Breastfeeding baby, not preventing another :-)

Hi baby tots, yep all good!! Loving being a mummy to my boys :cloud9:

So glad your hubby is on board again!! Can't believe you are hoping for #5 now! Time has flown by!!

Pretty much the same for us, ntnp until cycles return then maybe TTC or continue ntnp. DH not fussed about wanting another but fine anout ntnp. He was like this last time and before long he was into the idea of another ASAP lol! Id love to conceive another sticky around the beginning of next year, but would take any age gap tbh!

Jess, good luck for tonight hun lol!! My hubby works awkward shifts too, so i can fully sympathise with not finding the time!! Ah well it only takes one lucky :spermy: he he!!
Baby tots that's wonderful! I bet your over the moon!
When do you think your cycles will return?

Funny how there's so many factors that can prevent pregnancy right after the birth of one baby lol Charlotte def keeps us busy! She still sleeps in her bassinet in our room next to my side of the bed but her being in the room isn't hindering us from dtd, it's DH, he's usually asleep by 830 lol he goes to bed same time as the baby. He gets up really early for work so at night he's exhausted and that's usually when I'm ready to go! :) he usually wants to dtd in the middle of the day on the weekends when he has off, but I'm usually taking care of the baby or something around the house and the older kids are running around somewhere so I'm usually not wanting to .
I'm going to try to seduce him tonight though..... wish me luck girls! :)

Hey hun yeah I'm so happy and excited I really didn't expect him to change his mind but he always does what he can to make me happy bless him. ITs made our relationship less tense now too.

Aww its hard to find time to dtd when they are working. Jason works 4 on 4 off and he has long hours so has told me on the days he's working dtd ain't going to happen.

Good luck with seducing him tonight I plan to with mine too as got more ewcm today.

Hi baby tots, yep all good!! Loving being a mummy to my boys :cloud9:

So glad your hubby is on board again!! Can't believe you are hoping for #5 now! Time has flown by!!

Pretty much the same for us, ntnp until cycles return then maybe TTC or continue ntnp. DH not fussed about wanting another but fine anout ntnp. He was like this last time and before long he was into the idea of another ASAP lol! Id love to conceive another sticky around the beginning of next year, but would take any age gap tbh!

Jess, good luck for tonight hun lol!! My hubby works awkward shifts too, so i can fully sympathise with not finding the time!! Ah well it only takes one lucky :spermy: he he!!

Aww its an amazing feeling isn't it being a mummy. We have come along way over the years and I'm so happy that we get to share our ttc (or rather ntnp) journey together again.

I know sometimes I ask myself am I crazy wanting baby no.5 but I love having a big family and I think if I can handle 4 one more isn't going to hurt. I don't think family will take it too well so I intend to keep it quiet for as long as I can (at least til 20 week scan). Though its going to be hard hiding it from the girls :( they can't keep secrets to safe their life lol.

Aww thats good your Dh doesn't mind either way :) I would love to fall pregnant after Harley's birthday and have an April baby. Though like you anytime will be good as long as it a sticky bfp. Including myself and DH we have a birthday a month from May-Oct so and April baby would tie nicely into that lol.

Really hope that we see some lovely bfps in this thread soon :) x
Arrggghhh men!!! So we were having a lovely evening kids all asleep so we sat at the table to eat our dinner and making conversation a rarity in this house as Harley normally wakes as soon as we sit down to eat. Anyhow the subject got onto babies. He's had a few drinks so speaks his mind and he goes and puts his foot in it by saying he's scared that if I have another baby he might lose me. Now its put doubts in my head if its worth having another baby but I know that dying in labour isn't as common as it used to be. Plus I will be well looked after as be under consultant led care so any problems will be dealt with quickly. Arrghhh I'm glad he's told me how he really feels but hate that now my excitement of ttc has turned to worry :cry:

Bang goes our nice evening together :( x
If you don't mind me asking, why does he think he'll lose you?
I was wondering too! X

Jess did you get lucky? Lol

I did as baby Vinny decided to sleep in his bedside cot for once, he he! ;)
:( DH pased out and little one was up til midnight, she wouldn't sleep :( not like her at all
The older kids aren't going to be here tonight, just Charlotte, so maybe I can get her to bed early since she was up late last night and woke up early today and DH and I can have a nice relaxing night tonight :) hopefully
If you don't mind me asking, why does he think he'll lose you?

I haven't a clue maybe because of how the birth went with our youngest Harley and the fact I needed to be rushed off to surgery. I think maybe he thinks this time round I will suffer more complications (which is possible but hopefully with a managed birth avoidable). It wasn't life threatening with Harley but I know both of us found it quite traumatic at the time.

Hope you ladies have had fun dtd. Mine was too drunk last night to do anything.

Anyone else keep getting ewcm on and off its driving me batty now as I never know what my body is up to thought I may have ov'd last week but then got quite alot of ewcm a couple of says ago (but it was orangey implantation maybe wishful thinking lol).

Think its time to dig out my bbt thermometer and track my cycles. Tempted to get some opks but will find it hard to poas on the sly since for now we are ntnp. x
I'd maybe talk to him about his concerns. Might help a little.

As for the OPKs, say you're unsure of what your body is doing and you want to know what it's playing at!
He said yesterday once he was sober it was a stupid thing to say and that he was sorry he put his foot in it. I think he's just a worrier but he knows I'll be well looked after.

I think I'll just do temps for now and use opks once my cycles come back no point in wasting money if I don't ov. x
Babytots glad you two are talking and opening up, sober or not lol I like when DH is a little drunk, he won't hold anything back :)
Speaking of DH being a little drunk, we both had a few beers last night and had some awesome sex! :) I feel like a new woman today!
Babytots glad you two are talking and opening up, sober or not lol I like when DH is a little drunk, he won't hold anything back :)
Speaking of DH being a little drunk, we both had a few beers last night and had some awesome sex! :) I feel like a new woman today!

Thanks hun yes I prefer him drunk to as he tends to speak his mind more.

Lol at you feeling like a new woman its amazing what a good sesh can do isn't it ;) We dtd last night too I was just dozing off and he decided to wake me. Feel very tired today as got a poorly baby at the moment who kept waking :coffee: x
How is everyone doing? Any news to report?

I'm getting impatient for af to arrive and my cycles to come back so want to be pregnant I can't wait to go through it all again.

Going to try and get Harley into a more structured routine at night as he's not the best of sleepers and wakes several times a night and often wants feeding to help him go back over I think this is what is maybe hindering my cycles from returning. Anyone else's lo still wake in the night?

Buying some hpt's this week to see if I did ov 2 weeks ago I don't think I did as had ewcm on an off since. Digging out my thermometer later start doing my bbt again.

Anyways I'm waffling now so I'll stop writing lol x
I'm totally getting impatient for my cycles to return too!! Although I really shouldn't get prego until September :) I promised my bestfriend I wouldn't
I was going to start temping this morning but DS was up all night sick :( So I'll start tomorrow
My lo has slept through the night since 3 weeks old! So idk what to say regarding that except that i heard if night time feedings are cut out than cycles should start to return to normal, key word being "should" because it didn't for me. But most girls, it seems, it does.

I pump in the morning because I'm usually really full from not feeding at night. I've been doing this for months! And I just dump it out! DD won't take a bottle so I have no use for it, except I use a tiny bit for her rice cereal.
I'm thinking maybe if I cut that out it might help my cycles. Esp since she is starting purreed food now! :) I gave her alvacodo last night for the first time!
Check this out girls!
This is a good one too!

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