and yet u still have to be judgemental! u dont no what type of pain i was in so u cant compare and u have no idea that my son actualy hated breastfeeding himself.
u are not in every womans home so u well no one actualy has any idea if that percentage is correct.
as another member has said u do seem to just be up ur own ass!
I can relate to this. I remember how much it hurt at the start and I didn't even have any thrush or mastitis or bleeding nipples! When my LO was around 6 months old and got her first 2 teeth she bit a hole in each nipple and OMG it HURT!! I was so happy that she didn't eat as often as a newborn. This pain was what made me stop co-sleeping, I couldn't sleep through the pain. I even tried switching to bottles, tried two different types, but it was too late and she wouldn't accept it. So I can truly say I understand why some women can't make it through the pain.
As for percentages, some women simply do not want to breast feed at all. Other women run into so many problems that continuing to breast feed just does not feel like an option. Yes breast is best, but everyone knows that already, we're lucky to live in a time when there is the option of formula so mothers are able to have a healthy bond with their baby rather than resenting them for all the pain.
Because of people who breastfeed and have a superior attitude to others I now feel like I should hide the fact that I BF just to avoid making other women feel uncomfortable in baby groups. It's kind of silly that
so much emphasis is put on this anyway, you'd have a hard time picking out who was BF and who was FF in a huge group of adults.