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Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

Donna!!!! I would never stop updates with you guys, we've all been through WAY too much together!!

Hehe I hope it's me next ;) who knows?! I told hubby this morning and he said 'oh what?! Come on, let's do it now!' I'm so tempted but equally not, I've got 5 pounds to lose and I'm at my goal weight & 2 hen do's, 2 weddings and my sisters 30th to get smashed at then I'm ready to be a baby making machine again!! I came off the pill a month ago & had a 21 day cycle which seemed to be my average before so we should be on for trying around the start of December, so exciting!!!

So how are all the small people? Walking? Talking? Teething? Xxx
walking, mumbling, and 8 teeth here...sleeping- not well!!! wants to wake up at midnight, 2am, etc for a play!! and wails until he gets to toddle around for a minute. and he's dancing, bounces up and down and loves shaking his head. It's so cute!! xx
walking, mumbling, and 8 teeth here...sleeping- not well!!! wants to wake up at midnight, 2am, etc for a play!! and wails until he gets to toddle around for a minute. and he's dancing, bounces up and down and loves shaking his head. It's so cute!! xx

I'm loving the personality thats emerging now!! So come on Lis, give us all the gory details!! When, how, who, what hahaha come on!!xx
Dawson is walking, talking a little ( mum, dad, bye, hiyah, juice, cat, dog, but lots of attempts at other things) and his understanding has suddenly come on leaps and bounds. Whereas a few months ago, he didn't understand too much at all; all of a sudden you can ask him to do something and he does it- it is so great! And dancing, haha Liz -my wee guy LOVES dancing too, shakes his hips and punches the sky with his his hands lol. Especially to the hotdog song or handy Manny tune.... and the Go Compare advert haha -I hate that ad too, but Dodge loves it. Stops in his tracks whenever he hears it!!!
We have 6 teeth only, no molars yet - 4 top 2 bottom.

Dawson is terrible for biting just now, and finds it really funny when he really hurts me :( wee terror!!! He has bitten me really sore on the side of my cheek - I screamed and put him down, he howled because he had been put down and when I picked him up again eventually, he bit me again (in the pretense of giving me a kiss, bit my lip aaaaaaaaaaarrgghh) Dont remember any of the others being biters, not quite sure how to deal with it.

Anyway nice to hear from you all, Liz looking forward to your scan pic in a few months :)

OMG.... CONGRATULATIONS Liz!!! Soooooo happy for you and extremely jealous! I sooooo want another bubba hehe. Cant wait to see scans and stuff!

Donna.... this thread will never die! We have been through so much as a group and that will never end! Plus we all have each other on FB too!

Macie is walking, nearly running, can say a few words like hiya, bye, mummy, daddy, nanny, gandad (<hahaha) no is her fav at the min lol. Shes started understanding so much too. She has this pink monkey and when you say wheres monkey she'll actually go and get it!!!
She has 7 teeth 2 top front, 3 front bottom, and 2 top front molars one on each side. and shes being a real grizzle bum at the min so have a feeling some more will come soon lol.

right!! just got back from caravaning at Haven in Cleethorpes! new experience but won't rule out ever going again! I was very impressed with how many people get all dressed up to go to the show hall for saturday night bingo..

so 5 and a bit weeks preggo and totally different this time around. well not totally, Im still feeling great, didn't have ms with Dylan so fingers crossed same time around! I do go to the loo quite a bit. But it is different this time as there is less time to think/worry/plan about baby 2. So much to still get done before babyB2!!!

basically, I know exactly where BB2 came from!! I went for an internal job I was already offered and didn't get it, which is fine! but I totally know they took our home life situations into account so I just went home that night and seduced dh... Still wonder if the timing is right but no going back now!! tbh I didn't think it would work straight away!!! But I knew I was preggo before testing as couldn't get rid of the metal taste in my mouth and started with the trips to the loo in the night.. it will be fun it will be fun it will be fun, 2 under 2 (just!!-Dylan will be 23 months)

I know we don't speak everyday anymore but I really cherish that we are able to keep in touch on facebook as well, and omg all these cute pictures of babies/toddlers!!!! How they have all grown up so quickly!! xxxxxxxxxxx
Just thought i would nip in and say HI ladies.... only 3 weeks left of work for me??? proper getting scared now haha.
OOh exciting Chelsea, what are you planning to do? Any thoughts, a few weeks hols first maybe. Thought it was end Jan you left, before xmas is so much better, new year new start new job, new life. So exciitng! Wish I could do something else, but I know I am fortunate to have a job where I can only work 8 shifts per calendar month, so need to just put up n shut up lol. Life's so short though, dont want to get to 70 and wish I had had the guts to do something else, but what????? If only I knew, then that would make the decision easier I guess lol

Once Dodge is at nursery or school, then I will start lookign for something else, so until then I am stuck in my rut lol

Friends wife is 13 weeks preggers and I wish it could be meeeeeeeeeee! .... minus the pelvic pain of course haha! I have completely stopped breast feeding Dawson now, so my last connection to my little baby is no more.
As you all prob know, he has been an awful sleeper for ever, well for the past week he has started sleeping really well, down at 8pm awake about 5-6, taking a bottle and back down til7-8 am haha. Superb! Long may it last!!! Crazily even missing that connection to my lil bambino haha, all of a sudden he is growing up way too quick!

Hope everyone else is well, love to all, cant believe its just over 11 weeks to chrimbo -yikes!!! LOVE Xmas, dreading maybe having to work christmas day or christmas eve night shift but haven't had to do either in the past two years so may just be my turn! Noooooo!!

Take care all xxx
Well I finish work in 3 weeks but I'm not officially out the service till January!!! So all that leave and full pay woop woop lol.

Well I'm just awaiting on my CRB to come back and then I am going to start volunteering at the nursery Macie goes to a few days a week so that I can start my NVQ in childcare.
I've worked my entire life and it now seems that going part time and being on benefits is going to be a better life for me and Macie (please don't judge).
Me and Stuart are kinda a couple again nut not technically back together?? Make sense? Were going to see how things go. But rake it slowly and kind of start over!

In other news..... Nothing on Facebook peeps...... My sister is pregnant woop woop. Still very early days 6 weeks we think but she's suffering so so badly with nausea and just generally feeling shit bless her. Feel for her as I never really suffered lol. She's 29 so older than me and this is her first.
My mums over the moon as she got a granddaughter from me in july 2010, then a granddaughter from my big bro in July 2011 and another bambino from my bug Sis in may/June 2012 hehe so exciting xx

Sorry for the ramble ladies xxx
How exciting for another baby in your family Chelsea!!! I was going to mention the other day that I was really happy for you that it sounded (from facebook) that you and Stuart were getting on a lot better, I'm over the moon for you!!

just popping by quickly, desperate for some sleep.... poorly but from cold related illness and not preggo. Only my bnb babes know about this pregnancy so far and obv dh and my mum but thats it... feels quite weird second time around, not enough time in the day to think about it!! catch up proper soon, hugs all!!! xxx
Woop woop seen in Liz's journal that the third bonfire baby grad is onto number 2 too -congrats Lori xxx
So with most of you ladies either with bump, planning bump ,thought I'd ask - how many children do you all want in total? Is this number two going to be the last ?or will there be more to come? How many is TOO many and anyone thinking one is enough?

And what about gender, any thoughts there? I never imagined I'd be mum to 3 boys lol, and love love love them to bits, boys are so cuddly lol but think i 'needed' my one girl (at least lol), would not have felt complete without one daughter of my own. Boys tend to grow up and replace mums with wives lol, but daughters are always there (just IMO lol)

I would have liked another girl now (given a choice haha) even up the score a bit, over run with testosterone my house lol. I'll need to just wait on grandkids lol, but hopefully not for several yrs yet haha, and my new wee great niece/ nephew next yr will be fab, boy or girl lol.

GL Nat, hope you get ur BFP soon
Chelsie, not long til you finish work now, exciting!!! Good luck to you too, hope you and hubby are still getting along better :) xx
Liz, Gemma and Lori - look after them bumps and hope you are all well
Neen -what kind of age gap are you planning for number 2? (if you are that is ?)

take care all, tata xxx
Hi Donna,

I'm hoping for about 2 years age difference between Olly and number 2. I think we will stop at 2 but I can't be sure. I wouldn't personally go over 3 for financial reasons but think Bead would be happy with 2 and in honesty we probably wouldn't be able to afford to do nice things with 3. We'll see though! Lol

As far as gender goes I'm really not bothered now I have my boy. I always pictured myself with a boy but of course would have been happy either way. I would be very happy to have a girl next time but I think I'll have another boy to be honest.
I think we will stop at 2, I don't want 3 as I come from 3 and there is always one left out! We are the same as you Neen, and affording to do much with more than 2 children would be hard, but I am finding it so much fun trying and all the excitement that comes with testing etc that I am a bit gutted that this could be the last time!!

A friend of mine has just had her 3rd, they are 5, 3 and 4 months and her house is just mental! I find it hard enough running the company juggling childcare for just Ruby! I think if in say, 5 years time we thought about another baby I would want 2 more so there wasnt too much of an age gap and the younger one felt left out or anything.

I think I would rather I had another girl, but when I was pregnant I wanted a boy! I think Ruby would get on better with a brother, as she is so surrounded with boys due to my nephews etc, but actually I really dont mind!

Thanks Donna, I am going to test a week today so I will update on the result!!

Are you 100% definite you won't have anymore? xxx
Hi ladies.... well i finish work next week friday (28th) and am soooooooooooooo excited!!! Only 6 working days left hehe.

I always wanted 3 and dreamed of having a boy followed by twin girls (obviously a dream) haha.
But i would be more than happy with 2. I didnt really want more than a 2 year age gap but now we will just have to see.
I would absolutely love to have a lil boy so that i have one of each but wouldnt be disapointed if it was another girl you know? And to be honest i have a feeling that i'm only going to have girls anyway lol.

I think we are going to stop at 2. Then our odds are still in our favour (almost) with one adult to one child! I think I am having a girl this time but I would be also keen to have another boy. I'd love to be surrounded by my 'boys'. and If I have 2 boys it means well...maybe just maybe we might might have a 3rd, but if one boy and one girl we will probably call it a day. I agree with Nina & Nat that finances might push us to stay with 2 as I still want to be able to take holidays and spoil them! But I also wonder if it could be twins.... as twins run in the family (maternal grandma and my mothers sister both had twins)... but I dont think about this often as it is quite scary to think about. Esp since we do not have a very good family support system local to us...plus I never think dh's parents are bothered to see Dylan...and deffo not local enough to just pop in and lend a hand (good thing? not sure!) I'm even thinking of getting a doula this time as I am dreading the thought of not having someone to leave Dylan with and going to hospital on my own while Rob stays with Dylan....and I dont want to be alone either!! and I've got a friend that is a Doula so she might give me a favourable rate!
Decisions decisions!!! x
That's not a silly question Chelsie!! Its quite new age I think but basically it is just a term for a hired birth helper/partner. Of course there is more of an explanation but that is basically what it is, someone that knows your birth plan and is knowledgeable on birth so that when the time comes she can be your advocate. So if Rob for some reason couldn't come to hospital with me (worse case scenario- as Robs parents are 4 hours away in epsom!) at least I would have a back up plan!! x

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