Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

I so wish I had an answer for you Liz, that is just so unfair!! I think I would say something to my 'work friend' as she should most definitely have told you, let alone emailed you!

Your cake sounds AMAZING, man I want some!!

I told Ruby that Dylan had his jumper before Xmas and she said that in that case she ought to have hers too as she didn't know what all the hype was about with presents in December, I think we did rather well to wait from 10am until 5 to put it together hahaha!

She LOVES it, has totally got the hang of spinning things and grabbing onto the various toys. Her legs are too short to jump so as long as we pop a cushion under she can move a bit, but the toys are far too interesting at the moment for that! She gets so excited that she starts blowing bubbles hahaha best £80 I have spent!

Donna I hope Deej settles down with his sleeping patterns soon, I know how much it was killing me! In fact the last 2 nights she has stirred around 5am and needed re-swaddling and a dummy back in and just those 5 mins of broken sleep has made me feel a bit yuck!

Today we are off to lunch with some of the ladies we met at the NCT coffee morning, they all seemed really nice so I am looking forward to that. Tomorrow my little sister is taking Roo for an hour in the morning to do 'something' with her so I think maybe she is getting her footprints done or something along those lines which is very sweet of her!

Saturday night she is staying at my Mums as we go to a Halloween party, very excited about getting dressed up now I can fit into some more of my clothes, I have wardrobe options again, woop woop!

Right...its 5 to to try and score Take That tickets, wish me luck!! xxx
glad you got tickets Nat!! I thought about it but decided against it after website started crashing and then figured I didn't really want to travel to birmingham anywyas, notts or sheffield deffo... Glad you got the jumperoo out for Ruby!! Dylan really likes his (well besides falling asleep in it, TWICE) he gets excited and blows bubbles too!!

since I've been whinging I got a call from work friend who had thought that I could actually access work emails.... and got letter from hr about the adult xmas party today in the post.

I started a dvd workout this morning, called 30 day shred with Jillian off biggest loser, boy I was sweating!! and its only 22 minutes! gonna commit to the 30 days and see the results!

well dh started the bedtime routine so must go up and join him for the milk time. Hes been wanting food loads lately so think we're going to start introducing food quite soon, got the mother & baby magazine this month as it has a baby and toddler recipe book by annabel karmel in it. going to have a look later when get dyls to sleep... and I bought some food trays from boots with the car seat and can't wait to use those... they got good reviews and I don't think they sell in many stores. Will report back but in case any one interested link below!

Wishing everyone a good night, we're off to the sausage festival in the morning haha xx
hi ladies

baby libby

not quite a bonfire baby
oooooooooooo how exciting Gemma!! congrats!! Libby is gorgeous! and a bit early too? Do tell us all about it!! or a link to birth story please???

Another little bonfire baby!! yay!! xxx
copied from journal

quick birth story...

waters went wednesday 4.30am as you know, labour started stopped started stopped, induction booked for sat morning 9am 72 hrs after waters, shopping on friday went to the loo and noticed discharge has turned green possibly meconium straight to maternity ward and they checked the pad and sent me down to delivery suite for an inductiont there and then friday 4pm, given antibiotics and syntoxin was given at 7pm I was checked and cervix was barely visible and hind waters still there apparantly head high up, used tens machine and was left to progress for 4 hours, after 4 hours was barely able to cope with pain and when I was checked I was 5cm! in 4 hours... ouchy! started gas and air to cope and oberservations showed that bp was sky high and needed intervention, was asked about epidural as it brings bp down, was so scared and didnt want one but had an excellent midwife who really help me calm down and make the decision to have one. Didnt like all the contractions while they were doing it but coped with gas and air, aahhh I was a total different person afterwards, it worked a dream!! could feel my legs and could feel the tightenings of contractions.. I started feeling her head moving down, kind of felt like it was going to fall out my bum! they wouldnt check me early as if they did they would have to start the clock for pushing if the head was visiable, during the last couple of hours everytime I had a contraction the her heartbeat dipped and I new the cord was round her neck but we were reassured it was normal and baby was happy she was probs just pressing on her cord, come 3am when they checked me head was visable right at the top, I told mw I could feel her moving down and was starting to feel like I needed to push she didnt beleive me but I new she was coming, 20 mins of pushing and she was out! little monster had her cord wrapped round her neck twice! but she was safe and healthy, was so overwealmed with love, relief and shock, no tears just a couple of grazes, have needed no painkillers since the birth, my god Im glad I had an epidural!

thanks.. yeh she was 2 weeks early! but 6lb 115oz x
aah how lovely Gemma, your lil princess is so gorgeous, and I love her wee pumpkin outift. Your birth story was a lovely read, you done so well hun, well done!!!

Had Deej weighed on Wed and he was 15lb8oz - officially 3 months same day too -as much as I am so proud of how well my big guy is doing, I must admit to being a tad sad he seems to be growing up so quickly. Had to put him in 6-9 month sleepsuits too now Liz, shoulder to crotch he is just too long for the smaller size now.

Loving all the new pics on fbook espec the halloween ones -all so cute.
Glad your party went well Nat, mine was a washout -sob sob- I was ill all week with flu like symptoms caused by mastitis. Totally floored me on Friday, after me trying for three days to keep going through it all haha -couldn't even lift Deej, as I was so sore everywhere, pounding headache, hot n cold flushes, nauseous. NOT nice!! Feeling much better today but still lethargic and worn out feeling and needing lots of rest. So I missed our annual halloween party- which is always so much fun and I had been really looking forward to it.

Anyway, time for bed so night night all and congrats again Gemma -i'll fix my siggy later, still feeling crappy and headache returning !
Congrats Gemma - Your girl is absolutely gorgeous x x x x x
Hey all!

Ooh Libby you are lovely! And almost a bonfire baby!

Well done Gemma, loved reading your birth story, sounds like you did a fab job! I can't get over how many times I read people saying they felt the need to push & the midwife says no!!! It's crazy!

Well my little monkey is 4 months next week, how did THAT happen?! She fell asleep on me earlier so I just sat and cuddled her, I feel the same Donna that she's just getting so big!!! She was 13lb last week so we are just coming to the end of her 0-3 month baby grows, all her 'clothes' still seem to be ok though, her 3-6 clothes are def way too big!

Well Ruby has come on leaps and bounds these last few days and out of no where can stay awake for up to 2 hours and only takes 3 naps a day! It's so lovely as now we can actually do things together. Today we went to the NCT coffee morning & then one of the girls and I walked down to the shops & had some lunch. I bought her some baby rice & rusks as My NCT friend said she was told it can help with the constipation. I'm going to call my local HV advisory line tomorrow & chat to them & book onto the weaning course.

I have switched Ruby onto aptamil comfort milk as she still only does a bowel movement every other day and it's really painful for her, we started it Saturday & she went Sunday & today, today's was a lot softer so I hope it starts to work.

Meanwhile im also trying to wean her off her swaddle, she's almost too big for it now & each morning she is out of it & not woken me, but she associates if with going to sleep & with her hands free she just scratches herself, she loves to suck her thumb so I can't even put scratch mitts on! This morning I swaddled her with one arm upwards so she sucked her thumb and just took about 10 mins or so to settle but then we were out all day so I've not done it since. We are home all day tomorrow so going to work hard at it! Then hopefully next week we can have both arms out!!!

Well that's all to report my end, apart from I think I'm getting a sore throat :(

Donna, sorry to hear you missed your party, I hope you're starting to feel better.

Liz how gorgeous was that photo you text me?! I loved it!!!

Neen going over to check out your journal now, have a good evening lovely mummy friends xxxxx
Hello ladies. Just a quick stop off!!!
Wow.... How gorgeous are you Libby!!!???
Well docs and HV's are still being no help at all when it comes to Macie's reflux so last weekend I took things into my own hands and changed her milk to SMA Staydown and I've got to say.... So far so good. She still sucks but no where near as much!!! So happy with my choice!!!
Getting Macue weighed again tomorrow can't wait. Last time she was 12lb 14oz. She is just sooooo long and slim lol. She's starting to grow out of some of her 0-3 babygrows but can still fit into her 1-2 month jeans??? And some of her newborn dresses (work that one out!!) lol.
How mad Liz - Dylan weaning already??? Lol.
Nat - Roo sounds like she just LOVES her jumperoo !!
Donna - hope you feel better soon babe and wow Dawson in 6-9 already?? Madness lol

Well love to all xxxx
Oh Chelsie, I am so jealous of your siggy -wtt for no#2 2011!!!! Although I already have my number 2 3 and 4 lol and pink and blue lol -it i just so hard to think that Deej is my last baby!!!

S'pose I cant go on forever popping out babies lol... and another decade or two (hopefully!!) and i'll get some grandkiddies to cherish!

morning!! aww chelsie, maybe we will be bump buddies again! glad u took matters into ur own hands with reflux! seems good that u did!!

we cant pin down when we want to ntnp, prob sometime next year!

we started baby rice on sunday and he is really enjoying it!!! opening his mouth wide and everything. we made sweet potato that we froze the other day. it seems that he is just soo hungry that we couldnt put it off anymore!

we have swimming lessons today with the underwater photo shoot!! and then gynae to look at my cyst...thing is its going to be weird as it is at the same place where everyone goes for their 12/ 20 week scan! I hope someone I knows doesn't see me! they'll think i'm preggo again already!! Then friend just had baby today and shes in hospital so since I'll be at hospital already I hope she'll be up for visitors. I made her a baby wreath... I'm hoping to start a little business with it, we'll see... I'll post a pic later when I finish it, its made out of nappies and then tie stuff to it. I'm hoping it might be a good little business venture to supplement my income!! I forgot how to change the size of pics though to post so we'll see if I can figure it out... again!! baby brain me thinks!!

and I signed up for a buggy push yesterday!! its in april and then I signed dh up for the 10k run on the same day!! we're going to run for bliss! so excited, we're going to set up a page for donations in the new year but think it will be quite nice to raise money jointly. I'm so excited for the buggy push too and a couple other people from our preemie group are going to do it too. I've been meeting up with other mums of preemie/sick babies 1x/2x per month and its quite nice! they put on a christmas party too!!

well dh up now, took the day off to go to appts with me today and tomorrow off too! yay for fam time!!

talk to you all soon!!! xxx
Happy bonfire day ladies, babies and Neens bump

One year today since my positively positive BFP lol -where has the last year gone???

Be safe everyone, if partaking in bonfire festivities. We are off to a fireworks party tomorow night at my dads house, where I can watch from the safety of the kitchen through the patio doors lol as I am sure the noise will just disturb Dawson -he's not keen on loud bangs lol.

Love to all xxxxxx
Thanks hun.

I've started getting a proper bump! Its mad! I woke up with it yesterday xxx
Hello ladies and kisses to all the gorgeous babies

Dawson is doing well -still not a great sleeper but such a delight that I really dont mind that much, would be nice to get 6 hrs solid sleep mind you lol.
I had to pack up all the 3-6 month clothes this week, he is just geting SO big, it's really sad, my lil baby is getting all grown up haha. He is 66cm long, cannot remember how titchy he was when he was born at only 51cm -and he is only 5 cm shorter than my nephew of 14 and a half months.
He is so animated all the time now and desperate to play with his cousin and siblings so gets a bit frustrated when he cant lol.

Nat -hope Roo is better, seen she was poorly, poor wee tike! and hope the reflux is improving Chelsie, Macie seems to be putting weight on brilliantly though so seems that you are doing everything right. Shame the care providers haven't been so helpful though!Liz how are things with you and Dyls? wow solids already, be our time soon i think; and how are Grace and mummy doing Lori???

Love the pics of Libby Gemma -she is so sweet. I'm going to pop into your parenting journal now but didn't want to miss you out lol
And our lovely preggers Neen -hows the bump??? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sounds like Deej is thriving!! just as Deej is moving into 6-9 we're moving into 9-12 eek!! Only with his sleepsuits from next though. The 6-9 ones are not long enough anymore!

well we're poorly too, dyls has an awful cough and his breathing is really wheezy so we're off to GP tonight... bit miffed though as breathing difficulties for babies is serious and I didn't get a call back from my surgery in 2 hours so I rang back and got an appt at 540... but then gp called at 2pm to talk through symptoms but from like noon to 2 I was debating whether to take him up to a and e, you just don't know!! but he's full of smiles which reassured the gp and we'll see what they say in a bit!

well thats it, dyls crying :( xxx
thanks donna.. girls I have a question, how long did u wait to dtd? I mean I had no tears just a graze and everything feels ok down there and bleeding has almost stopped?
thanks donna.. girls I have a question, how long did u wait to dtd? I mean I had no tears just a graze and everything feels ok down there and bleeding has almost stopped?

I only had 2 stitches and waited until 5 weeks, it was def still bruised after but not as bad as I thought! Good luck!!xxx
Liz, hope Dylan is better - horrible time of year for picking up all sorts of bugs. And Omg 9 - 12 mnths haha, know what you mean about the length of sleepsuits as we had the same problem a few weeks back when we went into 6-9 mnth sleepsuits. Our boys must both have long bodies.

Gemma woohoo at you looking to dtd already haha :happydance:. After Dawson we waited 4 weeks, i had mega bruising and sutures from the forceps delivery and Dawson's shoulder getting stuck though. Seem to remember it being much sooner after Ben - no stitches, dream labour :cloud9:

Hope Ruby is on the mend too Nat

Ola ladies!!

I'm so sorry for being AWOL for so long, lifes been very busy & having time to sit down & post is just never available it would seem! Now Roo can stay awake for at least 2 hours it means we can go out & do things without a 'I'm tired mum' meltdown! So we do lots of socialising and odd jobs for daddy etc.

The only thing that has got messed up is knowing when she will sleep as sometimes it's an hour or sometimes 2, 3, or 4 hours until her next nap So it's all a new learning curve around here!

Otherwise not much to report other than she's still constipated, on aptamil comfort milk & 1oz prune juice ever other day but that's been 2 weeks on the formula & week of prune juice and ifs normdone anything!!!

Anyway, I'm off to dream feed, Liz I hope you & Dylan are feeling better and Donna I hope you get lots of sleep tonight!!xxx
Well, I gave in and started Deej on baby rice yday. I have been trying to put if off for as long as poss but he has been increasingly hard to settle, getting really grumpy, constantly chewing his hands, salivating at us eating lol and wanting fed all the time so I gave in and it went brilliantly.
I made a tiny bowl of baby rice and he scoffed it lol, even trying to grab the spoon from me, and I had to go back and make more...twice haha!! Wee gannit!

He has since been back to his wee delightful happy self, babbling away and giggling at nothing - must have been hungry poor wee tyke!
Hasn't yet helped with the night time awakenings but I can still hope lol- maybe once he's on three meals a day lol.

I have my HV coming in the next few weeks to discuss weaning too haha - oh well, chance to get his 4 month weight done at home and saves me waiting in the queue at the baby clinic!

Nat -hope the constipation problem is resolving, poor wee Ruby, that can be so uncomfortable. Do you give her cooled boiled water to drink?
I lol when I read that Roo is now staying awake for 2 hrs -my wee horror still only catnaps for mins at a time!! He is even awake now when I take him out in his pram - used to be the sure fire way to get him to nap during the day but not today!! Awake for an hour whilst I was trying to get some crimbo shoppin done -dropping his toys out the pram, and generally demanding my attention whilst Iwas trying to shop haha. Has me wrapped round his little finger already!! So back to the online shopping - so much easier!!!

How's the xmas shopping going ladies??
I am so pleased to say -I am almost done! One niece still to get for and my christmas cards to buy and that's about it

Oops need to pop off Deej awake :-(

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