With my first baby I desperately tried breast feeding when I was in hospital for the first 2 daysbut my baby just would not latch on and he was getting so wound up. The only time he would latch on was when a midwife did it.
They made me feel like I was stupid for not being able to do it by myself. My husband decided enough was enough and demanded a bottle for him as he was not getting enough milk. It was like asking for the Devil himself but they agreed and baby was happy as larry then!
We eventually went home after 3 days in hospital on a ward with a baby that had withdrawal symptoms because its mum had been taking drugs through her pregnancy! Once home I started beating myself up pretty badly as the midwife and health visitor both tried to get me to BF again but it just wasn't happening. I slipped deeper into depression and developed terrible PND which went on for about 18 months.
Since then I have tried to Breast feed my subsequent babies but if it didnt work then I felt no guilt about getting a bottle as my firsst child is a healthy strong 10 year old
I am still not the person I used to be after 10 years. I low confidence and feel very subconcious when around other mothers as I feel like I am being judged. But now I also think stuff it. They can thi9nk what they like!
I will try and breast feed my next baby but I also have everything ready to bottle feed so I will be happy either way.
As long as both you and your baby are happy then that is the best possible situation xxx