

TTC #4 since 12/2020
Nov 28, 2011
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At what point do we need to start worrying about positions? I had a scan today and baby is breech. I'm only 24 weeks so plenty of time to go yet, but DS was head down at this point so I've never really thought about it.
Should I be doing anything to encourage him to turn or should I just wait for it to happen?
My baby is breech also and my girls were head down from 20 weeks on.. This is a stubborn baby boy
My dr said at this point it's absolutely nothing to worry about and they have lots of room to move around but mine is breech too and I am a bit worried! My first was also just head down the whole time so I never had to worry about it. I've read that getting into the forward-leaning inversion position can help but no idea if this actually does anything.
It's perfectly normal up to 28 weeks for babies to be breech. Around that time most babies start to assume the head down position but some take a little longer. My daughter was head down by 30 but before that flipped around a lot. This little man was head down and slightly engaged by 27 weeks but then turned breech so now I only have a few weeks to turn him. You still have lots of time left yet, I wouldn't worry about it at all :)
Second babys have more room to.move, so position isn't particularly important at this stage, my second was transverse until about 30 weeks, he was well and truly down by 38
First I believe turned at 27 weeks
My twins both flipped a week ago when I bent forward to pick up my daughter. They're now both head down. My GP used to deliver babies and said downward doggie, scrub the floor position or like the pp said forward inversion. My doc said unfortunately most women prefer to lie diwn when their tummies get big but if your baby is breach you need to be forward and tipped as mych as possible to help baby get into position.

Saying that you have loads if time, she was really referring to third tri.
Mine is breech too. Not comfy at all, kicks in my cervix and my ribs feel full.

Think its last few weeks that they start to worry if they haven't turned. x
This one is also breech. All my others we head down by this stage but plenty room for her to turn so not too worried yet.. just uncomfortable when she's having days where she moves constantly!
My little girl was breech up until a week before she was born. They kept saying she still had time to turn but I didn't believe them and was all worried about a c section! Ended up with natural delivery. I wouldn't worry this early still plenty of time!
This one is breech whereas my two before were head down by 20 weeks. I'm a little nervous but still have ages to go before I should really get worried.
At my 20 week ultrasound the tech said Oh baby is head down! A couple minutes later he said haha not anymore he just flipped. And he did it about 3 or 4 more times while he was scanning me haha I think they are still all over the place at this stage
My midwife said between 28-31 weeks is the turning point and she will start to "worry" aka try to promote turning if baby hasn't turned by 32 weeks.

My babies have been head down so when this one that I'm pregnant with was transverse for 4 weeks or so at 26 weeks I was a little concerned...

My midwife wasn't, not in the least bit. But she did tell me to start doing the "cat maneuver" a few times a day for as long as I wanted just to promote turning. I only did it three times and I just had an Us and he's head down now!

I was surprised at how well it worked! Its just getting on all fours and curving your back upwards like a cat and then dropping your belly.

I'm well aware he can still turn but it's nice to know there are techniques to promote turning. You're still within the time frame for it to easily happen, no worries ❤️
DD was transverse at 12 weeks and was head down and stayed head down by 20.
This baby is breech and I know I shouldn't worry but even before I knew he was breech I was having vivid dreams of a c-section because of it. Because of that I've been doing lots of research into breech babies and how to avoid c-sections (I'm extremely anxious at the thought of having one)

These bubbas have plenty of room and time to turn!
My first was breech. They only started to be bothered around 34 weeks and they tried to turn her at 37 and half weeks. It was unsuccessful. My sister was breech for me mum and she had her turned at around 36 weeks. She turned back to breech on her own and then head down again at about 38 weeks!! Little monkies!!! Xx
Thanks for all the replies! I've been on the spinning babies website and am doing some of the exercises they suggested to see if it helps him turn but will try not to worry just yet!
I tried the things on that site too. Didn't work for me but I was quite far on and not much room for turning! Midwives had missed the fact that I had a breech baby. 😁.
Best of luck u get a good baby xxx

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