LMAO! My husband refuses to believe that women don't pillow fight for fun when men aren't looking.....I play along now. Let them have their harmless little ideas!
Yes, honey. We all pillow-fight. Naked. In gorgeous underwear you didn't know we had. With suddenly perfect bodies that don't jiggle when we swing the pillow around. Occasionally we take our tops off and make out. But only the really hot ones.
Oh I have to steal that quote and use it next time my friend comes to visit.....i'll be approx 2 weeks post birth, with a big c section scar and baby weight to shed. I bet he still buys it LOL
They are so starved for umm... physical affection at this point, they'll ignore all the obvious. My husband is deffo a boob-guy, so he's like, "Ohhh, I'll have to take sexy pics of you in those first few weeks of breastfeeding when your boobs are HUGE.."
Rrrrright.... 'cause in those first few weeks (and... umm... THEN some...) I won't have angry red stretch-marks, and a sagging belly....and some extra poundage.... (and it's not like he doesn't know this. We've HAD two kids!!) eek. Pictures???
Photoshop, m'dear