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bring on baby!! Welcome!!!

Good morning ladies!

How is everyone doing? Annie? Jumik? Bex, are you hanging in there?? <3

AFM, I did a bunch of research on antithrombin deficiency over the weekend. THere seems to be a mix of good and bad news. Here is what I found out:

- hereditary disorder, so if I have it, I probably got it from my mom or dad, which means my brother may also be affected
- because it's hereditary, there is a 50:50 chance of passing it on to my baby :cry:
- extremely rare...1 person in ever 2000-5000 has it
- the major risk factor for antithrombin deficiency is blood clots in the legs or lungs, or stroke, but other potential problems can be recurrent miscarriage (!)
- personal risk factor depends on a few things, but the best indicator is how many clots or strokes are in your personal or family history (THIS is good news, because NO ONE in my immediate family has had any clots or strokes?!?! Only exception was my grandpa who had a lung clot (pulmonary embolism while he was on his deathbed in the hospital this past summer. But that could have been totally unrelated)
- treatment is usually through an anticoagulant/blood thinner...
- during pregnancy you are predisposed to a higher risk of blood clots (as with everyone), but it is worse if you have the antithrombin deficiency. Blood thinners are usually given to protect both mother and baby
- there are a lot of unknowns about treatment. Heparin (lovenox) requires antithrombin receptors to work. So reduced antithrombin may mean that heparin is not very effective (since there's nothing for the heparin to bind to). Because it is such a rare issue, there is very little research and no clinical trials. In many cases heparin seems to work, and then you have to switch to an oral or IV blood thinner during birth and post-partum.

So.... WOW!
Wow hope that's alot!!
So how do u feel about what u found?
I don't know, it's certainly a lot to take it. I am going to wait until I talk to the doctor and/or the hematologist before I freak out. It is a little scary to think that I'm predisposed to blood clots. But, I talked to my mom, and she actually doesn't believe it. haha. Like I said, we have no history of clotting in our family. She thinks that I need to get it double-checked (confirmed diagnosis) or get a second opinion before we all panic.

That being said, I am somewhat hopeful that this information, even though it's not good news, might help us to finally have a baby. All you can do is hope, right?

In the meantime, I called the X ray dept at the hospital to tell them my Doc would be calling about my HSG this week. The woman today (different from the one I talked to Friday) was being a total b*tch! I don't think they are going to let me do it, even if my doctor calls. Sooooo frustrated :cry:
That's the good thing it might be the reason why u keep mc and it might be a easy fix!!
Fingers crossed sweetie!!

Wtf why wouldn't they let u do it?? That is so bs!!!

Bentlie weighs 6lb6oz!!!!! Yay!!!

Had to bring her in today bc her belly button was blood shot and totally nasty infected so they did blood work to see if her white blood cells where high meaning the infection was in er blood which it isn't just infected umbilical cord!!

Which is blowing my mind bc I have did nothing but take care of it alchole
Aw, poor Bentlie! Well I'm glad it was only in her bellybutton and not inside. Maybe try to let it dry out so it crusts off... and YAY that she has gained weight! has the vomitied stopped/decreased?I

Well I'm so upset... tears and all...I just got a call from the hospital and they cancelled my Appt. Apparently the radiologist thinks I'm "raw" from the chemical so he doesn't want to do it (says there is a risk of infection). Having had like 5 m/c now, I know this is NOT TRUE. OMG! It was just like a normal period...in fact it was shorter and lighter than a normal period! You aren't "raw" after you stop bleeding! Argh!!!

I know my FS will try to argue for it but it seems like there's no point. What if my beta is like, 6? They probably still wouldn't do it just to be assholes. It's such bullshit!

I'm just so fed up with it. I don't even feel like doing it anymore because they are such JERKS, and this has been such a HASSLE :cry: It's just SO unfair that people who are struggling only continue to get the shaft. Can't I ever get a break!? :cry:
Awe hope that is just horriable??!!!!! Maybe u should try to find a new dr??
I'm sorry ur having such a rough time!!!

Hve u heard from Bex??

Bentlie hasn't threw up in 2 days .... Knock on wood..

She is sleeping with us in my arms bc we r so scared she will choke on threw up..
I started smoking again like a big dumb ass!

Also tmi but I have hemoroids like crazy!! I got some prep h let's hope it helps!!
I'm feeling really rough... Today when I Seen my OB she took the tape off and messed around my cut and now I'm hurting..
And not to mention I just tried to have sex.. He barely got anything in and I stopped him it hurt... Ooops,..

Okay so when I go pee I can't force the pee out like fast it only comes out I can't make it go faster...
Should I worry?? Started today??

Is it bc I'm constipated?
from my journal...will catch up on our thread when i have a little more time!

hi girls! sorry i've been such a lame about updating. it's been a total whirlwind of a couple of days. i hardly even remember what i've told you guys yet and what i haven't.


we went to my in laws' house for thanksgiving dinner and everyone kept talking about how i was carrying so high that there was no way i would ever go into labor on my own, so surely i'd be induced on monday (today). then everyone (including my parents) kept insisting that it was a girl despite my protests. anyway, i decided i'd show all of them! when we got home that night, i bounced and rolled on my birthing ball for an hour and a half. when i got up i was feeling pretty crampy, but i didn't think much of it. i woke up at 2 with tess laying across my belly. i was having irregular contractions, but they were strong enough to keep me from getting back to sleep. by about 11 am my contractions were less than 5 minutes apart and we were off to the hospital. i made it to 6cm before i finally broke down and got an epidural. after that, i didn't feel a thing until it was time to push! it took me three hours to get my little man out of there! his face got stuck in my hooey (which is pretty to' up!). so anyway, out he came in all his glory after 23 hours of labor on november 24 at 12:42am- 7 lbs, 15.6 oz, 19 1/2 in long. with a head fine, strawberry blonde hair. they put him on my chest and, much to my complete shock, he immediately did a huge push up, lifted up his head, and looked me right in the eyes!

our little eli morgan is so cute! we just love him so much i can't even describe it. we're glad to finally be home, but it hasn't been easy. eli's biliruben levels have been borderline and he's all yellow right now. we have to take him i for daily blood work this week and i've been forced to supplement with formula to help him process it better since my milk hasn't come in yet. it's made him very lethargic and disinterested in feeding. but i'm determined to get past this and bf and we're going to work through this. we'll go back on wednesday to see if that's helped. if not, we'll have to keep him wrapped in a biliblanked. but anyway, he's utterly perfect and he is an absolute joy to have and cuddle all the time. he is seriously a perfect tiny carbon copy of morgan! i don't think any of my genes made their way into his body. i just carried him! :haha:

i just can't stop looking at this little guy and marveling over how every tiny piece of him is absolutely perfect.

i'm sure i've missed a lot of details because of how much has happened over the last 3 days, so feel free to ask questions :) i've missed being on here with you ladies! i wanted to update earlier- i've actually been working on this post all day, but it's been slow going!

some photos of my funny, perfect little man:

fresh out of the box:

my two special guys:


this is my favorite expression!!! googley eyes!!! it cracks me up every time!
Hi Bex wow were do I start!!!
Our journeys began together and now there ending together.. Now we start a new chapter in our life's together!!
I just want u to know how happy and glad we went threw this together since day one u and hope!!
I wanna know how ur birthing experience was?
How was the pain?
Are u sleeping??
Is Morgan there to help u? Is he taking vacation?
Are u having to take pain pills?
Did u rip? Sorry so many questions just wanna know!!

Btw ushoukd have posted pics for me days ago women!!!!!!

He is do cute..
i know! i this has been such a wild ride over the last 9 months. i hope it's justthe beginning of our friendship!

my labor experience was not bad overall- it was the length of the ordeal that really got me! at first the pain was really just like waves of af cramps. i wasn't even sure i was in labor. even when we left for the hospital and i was pretty sure i was in early labor, i thought they might send me away for not being dilated enough, but i had reached 4 cm by the time i got there. the contractions got progressively stronger until i just literally didn't want to do it anymore and was wondering why i was waiting for the epi! once i got the epi, i couldn't feel a thing! not a thing! i was just hanging out in bed. once i got to 10 cm and they broke my water, i started feeling stronger and stronger pressure, but it really wasn't the pain that was bad at that point. it was the exhaustion. it was pushing 4 times per contraction (every 2-3 minutes) for 3 hours. i was so tired. they kept threatening to give me pitocin, but i reallly didn't want it so i kept refusing. they only let me refuse because eli wasn't in distress. the doctor said she was really impressed that i was able to get him out at all because of the way he was lodged in there. oh my gosh! it hurts so bad to have a head stuck halfway in/halfway out of your cooter for half an hour! it was so weird once i finally got past the stuck part, everything else just slid out- the rest of his head, his body, and the placenta too! i didn't even have to push during afterbirth. morgan said it was like a clown pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket! :haha:

we're sleeping in shifts right now because eli absolutely refuses to be put down. it wakes him up and he screams and won't stop. the pediatrician says that some kids just aren't programmed to sleep on their backs and they have a hard time adjusting, but they eventually do. i hope it doesn't take too long!

morgan has a week off to help me. he's been so wonderful. i think i've only changed three diapers since eli was born. he knows i'm in a lot of pain and so he's made sure that he brings me things whenever possible- food, bottes, blankets, etc. he's also been keeping things pretty clean around here.

i tore during delivery, but they didn't tell me the degree of the tear or how many stitches i have. all i know is it's extremely painful to do any kind of business in the bathroom, sit down, stand up, walk, and pretty much do anything right now. i'm not taking pain pills though. i honestly haven't even had a tylenol. i know it's supposed to be safe, but i just really don't want to pass any of that on through my breastmilk. and just like you said, my feet and legs are soooooo swollen! you were totally right. i can't even get my flip flops on! i'm retaining so much water, my legs actually feel really heavy.

and what the heck are you doing bding??? are you crazy? you HAVE to wait until the doctor clears you. your uterus is healing and you can actually get a really bad infection! please be careful!!!:hugs:
Awww, I feel like I missed so much even though I've only been off a day! Wow!!

Bex, thanks for sharing your story with us :) I knew you'd be super busy with Eli and healing up from your trauma (LOL - birth really is physical trauma, even if our bodies are "made" to do it - I don't care what anyone says!). I'm glad that it was overall a smooth experience for you. Eli is such a little gem. My heart melted when you wrote that part about him doing a pushup to look you right in the face. That is so special; you'll never forget it. Very glad to hear Morgan is being extra supportive right now. I'll look forward to more updates over the next little while (when you have the time!).

Annie, I'm sorry about the hmrds and the BDing pain! I agree with Bex that you should just take some time off. I know it's probably aggravating, but better to let things heal up in there so that you don't do any more damage! :hugs:
Well I'm really glad to hear Bentlie hasn't thrown up in a couple days! That must be so nice - one less thing to worry about!

Well my HSG is officially cancelled :( I know both of my Drs would have fought for me (my FS did try to call but couldn't get through), but they had already "decided" what was happening at the X ray department, and there was no changing anyone's mind. So, I wait. Hopefully I'll be able to get in next cycle, but I have a hunch my dates (it has to be CD 8, 9 or 10) will fall right over Christmas or New Year's. In which case I'll have to wait till the end of January. Ugh. So we'll see.

I am very glad to be meeting with my FS (phone appt) on Friday. I really am curious as to what they will do with my new blood results, if I wili have to take Lovenox injections, etc. Now that we have discovered this it seems less important to get the HSG done.

And, anyways, I was thinking about it, and it might be good for us to wait another month or two before trying again. If I *do* have a blood clotting issue (and the blood thinners can help us carry to term), I don't want to be 6 or 7 months pregnant when I have to fly to Toronto for our wedding! Then, not only is the belly a wedding inconvenience, but it is also a risk to my health! *sigh* I just don't know anymore!
Oh yea we will def conti to be friends..

Ur birthing xperiejce sounds good .. At least y'all home!!!!!

Bc I didn't have stiches below so why wait? Lol

Bentlie just ate 3 oz omg she is growing!! And she kept it down! Yay!!!

Why won't he sleep on his back..
Oh for the swelling water with lemon in it like real lemons .. Works wonders
Annie make sure to remind me of all your tips when I do have a baby! haha - you guys are gonna be my key informants! :haha:

So glad Bentlie is eating and gaining :thumbup:
Hehe okay will sure do.
I'm gonna clean a little bit
Wow hope u have such bad luck!!!!

Yea maybe waiting till after the wedding to get preggo Incase they put u on strict bed rest!!!!

Gl with ur phone call..

How is the puppy??

I wanna see pics
even without having a vaginal birth, you still need to wait. the area from where the placenta detaches in your uterus is actually an open wound right now and it takes awhile to heal. introducing anything into your lady bits right now- even a tampon- can make you more susceptible to uterine infections.

i don't know why he won't sleep on his back. we actually have him in his car seat right now and he's sleeping without being held for the first time since we brought him home!!! maybe that's the way we get some sleep around here! :happydance: he had another biliruben blood draw today and he'll have another before we visit the pediatrician tomorrow. hopefully the formula supplementation has helped. he's been nursing a lot better because he has more energy and my milk is coming in now, so i'm hoping we can switch to exclusively bfing soon and we'll be out of the woods concerning the jaundice.

hope- i can't believe your hsg had to be cancelled :( that's so lame. you deserve the best pregnancy/delivery/and recovery anyone's ever had after all this is over!
U have a boppy?? U can always put him there to sleep are bentlie loves her swing.
Swaddles him very tight and put the swing on low setting
Thanks ladies, as always. Lol Annie I know, I just want some good news for a change! I feel like I have some major good karma coming my way after all this crap luck! :haha: I will keep you posted about the appointment!

You're not horrible for smoking. It's a very difficult thing to give up! But I think you should draw from the strength you had withholding during your pregnancy to try and stop again. You KNOW you can do this! Bentlie's lungs are even more susceptible right now than they were in the womb, so keep that in mind - even second hand smoke can cause problems.

Here are some pics of puppy...I just uploaded them from my camera today!

Smaller dog is our older dog, Paisley, and puppy is, well, obvious. His name is Theo!

We bought them an ugly walmart carpet to play on. Keeps them off the couch!

Theo in the snow :)

My fave pic - the brats in the car!

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