bored. anyone have any questions for second tri lady?

I'm on CD2 of our very first TTC cycle, so I am literally just starting out. Now that you're PG, what do you wish you knew when you were first starting your TTC journey?

(Thanks for doing this. It's very informative!)

Good luck with your TTC journey!! And thank you, I am trying to help with my own personal experiences but I know I used to have questions, and when I would ask them in the pregnancy forums NOBODY would answer, so I thought I would try to help a few girls out.

Hm, I don't know how much you are going to particularly like my answer, as it is kinda depressing. But I will answer with the truth. I wish I would have known that things can go wrong. From the very beginning it was difficult because my birth control really messed up my cycle. Then when I finally became pregnant the first time, I miscarried. Then it took another few months (after having to convince DH to try again--he was scared) to get pregnant again. I wish I would have known to not make my life about ttc, and that is what I did for almost a year. On the months AF showed, I thought, well at least I can do this this month and not worry, so that I would feel better about it. But It was still hard when she did show. I wish I would have known that TTC doesnt play by any specific rules. You catch the egg when you do and that is that. I wish I would have known that miscarriages happen and the majority of the time, it was not the mother's fault.. just natures way of saying something was wrong.

All that being said, I think my journey was pretty sucky. And I do not believe that it takes most women a year. And I also know that there are several women on this website who have it way worse than I do. I am friends with several of them. This is just me personal experience. :)

However, as far as knowing then what I know now specifically about TTC, I kinda wish I would not have used OPKs. They were fun when they were positive and I liked taking them, but the month I didnt use them was the month I got pregnant. Lol. Like maybe it was too stressful for my body or something. I dont know. But I think back and I could have saved a TON of money! I also bought a CBFM at one time, but gave that way to a lovely lady on BnB who had been trying for four years. I thought she could benefit from it more than I could. :)
Thanks so much for this thread, it's so nice to have someone to answer all these questions :)
Tryinfor 1 I found your thread today and thought it was wonderful, that you want to help us, Thankyou fron the bottom of my heart. I will tell you a little about me, I am 41 and hubby is 51, I had a tubal reversal last year in april , and still have not concieved, Hubby has had a SA morphology is a little low, but not by much and all test seem to look good on me. doc is talking about a tubal X-ray now on me to check and make sure thew tubes are still opened. I am at my end. I have tried preseed, softcups, ovulation predictors, temp charts,vitimin maca, hubby on pycenegol to improve morphology has been on it now for almost 10 months, me as well on the maca, I take my prenatal also, I tell you I never thought it would take sooo long, Age is not on my side niether on hubby side, so I feel its just never going to happen for me, I have even used on line ovulation predictor calculator, and predictor calendar. I am so pleased you are willing to help others. this may be a odd question ,but here it is I started my cycle on july 22nd which was the first day of full flow the day before was spotting so july 22nd was the first day now I am on cd5. well the question is when do you think I would ovulate? Just thought I would ask I have tried everything else LOL. CONGRADS ON YOUR CONCEPTION :happydance: PLEASE HELP ME LOL HUGS HUGS FRIENDS
That is a hard question tia but I will most certainly try and help. Do you have regular cycles since your reversal? And also, you said you used opks. Did you ever get a positive with those?
That is a hard question tia but I will most certainly try and help. Do you have regular cycles since your reversal? And also, you said you used opks. Did you ever get a positive with those?

Yes I do have reg. cycles every 26 days, but this month I was 3 days early, strange. and I do get positive with them anywhere from cd 10 to cd 12.
Tryinfor1 I am going to get off here and talk with you tomm. we are getting a very bad storm here. Do hope you can help me. HUGS HUGS FRIENDS
That is a hard question tia but I will most certainly try and help. Do you have regular cycles since your reversal? And also, you said you used opks. Did you ever get a positive with those?

Yes I do have reg. cycles every 26 days, but this month I was 3 days early, strange. and I do get positive with them anywhere from cd 10 to cd 12.

Ok. Based on your cycle length and when you get your positive opks, I would say anywhere from cd12-14 would make the most sense to me. Taking into consideration an average lp of 12-14 days.
I'm on CD2 of our very first TTC cycle, so I am literally just starting out. Now that you're PG, what do you wish you knew when you were first starting your TTC journey?

(Thanks for doing this. It's very informative!)

Good luck with your TTC journey!! And thank you, I am trying to help with my own personal experiences but I know I used to have questions, and when I would ask them in the pregnancy forums NOBODY would answer, so I thought I would try to help a few girls out.

Hm, I don't know how much you are going to particularly like my answer, as it is kinda depressing. But I will answer with the truth. I wish I would have known that things can go wrong. From the very beginning it was difficult because my birth control really messed up my cycle. Then when I finally became pregnant the first time, I miscarried. Then it took another few months (after having to convince DH to try again--he was scared) to get pregnant again. I wish I would have known to not make my life about ttc, and that is what I did for almost a year. On the months AF showed, I thought, well at least I can do this this month and not worry, so that I would feel better about it. But It was still hard when she did show. I wish I would have known that TTC doesnt play by any specific rules. You catch the egg when you do and that is that. I wish I would have known that miscarriages happen and the majority of the time, it was not the mother's fault.. just natures way of saying something was wrong.

All that being said, I think my journey was pretty sucky. And I do not believe that it takes most women a year. And I also know that there are several women on this website who have it way worse than I do. I am friends with several of them. This is just me personal experience. :)

However, as far as knowing then what I know now specifically about TTC, I kinda wish I would not have used OPKs. They were fun when they were positive and I liked taking them, but the month I didnt use them was the month I got pregnant. Lol. Like maybe it was too stressful for my body or something. I dont know. But I think back and I could have saved a TON of money! I also bought a CBFM at one time, but gave that way to a lovely lady on BnB who had been trying for four years. I thought she could benefit from it more than I could. :)

Thank you for the excellent advice! Honesty is always best, even if it isn't rah-rah positive. :D I'm 38 and DH is 41 so unfortunately I'm all too aware that things can go wrong based on all the age-related stuff I've read. :wacko: I'm hoping I'll be one of the lucky ones, but who knows? I will definitely take to heart what you said about not letting it rule my life. I want a child but I also know my life is pretty awesome without one, too! :thumbup: I do plan on using OPKs, though, but if they don't work after a few months maybe I'll take a break and see if that works, like it did for you! :D

Try to not worry too much about your age. I know lots of mammas ok older than that. I do hope I helped though!

Sending you TONS of baby dust! :dust:

That ok was not supposed to be in there. I am on my phone and it won't let me delete it. Annoying! But just so you know. Lol
That is a hard question tia but I will most certainly try and help. Do you have regular cycles since your reversal? And also, you said you used opks. Did you ever get a positive with those?

Yes I do have reg. cycles every 26 days, but this month I was 3 days early, strange. and I do get positive with them anywhere from cd 10 to cd 12.

Ok. Based on your cycle length and when you get your positive opks, I would say anywhere from cd12-14 would make the most sense to me. Taking into consideration an average lp of 12-14 days.
tia I have a 26 day cycle and always o on either cd 12 or 13 :)
I Have A Question :) :) :)

Im 4Days Late For AF ( July22nd\23rd was Expecting ) , I Spotted From July19-24 ( Pink & Brownish Red ) & Nothing Since . Also Notcied EWCM On The 23rd & Today Just A little Bit Today Though . No Sore\Tender Breast or Nausea Just Sleepy . Been Checking CP & It Keeps Changing From High To Low But Stays Closed & Very Moist (TMI). Has Anybody Experenced this & ACTUALLY Got Ah BFP ??? Pleaaseee Helpp
I Have A Question :) :) :)

Im 4Days Late For AF ( July22nd\23rd was Expecting ) , I Spotted From July19-24 ( Pink & Brownish Red ) & Nothing Since . Also Notcied EWCM On The 23rd & Today Just A little Bit Today Though . No Sore\Tender Breast or Nausea Just Sleepy . Been Checking CP & It Keeps Changing From High To Low But Stays Closed & Very Moist (TMI). Has Anybody Experenced this & ACTUALLY Got Ah BFP ??? Pleaaseee Helpp

I have a friend who was over a week late before she got her bfp! its possible so keep testing! hope she stays away!
What do you think finally worked for you,how often did you bd?

Actually, what worked for me with a sticky baby was relaxing. I am so serious. I did not use OPKs and to be honest, the month I got pregnant was the month I said "It is ok if I dont because I want to drink at a concert." DH and I didnt even do it that much because I was getting over a yeast infection (SORRY!) and the only time we BD was like the day before and the day of ovulation. I know that is like the perfect time to do it, but I really truly think the fact I said, "Its ok" and then just had fun that month with my friends is what made it all happen. The months before that, I BD ALL THE TIME. And it wasnt working. The only thing I did differently that month was say Ok, I am done worrying about it for a month.

I need to take this approach again. I thought like this last time and then got a bfp. Its just so hard not to get obsessed by TTC it does my head in.
That is a hard question tia but I will most certainly try and help. Do you have regular cycles since your reversal? And also, you said you used opks. Did you ever get a positive with those?

Yes I do have reg. cycles every 26 days, but this month I was 3 days early, strange. and I do get positive with them anywhere from cd 10 to cd 12.

Ok. Based on your cycle length and when you get your positive opks, I would say anywhere from cd12-14 would make the most sense to me. Taking into consideration an average lp of 12-14 days.

tryinfor1 thankyou soooo much, today is cd 11 for me and I just got my positive opk this morning, so what you are saying is the tonight and the next 2 days would be perfect for me to concieve, hubby is at work this morning so cant do anything this morning lol. Another question I have they say cervical mucas should be like egg whites right? well mine doesnt seem to get like egg white, it is like milky, but has the egg white streching effect if you know what I mean, sorry for too much info, that is the only way I can explain it.Is that ok or would that be a problem?
That is a hard question tia but I will most certainly try and help. Do you have regular cycles since your reversal? And also, you said you used opks. Did you ever get a positive with those?

Yes I do have reg. cycles every 26 days, but this month I was 3 days early, strange. and I do get positive with them anywhere from cd 10 to cd 12.

Ok. Based on your cycle length and when you get your positive opks, I would say anywhere from cd12-14 would make the most sense to me. Taking into consideration an average lp of 12-14 days.
tia I have a 26 day cycle and always o on either cd 12 or 13 :)

Thankyou luna it is nice to know someone has the same cycle days as me, It would be great to talk with you, If that is ok? I just got my poss. opk this morning at cd11 or 12 for me because the first day of my cycle was spotting then the next day was full flow, they say count the first day of full flow as cd 1 so it is either cd 11 or 12 for me for m poss. opk this month. How long have you been trying to concieve? HUGS HUGS FRIENDS
That's perfect timing tia. They say the best is egg type but I wouldn't be overly concerned unless you are just flat out dry. I barely had any cm the month I got pregnant. Good luck and get busy!
That's perfect timing tia. They say the best is egg type but I wouldn't be overly concerned unless you are just flat out dry. I barely had any cm the month I got pregnant. Good luck and get busy!

Tryinfor1, I really hope this month is my month, so the cervical mucas doesnt really have to be tranparent like clear, it can be milky like looking?
That is a hard question tia but I will most certainly try and help. Do you have regular cycles since your reversal? And also, you said you used opks. Did you ever get a positive with those?

Yes I do have reg. cycles every 26 days, but this month I was 3 days early, strange. and I do get positive with them anywhere from cd 10 to cd 12.

Ok. Based on your cycle length and when you get your positive opks, I would say anywhere from cd12-14 would make the most sense to me. Taking into consideration an average lp of 12-14 days.
tia I have a 26 day cycle and always o on either cd 12 or 13 :)

Thankyou luna it is nice to know someone has the same cycle days as me, It would be great to talk with you, If that is ok? I just got my poss. opk this morning at cd11 or 12 for me because the first day of my cycle was spotting then the next day was full flow, they say count the first day of full flow as cd 1 so it is either cd 11 or 12 for me for m poss. opk this month. How long have you been trying to concieve? HUGS HUGS FRIENDS
Hi your first day of full flow is cd1, I don't know much about opks since they don't work for me, we are on cycle 8 of ttc. If you want to chat feel free to pm me :)

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