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Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

Aww thanks Liz.... and wow... you really do learn something new everyday.

Welcome back Gem.... i cant believe how quickly your pregnancy seems to be going?? wow....
so jealous of you ladies with your bumps. lol.

Well i have just inbarked on my final Working week in the RAF (still in technically till jan but not in work)

Just awaiting my CRB so that i can volunteer at the nursery till im completely out so excited because then i can start my NVQ.

Well Macie is just getting bigger and bigger lol. She's so tall but still in the right size clothes (and still some 9-12 trousers) as she's getting so slim now!!! Except for those cheeks.... they just seem to be getting bigger by the day haha.

Well as of January i am hopefully heading back down to my neck of the woods to start a new chapter in me life lol. Back down to Surrey i go hehe... Really cannot wait...

Oh I hope your week goes quick hun! Do they do anything for leavers? Will you have a night out with colleagues etc?

Macie and Ruby can rival each other with their cheeks! Ruby still has a lovely little belly, but I am sure if she ever decides to walk that will be gone soon, has Macie's appetite or sleeps increased now she is on the move?

Surrey is the place to be ;) whereabouts will you be moving to? x
Hello all my bonfire girlies, the starter of bonfire babies is here!!

How are all you girlies and babbas??

well were do i start ive been a busy bee, a am now a MRS and married this september! crazy stuff how fast it has all gone and im so happy right now, the best been for a while.
Im now all moved in to our home, we built and doubled the size of extention and now settling in!

Ive come off the pill and offically trying next year but hoping once dan sees how good a house wife i am he may ask to try sooner!! being sort of careful, i finished pill 8th oct and was bleeding a tad by 10th. Had period and now bleeding finally stopped, been taking tempts and doing ov tests, says should ov today but no dark line so ill keep mointoring it! we did have unprotected sex fri so them spermy may still be there if did ov today but who knows!
Just wish it can happen quicky again!!! Two years this bonfire since my postive and loss so time does fly!

So fill me in girlies
Love rach or charmed!!!
Welcome back Rach... wow you have been busy?? hehe. Hope it all happens quickly for you!!!

Nat i am actually really enjoying my last week at work as i feel really relaxed and i am going to miss the way military banter but i know what im doing is for the best and what i want so all is good.
I am hoping to go to Sutton? Do you know it? and Surrey is def where its all at hehe. I'm a london girl born and bred so want to get back to my ends hehe.

Hey Rach -glad you found us :) weird to think it was 2 years ago we all got our bonfire baby BFP's lol ... and most of the group getting around to a second too lol, time sure does fly!

My niece goes for her first scan today, I think me and her mum are more excited than she is lol, maybe she is just worried that alls okay though, or worried about telling the wider public. I cant wait to see the pics, so exciting .. new babies lol

I cant believe I had an almost bonfire baby :haha: Halloween baby instead! and now I am due a valentines baby!!!

:hi: Rach, congratulations on getting married xx

Chelsie - Sutton is about 25 mins from me at home and I work in New Malden, so no distance at all! And for Liz fi she is in Epsom, so close! Yay!!

Donna - I dont blame you for being excited for your niece! I hope all gos well!

Charmed - Congrats on the wedding and the house, you sure have been busy!
I hope your hubby changes his mind for you soon ;)

How is everyone today? x
Hi Charmed, nice to have you back! congrats on the wedding and here is hoping for a speedy BFP!

Wouldn't meeting up be fab! I guess I need to put the effort in now to arrange a weekend to come down to visit the in-laws....... but would so be worth it to meet up with you guys lol!!

I had a lovely day, work was ok and at lunch I went out to tell my good friend/colleague that I was expecting again. The only downside is she comes back to work march 1st and I plan on going off mid april (yes I have already calculated when I want to go on mat leave - it was one of the first things I did!!!)

Going to get my hair done tomorrow, full head of highlights going in! getting proper pampered while dh at home with Dylan!! If only I squeezed in a mani pedi too.... xx
Lol Liz, mat leave was the first thing I worked out last time too haha, priorities right!

Well babies babies babies

My sis in law in labour right now!!!! EEEkkkkkk! exciting, baby number 3 for her, her second boy.

And my niece's scan went well, all looks fab :)

I am so glad I have my 4 ickle babies already or they may have been only one!, my bro in law mentioned that sis was in Labour and I felt really uneasy and sick eeeuurrrgghhh. Been dead emotional all morning too, didn't think Dodges delivery/ labour had affected me that badly but seems it has.

Love to all xxxx
hey ladies thanks for all the warm welcomes and hellos!! yeah ive been super busy and seems like never have time to sit down and relax these days - just finished a huge 4 hour cleaning sesh so all clean and sparkly house now - love that clean smell. V rainy here so all cuddled up and doing some emails.
Been doing my charting and tempin, body all over the shot since just off pill, last time got really clear postive opk but been testing for like 9days now and only had two slightly dark lines on dried opks. and temps all up and down, but did have bit of eggwhite stuff and dried postive yesterday and low temps yest n today so really hoping for a lovely clear rise tomorrow!!

Hows it all going for u girlies, come on fill me in in a nutshell where u all at! missed u all xx
Hi ladies hope you are all well...
Liz... saw your post on FB.... massive congratulations. How are you feeling?

Sorry i havent posted in ages just having some major problems with hubby again.

Macie was in hospital again on saturday night due to croup they say but who knows. Shes still not right but getting there!

love to all mums, babies, toddlers and bumps xxxx
omg Chelsie... are you okay?? Whats going on Hun?? I hope Macie is feeling better now, how scary to have her in hospital!! thinking of you!! here if you need to talk!! How are you getting on since you've finsihed work?? xxx
Chelsie - thinking of you hun, hope you are okay and little Macie too- how scary, croup is frightening to listen to, you must have got such a scare.

Sending you both hugs and hope you sort out things with hubby xxx

Liz -TWINS Omg!!! still excited when I think of it haha, thrilled for you and Rob, so exciting two babies at once xxx

Almost testing time again Nat, good luck but if not this month sure it will be soon xx

Gemma, your pregnancy has gone so quick - prob not for you lol, almost third tri already, exciting, bet your getting excited to meet your little guy.

Neen -hi (waves) hope u and Olly are well xxx

Rach -hi hun, hope all is well with you and hubby xxx

My friend had her baby last week, Oliver 8lb13, so cute xx
And my niece is now 14weeks preg - excited waiting to see her develop her bump, although doesn't seem that long ago she was born lol -its her 20th b'day today xxx

Dawson has got the cold, he is so sad today and really grumpy -hoping he sleeps tonight as he was up loads the past two nights.

Hi girls,

Am so excited for Liz and Rob! Amazing news.

Chelsie I hope you are ok? Big hugs xxx
Wow twins! Congrats Liz that's amazing news!

Thanks Donna :) how are you and the family? I'm not really thinkin about the pregnancy so it's moving along quite nicely. I think that as I am moving in 3 weeks there is so much focus on that and then it's Christmas and I have 7 weeks left!

Sorry to hear your having problems Chelsea :( love the fb photos x

Hope everyone else is ok? X
Hi ladies!

Oh Chelsie you poor thing, when it rains it pours huh? You just have to learn to dance in the rain :) Really hope things turn a corner for you very soon.

Gemma where are you moving to?

Donna, thanks hun, it has come around this quick this time, we have a wedding on Sat so I am looking forward to that! Hopefully my last night on the wine for a long time!

Liz - hope you're finding everything ok at work and those bubbas are not making you too tired, no wonder you have felt so wrecked growing two little people!

Well it is my Friday today, woop woop!! Only half an hour left of work and then I get my monkey to myself for 2 days! x

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