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Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

Like it Liz -the boxes can wait lol, all the time in the world lol but the vino, well!! that's another story, could evaporate, go off or anything haha -better get it drunk quick lol xxx

Dawson got on fine yday -vasculitis -basically his wee capillaries were leaking blood into his skin tissue because........ of a viral reaction lol. They reckon its a once off occurrence which wont happen again, if it does then we will need further investigated as its an auto immune response and really shouldn't happen - happens mainly in juvenile rheumatoid, lupus syndromes etc but all good as he has no kidney involvement or joint swellings or pain etc so looks like just viral :)

Gosh what a worry for you though Donna! I'm glad it was nothing more serious! X
Gosh what a worry for you though Donna! I'm glad it was nothing more serious! X

Thanks Neen, and yep fingers crossed it was just viral and nothing more sinister xxx

His rash is almost entirely gone now but he had me up all last night crying, cant see anything specific so hoping its not sore joints :( :shrug:

I was night shift the night before too, so by the time I got to bed I had been awake about40 hours zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :coffee::coffee:, then wee man was up loads and loads, and then 10 to 7 this morning my phone goes. And it was my stupid DH...

Grrrrrrrrrr silly hubby, ran out of petrol on the way to work!!! i HAD TO GO AND RESCUE HIM again!!! lol - So bloody tired now! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Off to bed night night all, hoping for a better one tonight!

:hugs: xx
aw bless!! hope you've caught up on sleep now Donna!!! and glad to hear the rash cleared up! could Dawson be teething again? Dylan has started teething again friday and has been going from 37 temp to 40.2 off and on since yday. Even went to out of hours gp last night and they think he has a virus too but couldn't pin point what... so I was all prepared for a sleepless night and he actually didn't wake up til 630 which I can so deal with. He has had a high temp again today but it seems to come back down with nurafen & paracetamol...

well hoping he sleeps ok again tonight, and feels better in the morning!! last time he was teething it seems like he got 6 teeth overnight!

Donna - So glad to hear it was nothing more serious with Deej, how is he doing now? Bit of a happier little chap?

Liz - Poor Dylan, Ruby is the same with her teething, she has a very sad day and I dread the worst and she sleeps, or she's fine all day and crying for hours at night, you can just never tell! I find with Roo if it is just one tooth she doesnt get much of a temp, but if it is 2 or more then her temp is sky high, poor little things! How many teeth has Dylan got now?

Ruby is bum shuffling everywhere now, she is so chuffed with herself!!! Off to go and buy some more anbesol, its a gel to rub in her gums and works AMAZINGLY so def recommend it!! xx
Sorry havent posted in ages.
Donna: so gad that it wasnt something more serious with Dawson babes.
Liz: wow thats a high temp think i would of panicked massively
Nat: i love the video you put on of Ruby bum shuffing.... way too cute.

Well i've been off work for the past 3 weeks! I was diagnosed with depression and have been put on medication so have been off work as they feel that it is one of my biggest triggers. Im back to the doctors on friday to see if im going to get signed off for longer.
I havent told my mum or family as they have never really understood me which is why you wont see any of it on FB ladies.

Other than that Macie is just beautiful and now has 6 teeth lol. 2 top front, 3 bottom front and one top left back lol. Shes trying to walk so badly and can go from one side of the room to the other. lol.

Im also looking after a puppy for a week.... hes gorgeous but got waaaaay to much energy haha. (he is a collie i suppose)

Love to all mums, babies and toddlers xxxx
Hey Chelsie, glad you have started taking the steps to get help. It can't make it any easier if you are also working on your relationship and raising a toddler!! I know what you mean about family not really understanding you, but they also could surprise you and could be your biggest chearleaders! ;) Have you been doing any fitness in your time off? I'm still trying to find the right class to go to to give me some much needed motivation!

Nat, Dylan has 6 teeth, 2 bottom and 4 on top, but even then I think he was one of the last to show signs of getting teeth then all of a sudden he had 6! and I remember he had a really high temp last time too so we will see.... It doesn't help matters that he is really stuffed up at the minute! But today and yesterday he's gotten a lot better, without any teeth making their appearance!!

well all going well here, have tomorrow off from work, yay!! going to get a new bed delivered for our bedroom as the wood bed that we have doesn't really fit in with the white fitted wardrobes so have gotten a nice nickel one from Dreams... I made them knock £100 off the price and free delivery. love a bargain I do!!

I think i mentioned they offered me a new job at work but I ended up turning it down. Well last minute I decided it was stupid for me not to take it and applied for it (even though I would have had it if I had just said yes before) but now there is another internal candidate too that stands a good chance for it that would probably come in (if successful) and do the job FOREVER.... so realised that I really needed to go for it and will see what happens. They probably won't pick me now as this other lady is more of a long term hire whereas they expect me off again soon with another baby!! (Which is totally wrong but hey ho) anyways....

the dog won't stop barking/whining, he is in his crate but has gotten really really needy & protective in the new house... dont know what to do. ..

well off to sleep!! Take care ladies and toddlers!! xxx
hey ladies

hope all are well

Chelsie - really hope you are doing okay babe, depression is hard, espec if dealing with it alone (in saying that i would be reluctant to tell my family too). How's things with you and DH? It wont be long til january and you are out of your current work, time for new beginnings for you all xxx

How's the new house Liz ? - settled in okay?

Anbesol, sounds brill -will definitley be getting some when the teething starts again Nat, we have 5 teeth now just. WOW Only over 2 months til you start ttc again- exciting!!!

Hi Gemma (wavees lol) know you dont come on very much anymore but just incase yop do pop in -hi to you and bump and Lib and Dan xxxx hope you are well and not suffering too badly from headaches xxx

And Neen, hi hun hope all is well with you and your lovely wee family too, are you taking the full year off work? And going back part time or full time, when you do?

Eventually got Dodges' 12/13 mnth jabs yday -i missed them first time, then the next week the nurse was off sick, then he was poorly for two weeks so eventually lol -no effects yet but then they say it can be up to 3 weeks afterwards -anyone have any adverse reactions?
We are going to a wedding a week on Saturday, so please please please no poorly bubba for that -it will be our first night out in SO long, and first night away from Dawson together too. I am so looking forward to it- its about an hours drive away, so we'll leave late morning, get to the hotel for lunch, lovely wedding in the afternoon, and then party and dancing yay!!!

Am off to get my wee guy weighed soon, when he was poosrly he dropped nearly 2lbs !!!! He was just under 11kg, then he was weighed at the childrens hospital and was only 10.1 kg -poor wee guy, with wee skinny chicken arms! He actually looked like he had shrunk, went back into 9-12 month clothes and everything.He's been eating great again so hopefully putting it back on fine. And he is much more mobile now than ever, so that probably contributed to the weight loss too -walks everywhere now, and climbs onto and over everything lol .

tata for now ladies babies and toddlers take care xxx
Hi ladies,

Hope all are well.

Donna I'm officially having just 9 months off work so my return date would be 7th December however I have got LOADS of leave remaining which I didn't get to use before mat leave as planned (with olly-pops coming early) and then also this years leave so really I don't have to go back until late feb!!! Basically a year off is what I get but with the last 3 months paid at what my return salary will be.

I'm going back 30 hours a week (so only 7less that I did before) but I'm doing those over 3 days. 09.30-20.00. Sounds harsh hours but it's not that bad, plus it means im doing 4 days but only in 3 if you will, so only need childcare for 3 days. I'm working Tue/wed/thur too so long 4 day weekends. Should hopefully give me a good home/work balance.

Long days are harsh but so worth it to spend more days with our lovley bubbas lol - I am fortunate to only be doing 2 these days but I always worked long days and used to do 3 a week and it is a good work /home balance. I would need full time child care costs i I went back more hours so to do only 2 shifts and no child care works out best for us just now -cant EVER see me going back full time haha -become a lazy shit haha

That's great about your hols Neen, would be rubbish having to go back before xmas lol -I had all my hols still to take too, with being off sick the entire prgnancy (practically!!) so was able to do my 6 months paid maternity, then 5 weeks SMP (could not afford to do more SMP only- abysmal amount to try and survive on!) then 9 weeks hols. Was a godsend, cannot believe I went back to work when my DD was only about 12 weeks haha, seems kind of barbaric now (but maternity leave was so crap back then)

Working tonight, so hoping little man is going to nap soon so I can get 40 winks zzzzzzz - feel tired even just thinking about it haha, by the time I get to bed tomorrow I will have been awake for about 40hours lol

ttfn xxx
Hi ladies... hope all are well... havent had a proper catch up just yet but will try to today.

Well i was off work for 3 weeks and started to feel much better. Went to the docs last friday and told me this week that i was to come back in to work but only on half days. Well straight away anxiety and panick kicked in but i managed to control it. i went to a talk therapy session on tuesday which i personally dont think makes any difference to the way i feel just makes me talk about it all... then tuesday night i started getting really panicky as back to work on wednesday. Managed to force myself in to work and sat there feeling anxious and paranoid all morning... What is wrong with me? seriously???
So back in this morning and feeling exactly the same. This really isnt like me as im not a work shy person i just cant stand this place its horrible!!! i hate my job, i hate the people i hate the camp i hate where i live!!!!

On a brighter note macie is doing well and now has 7 teeth!!! lol. 2 top front, 3 bottom front. 1 top left molar and 1 top right molar!! yay haha.

sorry for the rubbish update ladies???

Love to all mums, babies and toddlers xxxx
Aww Chelsie, how horrible!!

I am off work too just now, and although they are investigating physical causes just now (thyroid, blood count, hormone etc); I am starting to think that my symptoms could be psychological!!!! The symptoms could all be attributed to anxiety /panic attacks but I honestly dont think I felt anxious or panicked as such, maybe a bit on edge but then that's good generally -keeps you on your toes and ready for whatever is going to happen next; which of course can be anything in the ICU! Sigh!!!!! So wish I could get back to feeling normal, am hoping there IS a physical reason so that it can be treated and I can get back to being me!!! Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, nauseous, tingly hands, sweaty palms, palpitations at times, fainting or near fainting and I have lost nearly half a stone in the past month. (dont like sitting below 9stone -it makes me look gaunt, and I am down to 8st 11).

Just a thought ,but I presume you did have the physical things excluded first??? High thyroid levels can cause anxiety / depression / panick attack like symptoms as can other things too - hope you are okay xxx
Just popping in to say :hi:

and wanted to show off my new ticker!! :kiss:

Just popping in to say :hi:

and wanted to show off my new ticker!! :kiss:


Awww congrats hun!! So pleased for you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

woop woop woop :happydance::happydance::happydance:

... and trying not to be :blush::blush: too jealous lol :blush::blush:

You'll be next Nat :baby::baby:

and what about you Neen, any thoughts on number2 too??

Wishing you all the best for a H&H pregnancy :cloud9:
Kind of sad now!! This is the end of an era -bye bye Bonfire babies :(

You'll all be off to make June/ July /Aug/ Sept..... bumps lol

oh well, i have had my time already I s'pose.

Love to you all xxxxx
Don't be sad. This group is still here. :hugs:

I'm thinking of trying for #2 when Olly is around 18 months old Hun. Xxxxx
yeah don't be sad Donna, we'll be friends forever now :)

have to nip off to run a bath for Dylan but will come back and catch up later!! xxx
Thanks Neen and Liz xx

Well , found out a few weeks ago that my eldest niece is preggers!!! She is 20 next month and been with her bfriend for 2-3 years and they are both delighted (allegedly as I am not meant to know yet lol, my sis couldn't keep it to herself lol). Wasn't planned but then if they are happy then thats all that matters I s'pose. My sis has a wee boy who's 2 too lol - so i am going to be a great aunt haha - def feel old now !


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