mums who all live locally, but I still get the impression that cos I'm so much younger I don't really 'fit in' I'm 26 and I would say everyone else was about 35, which I don't care about so hopefully they don't either! I'm going again in a fortnight & I was invited to the Xmas do!

Tomorrow we have a quiet day before visiting a friend on Thursday, just need to attempt to get hubby's car fixed, FINALLY!

Well ladies and mini people, hope Lori you & Grace are well, Neen just on my way to check out how you & the lemon are doing today xxx
My God Liz -what ARE you feeding him ?? lol -he really IS a booby monster isn't he? Well done you!! Have just seen the pics too, and he is more n more gorgeous every day, and totally in proportion too, just perfect. 19LBS LOL -My nephew is only that now at 13mnths haha. I am getting Deej weighed next week -13 weeks (and exactly 3months -where has the time gone??). His weight gain had certainly slowed down at last weigh in too, only gaining 1 and a half pounds in 3weeks, just as well lol my back cant take it.

Nat, Roos pics are gorgeous also xx

Going to bed now , but thinking of you all and will pop in soon for better update xxxx
hi ladies just popping by, I have to go bk to work too :( but I dont know what work as I have stepped off uni and cant seem to get a transfer here and its such a heavy course I would need a lot of childcare, so I think im gonna have to try and find some evening work or bank work at the hospital but when my maternity runs out thats it! and with all the tax credits getting cut we will be up shit creek so to speak !

Im just plodding alone, cant get out much these days so the internet is my best friend. Hubby is working away for 2 weeks so hope baby doesnt show an appearance till he gets back, even though im so uncomfortable and cant get my shoes on myself, I feel like such an invalid! Midwife says she is engaged and sounds like it wont be long from pains/plug/poos ect here is hoping she is wrong as babies are so unpredictable.

The pics of Roo on fb are too cute! she is getting so big! I love her fuzz hair xx
Woo Gemma SO close now
wonder if you'll get an actual bonfire baby and your lil princess puts in her appearance on 5th Nov lol - this is going to be my prediction - and 7lb 2oz xx
Have you her names picked out ? So exciting:happydance::happydance:

Anyone thought about weaning yet? I think current advice is 17 weeks and older but i am not sure if we'll make it to then. Deej has periods of time when I feed him every hour ( for 4-5 hrs) and I am sure he is still hungry lol. My other kiddies were weaned about 11-14 weeks:blush: He can sit up, is REALLY interested in others eating and chewing his fingers all the time so I am thinking he is ready for it now going by the tell tale signs. Might stop him wakening every 3 hours for milk through the night too :sleep::sleep::sleep: But then, what f its just another growth spurt lol:haha::haha:

Off to the dentist tomorrow, with son number1 so will register Dawson then - not that he'll be going for sometime lol

Hope all you lovely ladies babies n bumps are well, would be so lovely to get all of them together wouldn't it? A gorgeous photo opportunity haha Anne Geddes- style.

Better go now, the troops are coming in from school -need to make sure homework is getting done etc ttfn lotta love me n Deej xxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:
nah know names as of yet donna and I could handle that weight!

currnt guidelines is 6 months as digestive system ect is not fully formed and even though lo may tolerate may cause problems later in life.... that being said it was 4 months for years, I think somewere between the 2 as every baby is different and only a mother can know when her baby is ready so u really are the only one to judge when ur muncher is ready x
Hey lovelies!

Donna- I'm asking for weaning bits for Roo for Xmas as I plan to do it in Jan/Feb time. I have the opposite to you & she still barely takes anything! She's having 20oz a day & sleeping through though, so it's obviously enough for her. My friend told me that her health visitor just has been updated that the guidelines are changing again back to 4 months, but I dont think Roo needs it. But it def sounds to me like Deej does! I feed her 3 hourly & she is never desperate for it, she takes 3oz & then if I am lucky I can get her to take a 4th within about half an hour but if not I leave her til her next feed or she takes nothing then!

My friend I saw today said she started off just thickening the milk with baby rice, do you express at all? As that might work to sustain him a little longer?

Well Roo has hit the record books and today & two e stayed awake for TWO hours!!!! I'm so proud of her!!! She did 5-7!!! And went out like a light after her bottle tonight, so I'm hoping with a dream feed around 11 that she's out for the night!

Gemma- it would be fab if you had a bonfire baby!!!

I went to see my friend today whose baby Paige is 5 weeks old & already 12lb! Roo was 12lb5oz a fortnight ago & she's 15 weeks!! I wish I'd taken a photo of them together as they're almost the same size! Her hubby is very, very tall though!

Anyway, I'll be signing off now, good luck with the sleeping tonight all xxxx
Hopefully we all have good sleeps tonight!! Dylan went down at 730 so fingers crossed thats him til the am! Can't write much as dh wants to go watch a movie in bed and we've been meaning to do this for a couple nights now but tonight is the first night dylan has gone down relatively easy so we're going to enjoy the quiet time!! We just joined lovefilm and this is our first movie! forgot what it was though!! oops! well talk to you tomorrow! I get my mole removed tomorrow owwwwww.... xxxx
Hi ladies just a quick pop in lol.
Macie had her BCG on Wednesday an was such a good girl! Then got her weighed on Thursday and Shea now 12lb 14oz! So glad she is gaining weight a her reflux is awful!!! Poor little thing. She's 14 weeks today aswell OMG!!! She has her 12 week injections next week (late because of the bloody docs!!!) lol.
Macie has 5 bottles a day of 6oz in each which she has every 4 hours (the first one in the morning is the only one that the time changes as it depends when she wakes up) and she tends to sleep from 21.30- anywhere between 5.30-8 lol. She wakes sometimes in the night at the min due to her teething being painful so I give her some bonjela, and her doddy and she's straight back off to sleep.

Love to all mums, babies and bumps xxxxxxxxx
HI!! how is everyone??

I nearly had a heart attack saturday night as our angelcare monitor went off for the first time in the middle of the night... It wasn't the intense beeping, just one beep and I was like OMG Dylan!! and I ran into his room and he was on the other side of his bed laying the completely opposite way to where he started off the night. Think his movement is down to the jelly pad feet on the sleepsuit he has.

Well we have no plans this week except for maybe some social visits, might go to a breaststart group at surestart on wednesday, you get free lunch! his other classes were cancelled this week.

O so I have a major gripe about work!! saw some work friends friday night and found out that basically I was purposedly not invited to the big yearly recognition event that was in July to celebrate previous years work... I worked the whole year and was surprised to hear that I was not invited on purpose!!! and I haven't been invited to the xmas party or kids xmas party yet either even though I know the invitations have gone out via email. I know i'm on maternity but I thought I'd still be invited to stuff!! I know I shouldn't get wound up about work while spending all this wonderful time with Dylan but it does!! and my boss took me off all the email distribution lists I was on so who should be sending me this stuff? or is it my responsibility to call up and say 'when is it' I just know if I was still at work I'd be sending the invites to anyone that was off, and one of my supposed best friends still works there ( we used to sit beside each other) and I'm just genuinely really surprised she has not forwarded stuff to my home email which SHE HAS!!?? ok, I'm wound up, going to go relax with dylan and put him to bed!!

Hope everyone had a lovely monday!! xxxx
Oh Liz! I totLly understand why you're annoyed! I would be. Well! Especially as your friend hasn't told you either, even if your employer doesn't think you'll return to work there is no reason for you to be discluded from anything, are you going to say something to your friend? I know I would.

Well in other news Roo is sleeping through, she has done it for 10 days straight & it's just brill, and there is nothing nicer than being smug & telling my MIL that she does as I know she has been making comments about how I was trying to incorporate a bedtime routine & have her in bed by 7pm each night, well screw you it worked!!

We are off to baby clinic today to have Roo weighed & then my best friend is coming down from London for dinner tonight. Tomorrow my friend is coming over with her little girl Aurora, you might have seen Their pics on fbook, A is 10 days younger than Roo so it's lovely to see them together.

So a busy week! I'm full steam ahead with the Xmas shopping now & not too much more to do! Will get a pic on soon of Roo in her outfit, it's fab!!

Other Ruby news is she can stand up now with me only holding her hands! And she chats and chats away all the time! She can stay awake for about an hour and a half but still only takes about 3oz a feed bless her! Can't see her needing to be weaned anytime soon!

We have bought her a jumperoo for Christmas as she is so strong on her legs & just loves to stand. A friend of mine says she thinks it is what helped her son to walk so early! Eek!

Hope everyone is well lots of love xxx
thanks Nat, the thing is, I DID make a big deal about it at the time of the recognition event, but the new news only came to light on friday. the shite thing is my friend was like, o people were asking where you were.... WTF!! shes preggers now too. I'd think she'd have a little consideration. so I made this big deal about it making comments to her and my two bosses about feeling like I dont even work there anymore, gave my direct boss my home email address in september and..... NOTHING... and they know I plan to go back to work!! so I'm borderline wondering if she's even my friend and I know she has time in her day to send me stuff as she used to email her friend at another company all day and look up personal stuff online at work.... we manage our own workload so I dont know why she doesn't think to squeeze in the 2 secs it takes to hit the 'FWD' button!! ok rant over... for now! I wonder what I should do about the xmas parties though... who to talk to, I mentioned to HR I was off all distribution lists when I was last in and she didn't think that should have happened, but I can't access my emails anyway because its all been deactivated/shut down... but I still have laptop, but can't use it... o well...

I made pineapple upside down cake today, needed something sweet!! made two in bread tins and froze one for a later date!!

Nat- Roo sounds like she's thriving!! its so fun when they interact and stand up!! its amazing the standing thing, Dyls does it too, its like 'how are you doing that already!!?' they are all growing up soooo fast! good news on the sleeping through the night!! you make sure to tell you Mil, many many times!! make sure you tell us what roo weighs!!

I bought a jumperoo too, but I couldn't wait for xmas!!! I mean, Dylan couldn't wait for xmas!! he loves it, bounces and he's even spun the toy already!! its so cute, Roo is going to love it!! hope you can wait that long!!

O in other news our new stage 1 car seat was delivered today!... got an isofix maxi cosi one as really liked the idea of isofix again as its so sturdy and dylan loves his maxi cosi cabriofix one but HATED the one we bought him in the states while we were staying with my mum... so I wasn't going to take any risks. got it from at the weekend and arrived today... got £62 in points from it too, woop woop... not sure what to spend that on, probably a mummy treat!! But I dont know when we should switch to the new car seat as he's in limbo at the moment in weight.

well back to cleaning the house :( I think I'm allergic to dust and all this deep cleaning I've been doing is really doing something to my nose!! xxx
Hi ladies - that's real mean of your work colleagues (and espec friends :-()Do you think maybe the pregnant one is afraid of you stealing her thunder? Totally uncalled for though, i wasn't at my work long enough for anyone to remember or even want to invite me lol- no xmas work parties for me this year :(

Just had Deej 's 3mnth jabs done and he screamed again lol- all the wee girls with their sad wee faces and petted lips and my boy... screaming the place down haha.

Cannot believe he'll be 3 months tomorrow. Omg, time is passing far too quickly.

Nat, well done Roo for sleeping so well. Deej is awake all day bar a few catnaps of 20mins or so, doesn't go down until 8-9pm and then still wakens for feeding 12ish, 3 30 ish and 7ish lol.
Getting Deej weighed tmorro - he is getting so heavy to lug around, dont know how you are coping with it Liz lol.I was going to put him in a snowsuit yday as it was so cold here and frosty and i am carless again as my car is broken but it was too small lol- i have 3 of them in 3-6 months too lol. More shopping req'd, cant believe i am buying 6-9 months already.

Looking forwards to seeing Roos christmas outfit, not sure what Deej will be wearing yet

need to go, lil man grumpy xxxxx:hugs:

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